
Egypt found 3,000 years ago "stone slabs", 63 cm high, British experts: Chinese civilization foreign

Our Chinese civilization has a long history of 5,000 years, but Western scholars have not recognized it in recent decades, they only recognize that our Chinese history is at most 3,000 years, because the written history is only these years.

Egypt found 3,000 years ago "stone slabs", 63 cm high, British experts: Chinese civilization foreign

Of course, we ourselves know that the ancient history of our China is very long, and even more than 5,000 years old, such as the excavation of the Jia Lake site, which absolutely shocked the world.

But even so, foreign experts are still looking for all kinds of faults to ridicule us "Chinese civilization is foreign", today's cultural relics have been used by British experts to mock our Chinese civilization, let's take a look at it together!

Egypt found 3,000 years ago "stone slabs", 63 cm high, British experts: Chinese civilization foreign

You should know the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh, Egypt's historical civilization is also very long, and we In China belong to the ranks of the "four major civilizations and ancient countries", in the early 20th century, a group of official archaeological teams from the United Kingdom came to Egypt to start archaeological excavations in a royal tomb, and did not expect that this excavation operation was very fruitful.

Egypt found 3,000 years ago "stone slabs", 63 cm high, British experts: Chinese civilization foreign

It took the British archaeological team 3 months to finally excavate the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh Menis, and cleared a large number of artifacts from his tomb, most of which are extremely precious. Menesa was the first king of the Egyptian dynasty, that is, the founding emperor, so his status was naturally very honorable, who could have imagined that his tomb would later be pried open by the British official tomb robber gang.

And that time there was a cultural relic unearthed is really very remarkable, can be called shocking the world, that is, was later named "Narmai Palette" shield-shaped stone slab, this "Narmai Palette" belongs to the First Dynasty of Egypt, 3000 years ago, although the height is only 63 cm, but this slate has attracted the special attention of British archaeologists.

Egypt found 3,000 years ago "stone slabs", 63 cm high, British experts: Chinese civilization foreign

In fact, this "Narmai palette" records the story of Menis, and after careful inspection of the pattern on the slate, you will find that this "Narmai palette" celebrates the historical merits of Menes, the founding king of the Egyptian dynasty.

Egypt found 3,000 years ago "stone slabs", 63 cm high, British experts: Chinese civilization foreign

But who would have thought that the British experts did not think so, they felt that the pattern on the "Narmai Palette" reflected the scene of the Yellow Emperor and the Great War of Xuan You, obviously this inference has no substantive evidence, but the British experts want to denigrate our Chinese culture.

Egypt found 3,000 years ago "stone slabs", 63 cm high, British experts: Chinese civilization foreign

Of course, later, some international authoritative experts also examined this "Narmai palette" again, confirming that there is no half-cent relationship with our Chinese history and culture, and it can also be regarded as a naked face of those boring experts in britain!

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