
A township in Hangzhou was corrupted in a "collapsed manner": within 9 months, 8 people were investigated

author:Southern Weekly
A township in Hangzhou was corrupted in a "collapsed manner": within 9 months, 8 people were investigated

(Dust 4x/figure)

Five months after his fall, Qiu Rongxue, the former secretary of the former town party committee of Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou, was "double-opened", and on August 20, 2021, the Xiaoshan District Procuratorate made an arrest decision on Qiu Rongxue on suspicion of accepting bribes.

Qiu Rong's investigation has attracted much public attention, because the town under his leadership has been investigated for 8 consecutive people in the 9 months from July 2020 to March 2021, in addition to his town party secretary, there are also deputy town mayors, party and government office directors, party building office directors and 4 staff members of other departments.

Are there any links between the 8 people's violations of discipline and law? A staff member of the Propaganda Department of the Xiaoshan District Cpc Committee told southern weekend reporters that the relevant cases are still under trial, and there is no clear statement for the time being.

A township in Hangzhou was corrupted in a "collapsed manner": within 9 months, 8 people were investigated

Within 9 months, 8 people were investigated in the former town of Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou. (Screenshot/photo of the official website of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou)

<h3>The former secretary interfered in the administration of justice </h3>

Qiu Rong School is a native of Hangzhou, born in 1970, and his career began in Soqian Town. He has successively served as a clerk, judicial assistant, deputy director of the Political and Legal Affairs Office, deputy director of the Party and Government Office, and in 2001 he was transferred to the Organization Department of the Xiaoshan District Committee, where he served as an officer of the Organization Section, a deputy section chief, and a member of the Ministerial Council of the Organization Department. At the end of 2014, Qiu Rong returned to the town and served as the deputy secretary of the town party committee, and was promoted to mayor two months later.

In January 2019, Qiu Rong was promoted to party secretary of the former town. After that, he put forward the development slogan of "suitable mountains and rivers, integration of industry and city" for soqian town, and sozen town entered a period of rapid development.

Suoqian Town is located in the middle of Xiaoshan District of Hangzhou, bordering Shaoxing City to the east. The town is 44.1 square kilometers, with a permanent population of 58,000, and has jurisdiction over 19 administrative villages and 2 communities. The town has a number of scenic spots such as Hangzhou Ecological Park, Longquan Temple, blue ocean town, etc., and is one of the first batch of strong tourist towns in Zhejiang Province. The town has vast orchards and tea plantations and is known as the "Hometown of Chinese Bayberry".

According to the official website of the Xiaoshan District Government, soqian Town was once a famous "petition town". In recent years, Soqian Town has insisted on resolving cases and cracking down on them according to law, focusing on breaking the vicious circle of "no trouble, no solution, one trouble is good to solve", and resolving major contradictions such as the construction of multiple resettlement communities.

After two years as the town party secretary, in March 2021, Qiu Rong School fell. In the report of the discipline inspection department, Qiu Rongxue seriously violated the discipline of honesty, work and life, constituting a serious violation of the law and suspected of accepting bribes, and still did not restrain, did not accept, and did not know the end after the Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

As early as 2019, the Xiaoshan District Audit Bureau audited the performance of Qiu Rong's economic responsibilities, natural resource asset management and ecological environmental protection responsibilities during his tenure as mayor of the town (From January 2016 to December 2018).

The audit found a number of problems: more projects in the former town decided to directly issue contracts at the meeting of the bidding and bidding leading group, and there were situations such as splitting the project bidding and bidding, and the file procedures for bidding projects were incomplete or missing. At the same time, some projects have a situation of first construction and then make up procedures. In terms of financial management, the expenditure of the former town was 143.6374 million yuan, and 37.5135 million yuan of transactions were not cleared in time.

When Qiu Rong fell from power, the discipline inspection department pointed out that he had four specific problems: he repeatedly accepted gifts, gift money, and consumption cards; interfered in and interfered in judicial activities in violation of the law; misbehaved with others; misbehaved and had improper sexual relations with others; used public power as a tool for profit, engaged in power and money transactions, used his position to facilitate the use of his position to seek benefits for others in the construction of projects, enterprise requisition and relocation, and illegally accepted huge amounts of property.

<h3>Two-thirds of the departments found "corrupt elements"</h3>

Qiu Rong's fall from the school is an end to the "collapse of corruption" in the former town officialdom. In the 9 months before his downfall, a total of 7 cadres in the town had been dismissed, including deputy mayor, director of the party and government office, director of the party building office and other local "important positions".

In July 2020, Chen Xingwang, a former staff member of the Agricultural and Rural Affairs Office of Soqian Town, was examined and investigated, kicking off the prelude to the "earthquake" of the civil service system in Soqian Town. A month later, Chen Jianfa, director of the party and government office of the former town, was examined and investigated. In September 2020, Wu Feng, director of the Party Building Office of the former town, and Hua Guan, the second-level director of the Urban Construction Office, were dismissed. In November 2020, Wu Zheming, the deputy mayor of so-ago, fell from power.

In March 2021, Jin Youxiang, a staff member of the Regional Development Office of the former town government, and Wang Diping, a staff member of the Ping An Construction Office, were dismissed one after another.

There are 9 departments under the former town government, namely the Regional Development Office, the Urban Construction Office, the Agricultural and Rural Affairs Office, the Ping An Construction Office, the Party and Mass Service Center Office, the Comprehensive Information Command Room, the Party Building Work Office, the Party and Government Comprehensive Office, and the Public Service Office. That is to say, 6 out of 9 departments have found "corrupt elements".

Several officials who have made public the results of their punishments are suspected of accepting bribes. In March 2021, the Xiaoshan District Procuratorate announced that three former members of the town government had been prosecuted. According to the indictment, the three men repeatedly accepted money and property from others in huge amounts during their tenure of public office. Also indicted are two business leaders, both suspected of bribery.

The Xiaoshan District Procuratorate alleged that the above-mentioned two people, without construction qualifications, borrowed the qualifications and names of other companies, illegally undertook a number of projects, and in order to seek improper benefits, gave property to a number of former town public officials, the circumstances were serious.

Southern Weekend reporter Zhang Diyang Southern Weekend intern Wang Chenyuan