
Big scene! 6 hours snow plowing 1.2 million square meters! "Open Road Artifact" unveiled! Long like this

Today is the small cold festival, as the saying goes: "when the cold is two or three nine, the cold is cold to shiver", the cold winter is coming, many places in the north have ushered in snowfall, and the task of clearing snow is very arduous. Professional ice and snow removal machinery has become a sharp weapon in the current ice and snow world.

After the blizzard, take you to see the mechanized snow removal scene

Not long ago, a heavy snow in Urumqi lasted for one day and one night, and the thickest snow cover exceeded 15 centimeters. 120 snow truck drivers fought continuously for 15 hours, and all the places swept by snow removal trucks on the main roads of Urumqi were quickly cleaned up.

Big scene! 6 hours snow plowing 1.2 million square meters! "Open Road Artifact" unveiled! Long like this

The length of the roller brush on the snowplow was increased to 3.6 meters, and the speed was as fast as 410 revolutions per minute. The snow removal project department has more than 30 kilometers of road to clean, and the snow area is nearly 1.2 million square meters, which is equivalent to the area of three Tiananmen Square, but 65 snow removal vehicles can clear the road covered by this heavy snow level in 6 hours.

Big scene! 6 hours snow plowing 1.2 million square meters! "Open Road Artifact" unveiled! Long like this

If there had been such a heavy snowfall a year ago, it would have taken at least a week for the entire city to clear the snow and return to normal traffic. Now in addition to snow removal vehicles, there are also skidders, snow lifters, snow shovels, and the snow removal process is full of science and technology.

Big scene! 6 hours snow plowing 1.2 million square meters! "Open Road Artifact" unveiled! Long like this

In 2021, the demand for snow removal equipment in various places has grown rapidly, especially since the beginning of autumn, enterprises that produce and develop snow removal equipment are also particularly busy.

Big scene! 6 hours snow plowing 1.2 million square meters! "Open Road Artifact" unveiled! Long like this

Li Guojin, general manager of XCMG (Liaoning) Marketing Company

Big scene! 6 hours snow plowing 1.2 million square meters! "Open Road Artifact" unveiled! Long like this

Li Guojin was in charge of the sales of construction machinery vehicles in Xuzhou before, and the snow removal vehicle was still the first contact, he did not expect that the factory in Fuxin had orders in the first year of production, and in the whole year of 2021, more than 1,100 comprehensive snow removal vehicles and various types of hanging snow removal tools alone have been sold.

Big scene! 6 hours snow plowing 1.2 million square meters! "Open Road Artifact" unveiled! Long like this

While production and sales are booming, the company's R&D team is also intensively upgrading the technology of new products. Their newly developed snow thrower can instantly throw snow that has accumulated into a height of half a meter 30 meters away, breaking it into tiny ice slag scattered on the ground.

Big scene! 6 hours snow plowing 1.2 million square meters! "Open Road Artifact" unveiled! Long like this

This high-efficiency snow throwing machine can throw 2500 tons of snow an hour, basically after the vehicle passes, the snow on the road can be removed by 70% and 80%.

Big scene! 6 hours snow plowing 1.2 million square meters! "Open Road Artifact" unveiled! Long like this

Tian Pengxin, director of the quality management department of XCMG (Liaoning) Machinery Co., Ltd. Now, the new generation of snow throwing machine they are developing can reach about 4,000 tons of snow per hour, and the distance of snow throwing can be increased to 60 meters away.

Big scene! 6 hours snow plowing 1.2 million square meters! "Open Road Artifact" unveiled! Long like this

XCMG (Liaoning) Machinery Co., Ltd. Deputy Director of Technology Research and Development Department Cao Yongguang Before 2008, overseas brand snow removal equipment almost monopolized the domestic market, not only the sales price is expensive, the cost of user operation and maintenance is also very high. Xugong Group, where Cao Yongguang is located, has a keen insight into the vast market of snow removal equipment in China, laid out a production and research and development base in the northeast, and embarked on the road of research and development and manufacturing of its own brand snow removal equipment.

Big scene! 6 hours snow plowing 1.2 million square meters! "Open Road Artifact" unveiled! Long like this

In view of the different snow volumes and terrains in the north and south, Cao Yongguang has developed as many as 105 types of various snow removal machines and comprehensive snow removal vehicles. At present, the high-end ice removal equipment industrial base that XCMG is building in Fuxin, Liaoning Province, is aiming at the research and development and manufacturing of high-end snow removal equipment.

Big scene! 6 hours snow plowing 1.2 million square meters! "Open Road Artifact" unveiled! Long like this

Xugong (Liaoning) Machinery Co., Ltd. General Manager Wang Jian as early as the 1920s, foreign countries have appeared in the ice and snow removal equipment, in the past a long time, China's ice shoveling and snow removal equipment market, can only see the figure of foreign brands. Some high-end overseas brands have laid out China as a major market.

Big scene! 6 hours snow plowing 1.2 million square meters! "Open Road Artifact" unveiled! Long like this

From "big" to "smart", domestic snow removal equipment has shown its skills

International snow removal equipment companies focus on the Chinese market, and China's construction machinery manufacturing enterprises are not left behind. A multi-functional snow removal vehicle developed by a construction machinery manufacturing enterprise in Changsha, Hunan Province, is small in stature, has a smart "brain", is equipped with lidar, depth camera, ultrasonic and other functions, can be operated remotely, unmanned, and is good at working in narrow back streets and alleys.

Big scene! 6 hours snow plowing 1.2 million square meters! "Open Road Artifact" unveiled! Long like this

Matching with intelligent snow removal vehicles, the company has also developed a complete set of smart sanitation cloud platforms, which can be managed by big data for snow sweeping and street cleaning.

Big scene! 6 hours snow plowing 1.2 million square meters! "Open Road Artifact" unveiled! Long like this

The company's products also include high-pressure cold windblown snowmobiles weighing up to 18 tons. Before Chinese companies did not develop this device, the price of a similar foreign product exceeded one million yuan.

Big scene! 6 hours snow plowing 1.2 million square meters! "Open Road Artifact" unveiled! Long like this

The snowblower, as the name suggests, is to use strong wind to blow the snow clean, this high-pressure cold wind blowing snowmobile wind speed can reach 125 meters per second at peak time, and the central wind speed is equivalent to three to four times that of a 12-level typhoon.

Big scene! 6 hours snow plowing 1.2 million square meters! "Open Road Artifact" unveiled! Long like this

Previously, their users were concentrated in the northern region, and now with some extreme weather, southern cities are also ordering de-icing equipment with them. In particular, in 2021, the growing demand for ice and snow removal equipment across the country has also doubled the pressure on the company's production workshop.

Big scene! 6 hours snow plowing 1.2 million square meters! "Open Road Artifact" unveiled! Long like this

Ice shoveling and snow removal equipment is an emerging field of construction machinery, and China's construction machinery enterprises continue to move towards specialization and intelligence in the research and development of ice and snow removal equipment.

Big scene! 6 hours snow plowing 1.2 million square meters! "Open Road Artifact" unveiled! Long like this

【Half-hour observation】Innovation casts the road to high-quality development in the field of construction machinery, in the past we know that China's cranes, excavators, shield machines and other large equipment strength is strong. In today's program, we see snowspeakers, snow removal robots, snow removal machines, these specialized, refined, characteristic construction machinery, And Chinese companies are also blazing new trails and catching up. For Chinese manufacturing to usher in high-quality development, it is necessary to have such demand-oriented innovation. We expect that China's manufacturing can blossom in various fields, injecting a source of power into promoting high-quality economic development and building a new development pattern.

Source: CCTV Finance

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