
The first county-level cultural center in our province was published

According to Jiaozuo Cultural Brigade:

The "Chronicle of Qinyang Cultural Center", which was compiled by the Qinyang Cultural Center over a period of four years and six drafts, was recently published by the Zhongzhou Ancient Books Publishing House and publicly distributed to the public. The publication of the museum's journal fills the gap in this field at the county (city, district) level in our province.

"Qinyang Cultural Center Chronicle (1947-2020)" has 12 chapters and 34 sections, including institutional overview, memorabilia, cultural center construction, literary creation, artistic creation exhibition, literary and art competition performance, grass-roots comprehensive cultural services, major cultural activities, intangible cultural heritage protection, intangible cultural heritage inheritance and research, intangible cultural heritage protection major events, characters, etc., a total of 500,000 words, including more than 550 pictures. Relying on the management of mass culture and intangible cultural heritage services, taking multiple historical periods as the context, and appropriately using the narrative zhijie chart and record, the journal comprehensively and objectively records the historical process of the establishment, development, development, and expansion of the Qinyang Cultural Center, shows its development trajectory and activity status in a panoramic manner, and achieves the purpose of "preserving history, governing and educating", providing an important reference for the construction and development of the cultural center in the future.

After the second liberation of Qinyang County in July 1947, the Qinyang County Democratic Government established the Qinyang County People's Education Center (the predecessor of the Qinyang Cultural Center) in September. In the 73 years up to 2020, Qinyang Cultural Center has moved its site three times, changed its name several times, combined institutions several times, continuously strengthened its work functions, and greatly improved the construction of cultural center facilities, public cultural service capabilities and levels.

At present, Qinyang City Cultural Center has a comprehensive exhibition hall, intangible cultural heritage exhibition hall, calligraphy and painting creation room, dance rehearsal room, VR experience room, literary and art group activity room, badminton court, Qunxing Theater, "My Dream" stage and other activity venues, integrating cultural activity organization, art training exhibition, group literature theory research, intangible cultural heritage protection and inheritance, foreign cultural exchanges and other functions.

In the recent evaluation and grading of the fifth national cultural center organized by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Qinyang City Cultural Center was identified as a "first-class cultural center".

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