
Nine quiet poems, suitable for one person to read quietly

A philosopher once said:

Life, the brilliant pole tends to be flat.

Although it is as light as water, it can always make small ripples. Overnight, one mountain and one water, calm and calm, are all surprises.

Life is not about rushing, but about feeling the way. In every shallow day, may we not argue or grab, but there are years to reward. May we not be in a hurry and smile at the quiet good times.

Nine quiet poems, suitable for one person to read quietly

When it is quiet, you can feel the delicate beauty even more.

"Autumn Night Sent to Qiu Yuanwai"

Don Wei Yingwu

Huaijun belongs to the autumn night, walking and singing cool days.

Empty mountain pine nuts fall, the ghost should not sleep.

On this autumn night, I think of you, the pine nuts of the empty mountain should have fallen, you are not asleep yet. Calmly write, light ink, the concern for friends is shallow and deep, concise and long, making people feel that the charm is eternal and endless.

When it was quiet, I thought of you, thoughts lightly, melodious love, so beautiful.

Nine quiet poems, suitable for one person to read quietly

Inner peace is often the source of happiness in life.

"Searching for nanxi Changshan Daoist hermitage"

Tang Liu Changqing

Along the way, there are traces of berry moss.

The white clouds are quiet, and the spring grass is closed.

Look at the pine color through the rain, follow the mountain to the water source.

Xihua and Zen are relatively forgetful.

The poet does not meet a friend, the closed idle door, the swaying grass, let people immerse themselves in the quiet realm of "the grass in front of the green window is not removed", and the taste is salted in this silent world.

Smile at the wind and rain of life, indifferent and peaceful. Life, the intersection of sorrow and joy, mixing sorrow and happiness, bitter and sweet dependence, know how to give up, in order to relax; know how to see open, in order to be happy.

Nine quiet poems, suitable for one person to read quietly

Keep a quiet beauty, wait for a warmth.

"Spring Thoughts"

Don Lee Bai

Swallow grass is like beth, and Qinsang has low green branches.

When the king returns to the day, it is the concubine who breaks the intestine.

Spring breeze does not know each other, what into Luo Shuai.

In the middle of spring, the mulberry leaves are luxuriant, and the si woman who is alone in Qindi touches the scenery and looks forward to the early return of her husband who is serving in Yandi; she wants her husband who is far away in Yandi to see the bethy spring grass at this moment, and she will inevitably have the idea of returning home.

We are thousands of miles apart, but the herbs of spring make people miss it. Thoughts are like herbs, stretching endlessly. When you think about someone, read this poem!

Nine quiet poems, suitable for one person to read quietly

The most real happiness in life will eventually return to a dull life.

"Fishing Song"

Don Zhang Zhihe

Egrets fly in front of The Cissé Mountains, peach blossoms flowing water mandarin fish fat.

Green straw, green coat, oblique wind and drizzle do not have to return.

Green mountains in the rain, fishing boats on the river, blank herons in the sky, red peaches on both sides of the strait, bright colors but soft, the atmosphere is quiet but full of vitality. The fisherman wears a green hat on his head and a green coat, braving the sloping wind and drizzle, happily fishing, and there is no need to go home.

Perhaps the best years were like this, everything was quiet, and we were in a quiet environment, quietly staying, undisturbed.

Nine quiet poems, suitable for one person to read quietly

Falling together is life, day and night is a day, and the days are spent in plainness.

The Fisherman

Don Liu Zongyuan

The fisherman night is in the west of the rock, and Xiao Ji Qingxiang burns Chu bamboo.

Smoke sales sunrise does not see anyone, but a sound of green water.

Looking back at the middle stream under the sky, there are no heartless clouds on the rocks.

At night, the fisherman's boat stops at the West Mountain. Get up early in the morning, take water and burn bamboo to cook. The sun was rising, the fog was gradually dissipating, and there was no sound around. The fisherman shook the bridge, the sound of the tree was a sound, and the green mountains and green water came into view. Looking back at the sky, the river is rolling in the east. The white clouds on the mountain are leisurely and relaxed.

Wandering between the green mountains and green waters, all the fatigue is dissolved, and the landscape has such a healing effect.

Nine quiet poems, suitable for one person to read quietly

Guard the pure land of one side, appreciate every warmth, and look at each other with the years.

"Night To Lumen Mountain Song"

Don Meng Haoran

The mountain temple bell is already dusk, and the fishing beams are rushing to cross the noise.

The people followed the sand bank to Jiangcun, and Yu also returned to Lumen by boat.

Lumen Moon opened the smoke tree and suddenly came to Pang Gongqi's hidden place.

The rock pine path is long and lonely, and only the ghosts come and go.

It was nearly dusk, the bells in the mountain temple rang, pedestrians walked along the sand bank to Jiangcun, and I also returned to Lumen Mountain in a small boat. The bright moonlight reflects Lumen Mountain, and the mountain trees are misty.

When returning to Lumen at night, only the poet is accompanied by the mountain forest, and the idyllic and detached hermit is like this. The mountain forest at night will make people's hearts quiet, listen to the birds and birds, and listen to the most joyful sounds in their hearts.

Nine quiet poems, suitable for one person to read quietly

Be a quiet spectator, slow down, calm down, listen to the sound of flowers blooming, and watch a cloud cirrus.

"Pei Xiu Cai Di"

Don Wang Wei

The cold mountains turn green, and the autumn water is babbling.

Leaning on the cane outside the firewood door, the wind listens to the twilight cicadas.

The sun sets over the head, and there is lone smoke in the ruins.

Compound value received public opinion drunk, singing wildly before five willows.

Although it is late autumn, the mountains are still green, the water is still babbling, the sunset is over, the lonely smoke in the ruins, the authentic mountain village customs, the love of Taoran, I hope that life can enjoy this scenery for a long time.

In life, there are too many troubles that hinder us, if you can't solve it, it is better to look down, leave a tranquility in your soul, and be kind to your true self.

Nine quiet poems, suitable for one person to read quietly

Sit quietly for a cup of tea and steal half a day's leisure.

"Pin Ling Tea Words"

Song Huang Tingjian

Phoenix Dance Troupe Cake. Hate is broken, teach orphans.

The golden canal is quiet, only the wheel is slowly milled, and the jade dust is shining.

Tang xiang song wind, early reduction of two points of alcohol disease.

The flavor is strong and fragrant forever. Drunken township road, into a good situation.

Just like under the lamp, the deceased is far away, returning to the shadow.

The mouth cannot speak, and the heart is happy and introspective.

When you are idle, make a pot of tea and enjoy a quiet time. It is like when you are alone with a lone lamp, and the old people come from thousands of miles away to meet each other. This kind of magic can only be understood, not expressed, and only the drinker can appreciate the taste of it.

Drinking a cup of tea, such as talking to a friend who has not seen each other for a long time, what a comfortable and idyllic time, suitable for a person to enjoy quietly.

Nine quiet poems, suitable for one person to read quietly

A lifetime is not long, please be dashing and live a comfortable life

"Drunken Song on Stone Fish Lake"

Don Meta Knot

Stone fish lake, like a cave garden, summer water wants to fill the junshan green.

The mountains are bottles, the water is swamps, and the drunkards have been sitting on the island.

The long wind makes a big wave for days, and it is not possible to waste people to transport wine.

I sat on the bachu with a long scoop and drank four to dissipate my sorrows.

The poet said: Make the valley a wine glass, and the lake water a wine pool. How dashing and relaxed, drunk in the landscape of this lake, I have my own happiness.

The happiest thing in life is to be at ease. Drink freely, sing freely, do whatever you want, don't care about their eyes.

Standing between the mountains and the waters, purity is my bosom; standing between gain and loss, one heart is always happy.

Between the lakes and mountains, we can often find the most authentic self.

The most beautiful in the world,

But smoke and rain make slanted eaves,

Before the flowing water passes through the court,

The fog has not dissipated, the people have not returned,

Yu Yi's small boat crossed the river for many years


Nine quiet poems, suitable for one person to read quietly

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