
China's single-hole laparoscopic technology ushered in the era of robotics, highlighting the minimally invasive and precise

China's single-hole laparoscopic technology ushered in the era of robotics, highlighting the minimally invasive and precise

The launch of the single-hole laparoscopic surgical robot clinical project will be held. Courtesy of Shanghai Ninth Hospital

On January 6, the reporter learned that the single-hole laparoscopic surgical robot clinical project held a kick-off meeting at the Ninth People's Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine (hereinafter referred to as the Shanghai Ninth Hospital).

The single-hole laparoscopic surgical robot clinical project is carried out by four medical institutions in China, namely: Shanghai Changhai Hospital, the Ninth People's Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, and the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine.

Project leader Xu Bin, chief physician of the Department of Urology of Shanghai Ninth Hospital, said in an interview on the 6th that single-hole laparoscopic technology ushered in the era of robots, which can realize urological endoscopic surgery to be more minimally invasive and precise. He believes that the development of the project will meet the needs of patients for rapid recovery and aesthetics to a greater extent.

Professor Xu Kai, chairman of the relevant medical device enterprises, told reporters that after more than ten years of research and development process, Chinese enterprises have taken the lead in developing technologies such as surgical robot snake arms, breaking the monopoly of foreign single-hole surgical robots, making China's single-hole surgical robots attract much attention in the world.

At the same time, as a professor at the School of Robotics of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Professor Xu Kai is very pleased with the launch of the project in the Affiliated Hospital of Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, and said that he will continue to deepen the cross-cooperation between medical workers and jointly create more excellent products.

According to reports, Wang Changqian, vice president of Shanghai Ninth Hospital, said that as an original product of Chinese high-tech enterprises, single-hole laparoscopic surgical robots are not only technological progress in the field of surgery, but also the pride of the Chinese people. Wang Changqian pointed out that it is necessary to complete the project content with high quality with a rigorous attitude and strict standards, and promote the continuous development of single-hole laparoscopic robot technology to benefit the majority of patients.

At the kick-off meeting, the researchers introduced the specific situation and research plan of the project, and the participating experts had an in-depth discussion.

During the interview, the reporter learned that the chief physician of the project, Xu Bin, participated in the completion of the first single-hole laparoscopic surgery in domestic urology in 2008, and after the main knife and participated in a number of first single-hole surgeries in the field of domestic urology, so far he and the team have completed more than 400 cases of various single-hole laparoscopic surgeries, which is one of the earliest and most complete teams in the field of domestic urology. (End)

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