
In 1942 Hitler made a request that, if Chiang Kai-shek had agreed, world history or had been rewritten

Before the outbreak of World War II, and even for some time after the outbreak of World War II, China and Germany had a long honeymoon period.

There is always a reason for everything, why is Germany and China so good? This has to start with Chiang Kai-shek and Hitley, the rulers of the two countries at that time.

Chiang Kai-shek's admiration for Hitler was like a gushing river, and in today's fashionable parlance, Chiang Kai-shek was a die-hard fan of Hitler.

In 1942 Hitler made a request that, if Chiang Kai-shek had agreed, world history or had been rewritten

Old Chiang once believed that if China's traditional culture and fascist theory were combined, it would be a magic weapon to control the chaotic world in China at that time. During the Republic of China period, there was an organization called the "Revival Society" that made people shudder, to put it bluntly, it was a secret service organization, and this organization was the product of Chiang Kai-shek's imitation of German fascism.

After Hitler became Chancellor of Germany, in order to promote his ideas of aggression and expansion, he decided to vigorously develop the military industry, the development of the military industry needs a lot of resources to support, Germany is a country with scarce resources, where do these resources come from? Hitler set his sights on China.

In 1942 Hitler made a request that, if Chiang Kai-shek had agreed, world history or had been rewritten

In Hitler's eyes, China was the "source of strategic data for Germany's stability." This is interesting, the old Chiang admired Hitler and hoped to increase international trade with Germany, and Hitler needed China's resources, and the two hit it off.

In May 1936, when the Dehua Credit Loan Contract was signed, and relations between China and Germany gradually improved, Hitler presented Chiang Kai-shek with the honorary saber of the Wehrmacht and his own photograph to express his "admiration for the junza and the slight intention of your country". Chiang Kai-shek also took advantage of Hitler's birthday to call and praise Hitler.

And that's not all, Germany also gave Chiang Kai-shek three cars, one of which was exactly the same as the one Hitler was riding when he inspected the army. Chiang Kai-shek directly awarded medals to the German Minister of Defense, the Minister of Economy, the Minister of Aviation and other dignitaries.

In 1942 Hitler made a request that, if Chiang Kai-shek had agreed, world history or had been rewritten

Let's be more practical, I can't even look at it, I can't always play a false shot, let's see how practical the relationship between China and Germany is. Germany also sent a large number of military advisers to China, and in addition to this, the strategic material and arms trade between the two countries developed rapidly.

Strategic materials are mainly China's exports to Germany of tungsten sand (an indispensable strategic raw material for guns and cannons), antimony, tin and other heavy metal raw materials. The arms trade is mainly Germany's export of guns and other materials to China. When we watch TV now, we often see that many people talk about the Kuomintang as "German-style equipment." How did this equipment come about? It was sold to us by Germany.

In 1942 Hitler made a request that, if Chiang Kai-shek had agreed, world history or had been rewritten

In fact, in addition to what we can see on television, German arms exported to China include mine-laying boats, field howitzers, anti-aircraft gun tractor howitzers, gunboats, torpedo boats, anti-aircraft guns, and so on. When the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression broke out in 1937, the Kuomintang authorities already had a force of more than 80,000 people with all German equipment, which was used as the main force on the Songhu battlefield.

After Japan's all-out invasion of China, China and Japan no longer shared the same sky. But on September 27, 1940, Germany, Italy, and Japan allied themselves, and it didn't matter what the alliance was, it had to show some sincerity, and Germany's sincerity was to "recognize and respect Japan's leadership in establishing a new greater East Asian order."

In 1942 Hitler made a request that, if Chiang Kai-shek had agreed, world history or had been rewritten

This is not to mention, Hitler even announced the recognition of Wang Jingwei's puppet regime, the Kuomintang could not bear it, the old Chiang Scolded, "Niang Pixi! It then formally announced the severance of diplomatic relations with Germany. In 1941, after the outbreak of the Pacific War, the Nationalist government declared war on Germany, Italy, and Japan at the same time.

Sure enough, there is no flower, and sure enough, there is no eternal friendship, only eternal interests. A pair of good friends between China and Germany, in this way, they completely turned against each other. But in 1942, the turning point came.

In 1942, Hitler began to raise his eyebrows at China again, trying to lure China into signing a Sino-German Military Compact. They want to tie China to the chariot of the Axis powers and win china over to "attack India and cooperate with Germany."

In 1942 Hitler made a request that, if Chiang Kai-shek had agreed, world history or had been rewritten

Why assault India? At that time, the Japanese Foreign Minister Shigemitsu Aoi mentioned in the book "Showa Unrest": Hitler believed that the invasion of the south by the army, attacking the Caucasus from Ukraine, and controlling the oil could cut off the assistance of Britain and the United States from the Persian Gulf to the Soviet Union, so that the German power could extend to Central Asia, and then make contact with the Japanese army on the Indian side.

The recollection of Halder, chief of the German Army's general staff, more vividly exposed Hitler's conspiracy, and the reason why he wanted to win China over India was to "divide the troops across Iran, enter the Persian Gulf, and meet with Japan in the Indian Ocean."

In 1942 Hitler made a request that, if Chiang Kai-shek had agreed, world history or had been rewritten

But isn't it, let's recall the history of World War II, although Japan and Germany and Italy formed an ally, but never really met the division, Hitler's trick is poisonous, ah, originally wanted to achieve the purpose of the Western fascists and eastern fascists in the Indian Ocean.

Hitler's tricks naturally concealed old Chiang's legal eyes, and he wrote very clearly in his diary about Hitler's attitude, "For the German line, it is advisable not to explore it again, it is better to strictly refuse it." ”

In 1942 Hitler made a request that, if Chiang Kai-shek had agreed, world history or had been rewritten

Of course, history cannot be assumed, but we can imagine that if the Sino-German Military Secret Treaty had been put into practice at that time, and the two fascist countries of Germany and Japan had successfully met in the Indian Ocean, history might have been rewritten.

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