
He is a general and wants to be the secretary of the chairman, not allowed! After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he was a minister for 23 years

He was a general in the national army, wanted to be a secretary to the chairman, and was a minister for 23 years after the founding of the country.

He is a general and wants to be the secretary of the chairman, not allowed! After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he was a minister for 23 years

Fu Zuoyi, Zi Yisheng, a native of Ronghe, Shanxi (Anchang Village, Sunji Town, Linyi County). At the age of 16, he participated in the Xinhai Revolution and later entered the Baoding Military Academy.

After graduation, Fu Zuoyi fought in the Jin army in Yan Xishan, participated in many battles, and within a year he was promoted from regimental commander to division commander, from colonel to lieutenant general, becoming a famous general in the Jin army. In April 1935, at the age of 40, Fu Zuoyi was appointed as a second-class general in the Army.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Fu Zuoyi actively resisted Japan and proposed: "It is better to fight dead ghosts than to be slaves to the country". Fu Zuoyi led the troops to make a lot of achievements in battle. At that time, Chiang Kai-shek set up a special "Qingtian White Sun Medal", the first one was awarded to himself, and the second was awarded to Fu Zuoyi.

He is a general and wants to be the secretary of the chairman, not allowed! After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he was a minister for 23 years

During the War of Resistance Against Japan, Fu Zuoyi's performance was also remarkable, and his enthusiasm for resisting Japan was very high, and he made certain contributions to the War of Resistance.

He is a general and wants to be the secretary of the chairman, not allowed! After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he was a minister for 23 years

Before the founding of New China, the chairman had a conversation with Fu Zuoyi, and the chairman asked him what work he wanted to do. Fu Zuoyi immediately took a stance and said: "Dayu governs the water, benefits the country and the people, and the merit is in the thousands of autumns, and I am willing to carry out water conservancy project construction and do some good things for the people more directly." If I could, I would like to return to the Suiyuan River Loop area and engage in water conservancy construction. ''

"If General Fu is interested in water conservancy construction, he can do a lot." It's just that the Loop area is too small, and I think you can serve as the water conservancy minister of the new government and grasp the water conservancy work of the whole country. As for the military circles, they can also continue to hold their posts and give full play to the military talents of the generals. The Chair said.

Fu Zuoyi was very touched after hearing this, and Lian said, "Shame, shame." ”

He is a general and wants to be the secretary of the chairman, not allowed! After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he was a minister for 23 years

On October 1, 1949, Fu Zuoyi participated in the founding ceremony of the People's Republic of China.On October 19, the government appointed him a member of the Military Commission and, according to his own wishes, appointed him minister of the Ministry of Water Resources (Ministry of Water Resources and Electric Power).

During his tenure as Minister of Water Resources, he did not disappoint the expectations of the chairman, went down to the grass-roots level many times, investigated and studied, personally went to the front line of flood fighting and rescue, and made outstanding contributions to the water conservancy and electric power industry in New China. The chairman praised him and said: "For the water conservancy business, he has gone into it. ”

On October 17, 1972, Fu Zuoyi resigned as minister due to illness. From the time of becoming the first Minister of Water Resources, to the approval of the resignation. He has been working as minister of water resources for 23 years, and is the longest person to be re-elected as a minister in a ministry after the founding of New China.

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