
Lan Tu borrowed Luo Zhenyu to type the owner's name on the public screen, can he become friends with the user?

In the current automobile market, the homogenization of products is becoming more and more serious, in order to stand out from the automobile market, every car company has done its best. In such a big environment, many auto companies have proposed to be friends with users and propose to become "user-oriented enterprises". For example, Mr. He Xiaopeng, CEO of Xiaopeng Automobile, once said in 2018 that "the core of smart cars is in operation, not in manufacturing", and the operation mentioned here is the relationship between operating car companies and users. Another example is Lantu Automobile, which is an enterprise born in the core concept of "user-centric" and truly becomes a friend of users. There is a lot of time that can reflect the views and concepts of Lantu Automobile, and the recent New Year's Eve speech of Luo Zhenyu's "Friend of Time" can actually reflect the core concept of Lantu.

Lan Tu borrowed Luo Zhenyu to type the owner's name on the public screen, can he become friends with the user?

Lantu Automobile became the exclusive title partner of Luo Zhenyu's New Year's Eve speech from 2021 to 2022, and only asked Luo Zhenyu to do one thing in the New Year's Eve speech. This incident is not for Luo Zhenyu to introduce the strength of Lantu Automobile, but to move the names of more than 1,700 Lantu car owners to the world's largest speech screen, bringing users a unique New Year's Eve experience. There is no doubt that this thing has been done by no one before, that is to say, Lantu Automobile has set a new record with the user and achieved the glory of the user.

Lan Tu borrowed Luo Zhenyu to type the owner's name on the public screen, can he become friends with the user?

Of course, setting a record with users in Luo Zhenyu's New Year's Eve speech is actually just a small thing in the many things that Lantu has done for users, and Lantu Automobile has also carried out many activities around users. For example, at the lantu user night event, lantu automobile contracted a yacht, which made users feel special and novel from the event venue. At the event, the city screen contracted by Lantu Automobile also played the name of the owner of Lantu and various good wishes on a loop.

Lan Tu borrowed Luo Zhenyu to type the owner's name on the public screen, can he become friends with the user?

Before the listing of Lando FREE, Landu Automobile also held a number of user co-creation activities around Lando FREE. For example, global test companions, the purpose of this activity is to let users participate in the various quality tests of Lantu FREE, in this way to let users actually experience the product power of Lantu FREE, so that users can find out whether Lantu FREE has something to improve. In the end, users gave feedback to Lantu Automobile more than 300 opinions, and Lantu Automobile solved more than 200 of them before Lantu FREE was listed, and will continue to optimize the problem of user feedback in the future. It can be seen that Lantu Automobile really puts the feedback of users in mind.

Lan Tu borrowed Luo Zhenyu to type the owner's name on the public screen, can he become friends with the user?

In the process of testing the activities of its peers around the world, Lantu Automobile has done a lot of meaningful and memorable things with users. For example, a user has been preparing to go on a honeymoon trip after mentioning Landu FREE, and is worried that he will not have a vacation after Landu delivers the car, and Landu Automobile invites this user to participate in the test activities held by Landu Automobile in no man's land. This user and his lover not only experienced the hard power of Lantu FREE in advance, but also fulfilled their honeymoon wishes.

For example, Lantu Automobile also had a test completed on National Highway 219. In this process, Lantu Automobile not only invited car owners to participate together, but also filmed a documentary with users around national highway 219 and put the documentary on TV stations. This practice is difficult to find in other car companies, and Lantu Automobile's approach has obviously opened up new solutions created with users.

In addition, in response to the problem that many consumers are worried about the inability to pick up the car a few years ago, Lantu Automobile also gave a solution. It promised to get the car by January 10, and it would be able to pick it up years ago, and today is January 5, which is equivalent to five days before the deadline ends. And Lantu Automobile also promised that if the vehicle could not be delivered because of Lantu Automobile, the user could choose from two schemes: unconditional cancellation + 20,000 points compensation and doubled deposit direct deduction of the final payment.

Lan Tu borrowed Luo Zhenyu to type the owner's name on the public screen, can he become friends with the user?

In short, Lantu Automobile is not the same as the general car brand, it has put users on an equal footing with itself from the beginning, and has not achieved superiority. In the process of model development, Lantu Automobile also insists on co-creation with users, and in the process of selling cars, Lantu Automobile insists on dispelling users' concerns and making users more assured when buying cars. Moreover, Lantu Automobile uses different methods to give users glory, so that users have a greater sense of identification with the Lantu brand, which is also something that many brands cannot do. This is also the reason why Lantu is now a high market heat and is regarded as a benchmark in the "user-oriented enterprise".

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