
What are the more interesting scenic spots around Luoyang?

author:Luoyang Travel Agency

Luoyang Baiyun Mountain

What are the more interesting scenic spots around Luoyang?

Baiyun Mountain Global Geopark, National Forest Park, National Nature Reserve, China's Top Ten Leisure Resorts, One of the Most Beautiful Places in China, and The Third Place in Henan Province's Top Ten Scenic Spots. Baiyun Mountain integrates mountains, stones, water, caves, forests, grasses, flowers, birds and beasts as a whole, and the majestic, dangerous, strange, quiet, beautiful and wonderful intersect to form a unique landscape area, which has become a composite tourist area integrating sightseeing tourism, vacation summer vacation, scientific research and internship, and ancient exploration in the Central Plains, and is known as "wonderland on earth" and "famous mountain in the Central Plains".

Baiyun Mountain's main cuisine is

Lamb broth

Ten bowls

Fish feast

Paste noodles

Acorn cool powder

Luoyang Longmen Grottoes

What are the more interesting scenic spots around Luoyang?

Longmen Grottoes is one of the treasure houses of Chinese stone carving art, and is now a world cultural heritage, a national key cultural relics protection unit, and a national AAAAA-level tourist attraction, located on Longmen Mountain and Xiangshan Mountain on both sides of the Yi River in Luolong District, Luoyang City, Henan Province. Longmen Grottoes, together with Mogao Grottoes, Yungang Grottoes and Maijishan Grottoes, are called the four major grottoes in China.

The main cuisine of Longmen Grottoes is

Pulp noodles

Do not turn the soup

Hot dumplings

Peppery soup

Luoyang water mat

Luan Chuan re-crossed the ditch

What are the more interesting scenic spots around Luoyang?

Chongdugou is located in Luanchuan County, Luoyang City, and was given the imperial name because Liu Xiu'er, the Guangwu Emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty, crossed the Yishui River to get rid of Wang Mang's pursuit and achieved imperial work. The mysterious historical legend coupled with the three scenic spots of Chongdugou makes Chongdugou sing the red northern country in one fell swoop from a little well-known and unknown, and the sound shocks Huaxia, becoming the best interpretation of the ten most dynamic hot spots in Henan Province.

The main delicacies of Chongdugou are

Grease oil steamed buns

Splash bergamot

Jujube buns

Luanchuan tofu

Egg tea

Corn grits

New Anday Mount

What are the more interesting scenic spots around Luoyang?

Located in Xin'an County, Luoyang City, Henan Province, Daimei Mountain Scenic Area is now a Global Geopark and is the only pristine eco-tourism scenic spot in China surrounded by the Yellow River on three sides. Daimei Mountain has a long history and rich culture, and the story of Shang Tang for 3,000 years has a long history, and since ancient times, it has been a historical and cultural mountain where people swim in the mountains and rivers and ascend to pray for blessings.

The main cuisine of Daimei Mountain is there

Yellow River big carp

Seedless cattle heart large persimmon

Henan braised noodles

Jiaozuo Yuntai Mountain

What are the more interesting scenic spots around Luoyang?

Yuntai Mountain, a global geopark, a national AAAAA-level tourist attraction and a national scenic spot, is located at the junction of Xiuwu County, Jiaozuo City, Henan Province, and Lingchuan County, Jincheng City, Shanxi Province, with a scenic area of 240 square kilometers, including Hongshi Gorge, Tan Waterfall Gorge, Quan Waterfall Gorge, Qinglong Gorge, Fenglin Gorge, Zifang Lake, Zhuyi Peak, Macaque Valley, Diecai Cave, Baijiayan and other major attractions. The main peak of Yuntai Mountain is 1308 meters above sea level, and there is a Yuntai Tian waterfall with a drop of 314 meters, at the end of the scenic spring waterfall gorge, it is one of the largest waterfalls found in China.

The main cuisine of Yuntai Mountain is

Burnt persimmon cake

Sea Toad Palace Pine Blossom Egg

Donkey meat in soup

Gongyikang Million Manor

Kang Million Manor, also known as Heluo Kangjia, located in Kangdian Town, Gongyi City (formerly Gong County), Henan Province, was founded in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, is a national key cultural relics protection unit, a national AAAA-level tourist attraction, and is a representative of the feudal fortress-style architecture in North China in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Together with the Qiao Family Compound in Jinzhong, Shanxi, and the Ma's Manor in Anyang, Henan, it is known as the "Three Official Residences of the Central Plains", and is known as the spiritual home of Yushang and a model of ancient construction in the Central Plains.

The main cuisine of Kang Million Manor is

Guxian meat hehe

Lao Jun roast chicken

Shangqiu Ancient City

Shangqiu Ancient City is located in Suiyang District, Shangqiu City, Henan Province, as a national historical and cultural city, a national key cultural relics protection unit, a national AAAA-level tourist scenic spot, one of The top ten ancient cities in China, a national water conservancy scenic spot, the first of the top ten ancient cities with the most potential in China, the top ten ancient cities in China, the top ten tourist destinations with the most investment potential in China, and the most cultural historical and cultural city.

The main cuisine of Shangqiu Ancient City is

Shrimp roasted vegetarian

Casserole lamb

Water steamed buns

Chuang Ma Sugar

Dengfeng Shaolin Temple

Shaolin Temple is located in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, Songshan Mountain Under the Five Milk Peak, because it is located in the hinterland of Song Mountain, Shaomu Mountain dense jungle, so it is named "Shaolin Temple". Shaolin Temple is a world-famous Buddhist temple, the ancestral court of Zen Buddhism in Chinese Buddhism, which occupies an important position in the history of Chinese Buddhism and is known as "the first brake in the world". It is famous for its successive generations of Shaolin martial arts monks who have devoted themselves to the research and continuous development of Shaolin Kung Fu, and is known as "the world of kung fu out of Shaolin, Shaolin kung fu A world".

The main cuisines of the Shaolin Temple are:

Carp noodles

Pipa crisp

Shaolin Eight Treasures Crisp

Bucket chicken

Kaifeng Qingming Upper River Garden

What are the more interesting scenic spots around Luoyang?

Qingming Shanghe Garden is a cultural theme park featuring Song Dynasty city culture, folk customs, royal gardens and ancient entertainment, and is characterized by tourists' participation and experience. The large-scale Song Dynasty folk customs amusement park that concentrates on reproducing the landscape of the original map and objects reproduces the thousand-year-old prosperous scenery of the ancient capital of Beijing.

The main cuisine of Qingming Upper River Garden is

Open the soup bun

Almond tea

Sauté cold powder

Sheep double intestines

Chrysanthemum hibiscus meal