
The three sisters of the Song family are famous all over the world, how did the rich Song family they came from come from?

What is history: it is the echo of the past to the future, the reflection of the future on the past. - Hugo

In the first half of the 20th century, the four major families of the "Jiang Song Kong Chen" firmly controlled the political and economic lifeline of China, and the anecdotally called "the Chen Family Party of the Jiang Family and the Kong Family Cai of the Song Family Sisters" had a very far-reaching impact.

These four families are the Chiang Kai-shek family, the Chen Guofu and Chen Lifu families, the Song Ziwen family, and the Kong Xiangxi family.

Among the four major families, the Song family can become the first family, and has a huge relationship with the Song sisters, the Song family plays a bonding relationship in the four major families, among the three sisters of the Song family, the eldest Song Xialing married Kong Xiangxi, the second Elder Song Qingling married Sun Yat-sen, and the third Song Meiling married Chiang Kai-shek, which was an infinite scenery for a while.

Today, let's take a look at how the Song family originated!

The three sisters of the Song family are famous all over the world, how did the rich Song family they came from come from?

It is said that the Song family is a wealthy merchant family, at that time Sun Yat-sen and Chiang Kai-shek, Kong Xiangxi all desperately wanted to marry the Miss of the Song family, in fact, their family is not an ancestral wealth, it is all the father of the three sisters, Song Jiashu, who worked hard alone.

Song Jiashu was originally not surnamed Song, but surnamed Han, born in Hainan, hainan at that time was relatively poor, the family conditions were very difficult, Song Jiashu followed his brother to Java to be an apprentice, in 1875 with his cousin to Cuba to break in, during this period changed his surname to Song, and later to Boston, the United States to break.

Because his cousin did not support his study, Song Jiashu chose to run away from home and ran to a government smuggling boat in Boston Harbor, and after being discovered by the captain, not only did not call the police, but also did not punish him, after hearing his experience, he also enthusiastically helped him and let him do miscellaneous labor on the ship, so Song Jiashu followed the ship to North Carolina in the southern United States, and received Christ baptism there, this religious belief had a great impact on Song Jiashu and their family.

The three sisters of the Song family are famous all over the world, how did the rich Song family they came from come from?

After receiving Christian baptism, Song Jiashu entered the seminary and eventually became a missionary, returning to China in 1885 to preach in Suzhou and Shanghai.

During this period, Song Jiashu, under the introduction of a friend, married the rich family Ofe Ni Guizhen, whose mother was a descendant of Xu Guangqi, a famous scientist of the Ming Dynasty.

In addition to being a scientist, Xu Guangqi is also a translator, printer, editor-in-chief and prints many books. Moreover, the Xu family is also a rich merchant's family, and when marrying Song Jiashu, he also brought a lot of dowry.

At that time, it was in the chaos of the late Qing Dynasty, after the defeat of the Sino-Japanese War, the people lived in the depths of the water, and the spread of Christianity was also in full swing, but Song Jiashu's missionary philosophy was different from others, so it was excluded.

The three sisters of the Song family are famous all over the world, how did the rich Song family they came from come from?

There are many branches of Christianity, and Song Jiashu studied theology from the United States, which is certainly not the same as that of European missionaries at that time.

If you want to grasp the right to speak, the best way is to master the teaching materials, that is, the Bible, probably influenced by his wife's family, Song Jiashu began to do the business of printing Bibles with his wife's dowry, and it turned out that this business directly put Song Jiashu on the road to prosperity.

The high school of vertical and horizontal reading is a private high school, our chairman was the first to do wholesale tutoring books, and later made money, in order to sell books better, he opened this school, which shows how profitable the printing industry is.

To say that sometimes it is so strange, the Song family made their first fortune by selling the Bible, and then became the merchants of the Eight Classics.

The three sisters of the Song family are famous all over the world, how did the rich Song family they came from come from?

Due to foreign relations, Song Jiashu later became an agent of imported machinery and became one of the earliest comprador merchants in Shanghai.

Of course, to say that to become the four major families, song Jiashu earned that little money is far from enough, Song Jiashu has been in business for more than twenty years, and he has saved five or six hundred thousand taels of silver, which is not much to say.

In particular, after Making Money, Song Jiashu was obsessed with two things, one was to support Sun Wen's revolution, and the other was to do public welfare undertakings, these two things were the masters of spending money, so, after coming and going, in the end, Song Jiashu could not save any money, let alone become a link figure in the four major families of Jiang Song Kong and Chen.

Although Song Jiashu traveled outside in his early years and did not know much about classical Chinese stories, he should have known that there was a person named Lü Buwei in ancient China.

The three sisters of the Song family are famous all over the world, how did the rich Song family they came from come from?

Lü Buwei was a businessman in his early years, and later thought that it was better to engage in business than to come to politics, so he used money to fund the infidels who were not popular with the Qin royal family at that time, to make a political investment, in order to impress the infidels, Lü Buwei also gave his favorite woman to the yiren, and sure enough, the yiren inherited the throne and gave the position of prime minister to Lü Buwei.

Song Jiashu also had such an experience, he first took out a lot of money to fund Sun Wen's revolution, and then simply married his daughter to Sun Yat-sen, plus before Song Xialing married Kong Xiangxi, Song Meiling married Chiang Kai-shek, and Song Jiashu suddenly became the most bullish old man in history.

After Yuan Shikai's death, Sun Yat-sen gradually gained a foothold in Guangzhou, founded the Office of the Grand Marshal of the Army and Navy, and the revolution was half successful, of course, to repay the original funders, especially the Song family was not outsiders.

The three sisters of the Song family are famous all over the world, how did the rich Song family they came from come from?

Song Jiashu's son, Song Ziwen, first served as a secretary, and later as a central bank preparer and governor of the central bank.

Shortly after Sun Yat-sen's death, the Nationalist government was established, and Song Ziwen was appointed to pay the financial bills, and later merged many departments, basically monopolizing all departments related to finance.

With the victory of the Northern Expedition and the increase of the Nationalist government's territory, Song Ziwen's status is also rising, after all, Chiang Kai-shek is not an outsider, although the outside world is rumored that Song Ziwen and Chiang Kai-shek often have contradictions, but in fact, Song Ziwen is Chiang Kai-shek's money bag.

During the reign of the Nationalist government, Song Ziwen presided over financial work for a long time, and he had countless money in his hands, and it was normal for him to carry some in his pocket.

The three sisters of the Song family are famous all over the world, how did the rich Song family they came from come from?

There have been some sources that Song Ziwen is corrupt, such as the Encyclopædia Britannica once called Song Ziwen "the richest man in the world", and some people have checked Song Ziwen's property and said that there are not so many.

In fact, Song Ziwen mastered the financial system, just the seigniorage brought about by the over-issuance of money, it is simply to collect taxes from the whole country, when the "golden tide" broke out in 1947, Chiang Kai-shek scolded Song Ziwen in his diary as "not learning and no skills, corrupting the country."

The famous historian Fu Sinian publicly scolded Song Ziwen as not distinguishing between official and business, public and private.

Song Shi was able to become a money empire among the four major families, mainly during the Song Ziwen period.

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