
9.2 "Weakness": Thank you for the love you give, Mrs. Tausy

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Weakness is a film based on the novel Weakness: The Course of the Race

The film tells the story of a homeless African-American boy, Michael Oher (mark), who grew up as an orphan and after repeatedly escaping from his adoptive family, finally meets the kind Mrs. Taussi.

With the help of Taussi, Mike gradually found himself, and under his physical condition and hard work, he became the first selected player of the National Football League.

9.2 "Weakness": Thank you for the love you give, Mrs. Tausy

In a capitalist country like the United States, not only are there obvious class differences, the gap between the rich and the poor, but also racial discrimination is quite serious.

It's hard to see a white man look at a black man with equal eyes, much less to see a white man reaching out to a black man.

But in life, there is always someone who can break through these temporary shackles and appear next to each other and bring warmth to the other party. And "Weakness" is a movie about a black and white man.

Mike was born in a black slum where his mother was an addict and his father hadn't seen him since childhood.

In school, Mike was the unpopular one, tall but only had an IQ of about 80, but because of his athletic talent, he was favored by the coach and successfully enrolled.

There, Mike is met by Sean (Mrs. Tausy's youngest son), indirectly allowing Tausy to meet Mike.

Tossy takes Mike home on a cold night to stay for him for the night. At this time, Mrs. Tossy actually had a little suspicion and distrust of Mike, and she was afraid that Mike would steal from the family.

Later, instead of finding out that anything was missing in the house, he saw the bed utensils being neatly folded, and Tosy invited Mike home for dinner.

With the understanding of each other, Toshi decided to adopt Mike, train Mike, and put Mike on the road of newcomers.

9.2 "Weakness": Thank you for the love you give, Mrs. Tausy

In this movie, Mrs. Tausy is Mike's nobleman, and it is because of her that Mike has the opportunity to change his fate.

Mrs. Taussi is warm and kind, she treats Mike as her own child, buys him clothes, applies for an ID card for him, she is also very brave, she dares to look back at her opponent's parents when watching Mike's ball game, and dares to drive to the slum alone to find Mike.

For Mike to enter the family, she also has full respect for her children, will understand the children's ideas, and whether the children themselves will feel uncomfortable among their peers.

Ms. Taussi is a thoughtful, assertive and highly emotionally intelligent woman. Mike had no passion when he first learned rugby, and Ms. Tausy personally came to coach Mike when the coach couldn't take Mike, and it turned out that her teaching was indeed more useful than the coach. She said something about Mike's problem now—the people who had threatened to protect him eventually left him.

When buying clothes for Mike, he also respects him, saying that where to buy any style, it gives Mike absolute freedom. She doesn't decide everything about Mike because she has money, and feels that he should live in a "superior" way of behaving.

9.2 "Weakness": Thank you for the love you give, Mrs. Tausy

Maybe it's a good example for a good parent to give to a child, both children have their own ideas, and don't feel that there is anything wrong with their mother doing this, and even silently help and accompany Mike.

A good family atmosphere is warm not only for the people in the family, because they will also warm others with their own warm light.

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