
Increase in knowledge, take you to inventory the provenance of those classic sentences

author:Learn history wisely

1, where the end of the world is no herbs

"Butterfly Love Flower Spring Scene"

Su shi

The flowers are faded red and small apricots. When the swallows fly, the green water people circle.

The willows on the branches blow little, and there is no grass at the end of the world!

Swing in the wall outside the wall. Pedestrians outside the wall, beautiful people in the wall laughing.

Laughter fades away, but amorous is ruthlessly annoyed.

Increase in knowledge, take you to inventory the provenance of those classic sentences

2, if the sky is affectionate, the sky is old

"Golden Bronze Immortal Song of Words"

Li He

In August of the first year of the reign of Emperor Qinglong of Wei Ming, the official of the Zhao Palace led the Emperor Xi to take Han Xiaowu to hold the Lupan Immortals and wanted to erect the front hall. The palace official dismantled the plate, and the immortals were in tears. Li Changji, the grandson of the Tang Dynasty, composed the "Golden Bronze Immortal Ci Han Song".

Maoling Liu Lang autumn wind guest, night smell horse hissing no trace.

Painting column laurel tree hanging autumn fragrance, thirty-six palace earth flowers blue.

Wei Guan led the car to point thousands of miles, and the Dongguan acid wind shot his eyes.

The empty general Han Yue came out of the palace door, and Yi Junqing's tears were like lead water.

Wanlan sent a guest to Xianyang Dao, if the sky is affectionate, it is also old.

Carrying the plate alone out of the desolate moon, Weicheng has far away waves and small sound.

3, a moment of spring supper is worth thousands of gold

"Spring Supper"

[Song] Su Shi

A moment of spring supper is worth thousands of gold, and the flowers have a fragrance and a moon and a yin.

The sound of the song pipe floor is thin, and the swing courtyard is dark at night.

4, do not love the country and love the beauty

"Title Peach Blossom Fan"

[Qing] Chen Yuzhi

The Yushu song has been heard, and the southern palace wicker is new.

Fu Wang is a little affectionate, and does not love the country and the mountains and loves the beauty.

5, if life is only like the first sight

"Mulan Word • Quasi-Ancient Decisive Word Cambodian Friend"

[Qing] Naran Sex de

If life is only like the first sight, what autumn wind and sorrow paint fan.

Waiting for idle changes but the old people's hearts, but the old people's hearts are changeable.

Lishan language strikes midnight, tears rain zero bells finally do not complain.

How to be bo lucky Jinyi Lang, than the wings and branches of the day wish.

6, the lover's eyes out of the West Shi

"Collection of Hangzhou Folk Poems"

【Qing】Yellow increase

The color is not charming, the person is self-obsessed, and the lover's eyes are out of the west.

There are thousands of miles to meet, and the three laughs are in vain.

7, lonely sandbar cold

"Bu Operator"

The lack of moon hanging sparse tong, leaking the first quiet of people.

Whoever sees the ghost alone, ethereal and lonely.

Startled but turned back, there is hatred and no one to save.

Picking all the cold branches refuses to perch, and the lonely sandbar is cold.

8, this hatred is not related to the wind and the moon

▐ "Jade House Spring"

[Song] Ouyang Xiu

Tarumachi intends to say the return date, and wants to swallow the words of Chun Rong first.

Life is a love obsession, and this hatred is not related to the wind and the moon.

Away from the song and do not renew the que, a song can teach the intestines to knot.

Straight to see all the flowers of Los Angeles, the beginning of the spring breeze is easy to say goodbye.

9, the belly has a poetry and bookish atmosphere of self-glorification

"Farewell to Dong Chuan"

Wrapped in a rough cloth, he has a poetic and bookish atmosphere in his belly.

Tired of accompanying the old Confucian to cook the leaves, forced to step on the locust flowers with the lifter.

The sac does not do to find a spring horse, and his eyes are chaotic to see the son-in-law's car.

Proud of the world, the new wet word is like a crow.

10, the sunset is infinitely good just near dusk.


[Tang] Li Shangyin

Discomfort to the evening,

Drive to Dengguhara.

The sunset is infinitely better,

It's just near dusk.

Increase in knowledge, take you to inventory the provenance of those classic sentences

11, the past has been hurt several times in the world

"Si Sai Shan Wai Gu"

[Tang] Liu Yuxi

Wang Maolou shiped down to Yizhou, and the Jinling King's qi was eclipsed.

Chihiro's iron lock sinks to the bottom of the river, and a piece of stone descends out of it.

The past has been hurt several times in the world, and Yamagata is still cold.

This is the day of the four seas as home, so xiao Xiao Lu di autumn.

12 The Tao is clear but sunny

"Bamboo Branch Words Two Songs · Part 1"

Yang Liu Qing QingJiang level, smell the Lang River on the song.

The sun rises in the east and the rains in the west, and the road is clear but sunny.

Increase in knowledge, take you to inventory the provenance of those classic sentences

13, the mountain rain is about to come and the wind is full of buildings

《Xianyang City East Building》

[Tang] Xu Hun

A high city is full of sorrow, and the crab leaves are like Tingzhou.

The stream and clouds rise at the beginning of the sun and sink the pavilion, and the mountain rain is about to come and the wind fills the building.

Birds under the green turnip QinYuan sunset, cicadas singing yellow leaves Han Palace autumn.

Pedestrians do not ask about the events of the year, the country came to the east to wei water flow.

14, the breeze sleeves to the sky

"Entering Beijing"

[Ming] Yu Qian

Silk mushrooms with incense,

Principal capital is used for civilian use.

The breeze goes to the sky with both sleeves,

Lest the words be short and long.

15, poor parents in the world

"Blessing Parents Poem"

Qing Cixi

The love of father and mother in the world is the most true,

Tears of blood dissolve into the body of the child.

Exhaustion for the son,

Poor parents in the world!

16, a will be a thousand bones withered

I've been feeling sorry for myself

Cao Song (Tang Dynasty)

Zeguo Jiangshan entered the battle map, and the people he ji Le Qiao Su.

By virtue of Jun Mo's words, he will become a thousand bones.

17, useless is a student

Miscellaneous feelings

Huang Jingren (Qing Dynasty)

The Immortal Buddha is vast and has not yet achieved two things, and only knows that the night is not peaceful.

The wind is full of sad songs, and the mud is stained with Bo Xingming.

Nine out of ten people are white-eyed, and none of them are bookworms.

Moyn's poems are written in sorrow, and spring birds and autumn insects make their own sounds.

18. All families are brothers

Bamboo branch word two songs · one

Huang Tingjian (Song Dynasty)

Floating clouds one hundred and eight plates, sunset forty-eight crossing the light.

The ghost gate is closed and far away, and all the families in the world are brothers.

19. There is wine in this day and drunk in this day


Luo Yin (Tang Dynasty)

Gain is to sing and lose, sentimentality and hatred are also leisurely.

There is wine in this day and drunk in this day, and tomorrow is sad and tomorrow is sad.

20, without a cold bone, how to get plum blossoms fragrant

The church preached the ode

Zen Master Huang Barberry [Tang Dynasty]

Dusty and tired, tightly hold the rope to make a scene.

Without a cold bone, how to get plum blossoms.

Increase in knowledge, take you to inventory the provenance of those classic sentences

21, a tree of pear blossoms pressed begonias

Drama gift Zhang Xian

Su Shi (Song Dynasty)

Eighteen brides eighty lang, pale hair against red makeup.

Mandarin ducks are lined up in double nights, and a tree of pear blossoms presses begonias.

22. The book has its own house of gold

Exhortation to study poetry

Zhao Heng (Song Dynasty)

Rich families do not have to buy good land, and there are thousands of bells in the book.

There is no need to build a high hall in the settlement, and there is a golden house in the book.

When you go out, you don't hate no one to follow, and there are many cars and horses in the book.

Marrying a wife does not hate the unscrupulous media, and there is a yan ruyu in the book.

The boy wanted to fulfill his life's ambitions, and he read to the window diligently.

23, Houmen into the depths of the sea

Gift to the

CuiJiao (Tang Dynasty)

The princes and grandchildren followed in the footsteps of the queen, and the green beads were dripping with tears.

As soon as Houmen entered the sea, Xiao Lang was a passerby.

24. Make a wedding garment for others

Poor women

Qin Taoyu (Tang Dynasty)

Pengmen did not recognize Qi Luoxiang, and intended to help the good media to harm himself.

Who loves to be high-style, and pity the frugal grooming of the times.

Dare to exaggerate the ten fingers of the needle, do not draw the double eyebrow bucket long.

He hates pressing gold threads every year and making wedding clothes for others.

25, meet a smile and a vendetta

Title Sanyi Pagoda

Lu Xun (Modern and Contemporary)

Ben Thunder flew to annihilate the son of man, and the hungry dove was left in the ruined well.

Even if the big heart leaves the fire house, the final tower reads Yingzhou.

The dream of the fine bird is still stone, and the fighter is sincere and strong to resist the flow.

The brothers are in the midst of the robbery, and they meet each other and laugh and take revenge.

26 Forgive and forgive


Caizhou Daoist [Song Dynasty]

Rotten Ke is really clever and psychic, and a round has been spring several times.

Out of the hole is invincible, and to spare and spare.

27, the language is not surprising and endless

The value of the water on the river is like a short talk about the sea

Du Fu (Tang Dynasty)

For human nature, the words are not surprising and endless.

The old psalms are long and the flowers and birds in the spring are not deeply sad.

New water sills were added for fishing, so the floating maple was substituted for the boat.

Yan Desi thanked the hand like Tao Xie, and ordered the canal to be described as a swim with him.

28. Poor couples mourn

Three songs of sorrow and nostalgia, two of them

Yuan Shu (Tang Dynasty)

In the past, the jokes behind the scenes are now in front of the eyes.

The clothes have been exhausted, and the needle and thread are still not open.

Shang still wanted to pity the servants in the old feelings, and he also sent money because of dreams.

I sincerely know that this hatred is for everyone, and the poor and lowly couples are sad.

29 This song should only be in heaven

Gift of flowers

Jincheng silk pipe day after day, half into the river wind and half into the clouds.

This song should only be heard in heaven, and can be heard several times on earth.

30, for whom hard work for whom sweet


Regardless of the flat land or the tip of the mountain, the infinite scenery is occupied.

After harvesting a hundred flowers into nectar, for whom to work hard for whom to sweet?

31, the car is like a flowing water horse like a dragon

Wangjiang nan · how much hate

Li Yu (Southern Tang)

How much hate, last night in the dream.

It is also like the old days of swimming in the garden, and the car is like a flowing water horse like a dragon.

The flower moon is springing.

32, not to the Great Wall is not a good man

Qingping Le Liupan Mountain

Mao Zedong (Modern and Contemporary)

The sky is high and cloudy, looking at the flying geese in the south.

Less than the Great Wall is not a good man, the itinerary is twenty thousand.

The peak of Liupan Mountain, the red flag swept the west wind.

Today the long wisp is in hand, when will it tie the dragon?