
Soldering iron painting, clever brush raw flowers

Soldering iron painting, clever brush raw flowers

Shi Yingmiao and Shi Jianwen created in the same room as father and son.

The encounter between fire and wood is not only a result of turning into ashes, but sometimes it can also bring out a spark that stirs the heart. On January 5, in a painting room on Sixian Road, Paper Fang Street, Jiangxia District, Wuhan City, exquisite paintings were amazing.

Who would have thought that these works were created by hot electric soldering irons, which were painted one by one on the wooden boards, and even outlined vivid flowers, birds and insects, mountains, forests, pavilions, etc., which made the citizens who came to see the painting marvel.

The authors who created these breathtaking paintings are Shi Yingmiao, the non-hereditary inheritor of the branding skills in Jiangxia District, and his son Shi Jianwen.

Shi Yingmiao, a 72-year-old native of Jiangxia, specializes in Chinese landscape painting, calligraphy, flowers and birds, and is a master of arts and crafts in Hubei Province, who has been engaged in brand painting for more than 40 years. Shi Jianwen works at the Jiangxia District Cultural Center and creates paintings in his spare time.

Soldering iron painting, clever brush raw flowers
Soldering iron painting, clever brush raw flowers

Shi Yingmiao's paintings.

"Brand painting, also known as hot painting and fire brush painting, is a characteristic traditional arts and crafts, with a long history and unique artistic style. Painting is still a slow work, and you can only draw about one square foot a day. Shi Yingmiao told jimu news reporters that the brand painting originated in the Han Dynasty, and then lost it, and it rose again in the Ming and Qing dynasties.

The linden boards used to make the branding are purchased from the Internet and vary in size and price. Shi Yingmiao introduced that before painting, it is necessary to conceive first, and then use a pencil to draft the first draft on the work board, and then it is the moment when the electric soldering iron is played.

Soldering iron painting, clever brush raw flowers

The soldering iron is finely outlined.

Soldering iron painting, clever brush raw flowers

Immerse yourself in creation.

"The soldering iron is an ordinary soldering iron sold in the hardware tool store, but the workers use it to weld and we use it to paint." Shi Yingmiao introduced that according to the different contents of the paintings, the thickness of the soldering iron head is also exquisite, and large clouds and mist will also use spray guns to directly "bake paintings" on fire. Shi Yingmiao told reporters that after hooking, rubbing, rubbing, dotting, dyeing and other techniques, it can burn out rich layers and tones, have a strong three-dimensional sense, similar to brown sketches and lithographs, "It can be said that brand painting not only maintains the national style of traditional painting, but also achieves the rigorous realistic effect of Western painting." ”

Soldering iron painting, clever brush raw flowers

Shi Yingmiao taught his disciples skills.

Wang Taiming, director of the Jiangxia District Culture and Tourism Bureau, introduced that brand painting is the innovation and development of Chinese painting art, which not only inherits Chinese painting, but also develops Chinese painting. Jiangxia will vigorously support the development of brand painting, so that more young people know about brand painting, like brand painting, and inherit the art of brand painting.

(Source: Chutian Metropolis Daily)

【Editor: Zhang Jing】

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