
Walking and exercising, pay attention to these 4 things, to avoid going wrong, but will damage the knee

In modern society, many people with busy work or poor physical strength will choose walking as the most important daily exercise.

In fact, walking more is really good for maintaining good health.

However, what many people don't know is that there are actually four precautions that need to be paid attention to in time during the walking process, otherwise once you go wrong, you will hurt your knees.

Walking and exercising, pay attention to these 4 things, to avoid going wrong, but will damage the knee

1. The amount of walking

In the inherent view of the vast majority of people, walking is a very gentle type of sports, so there is no need to be too restrained about the amount of walking exercise, and this too one-sided wrong view must be corrected in time.

In fact, although the physical energy consumed during walking is relatively small, the force borne by the knee joint is still very huge. Therefore, walking exercises, like other physical exercises, should not be overdosed.

Walking and exercising, pay attention to these 4 things, to avoid going wrong, but will damage the knee

In general, it is recommended that you control the daily walking volume to less than 10,000 steps. In addition, if the walking process is mainly fast walking, the daily walking volume can be reduced to 6,000 steps.

And for friends who are older and have less leg and foot strength, they can also choose to complete the total daily exercise amount in multiple times, such as 5,000 steps after lunch, and 5,000 steps after dinner.

Walking and exercising, pay attention to these 4 things, to avoid going wrong, but will damage the knee

2. Walking posture

In the process of carrying out walking exercises, it has always been necessary to grasp the correct walking posture in time.

If you walk, you must try to keep your upper body upright, do not bend over frequently, and use the left and right leg strength evenly when you step forward, and make the foot heel land first, and then let the soles of the feet fall to the ground.

If there is a mistake in the walking posture, it is likely to aggravate the wear of the knee, which is very unfavorable for knee maintenance.

Walking and exercising, pay attention to these 4 things, to avoid going wrong, but will damage the knee

3. Place to walk

If you want to make the walking exercise play the most effective physical fitness effect, you must pay special attention to the selection of walking places.

If the road surface must be kept dry and flat, it must not be excessively slippery or uneven, otherwise it is likely to greatly increase the incidence of fall injuries.

In addition, the air state of the walking place must be kept fresh and clean, if you walk and exercise in the place with poor air quality for a long time, it is easy to cause serious adverse effects on the health of the respiratory tract.

Walking and exercising, pay attention to these 4 things, to avoid going wrong, but will damage the knee

4. Walking timing

In ordinary life, the vast majority of people will choose to walk and exercise immediately after meals because of the saying "walk a hundred steps after a meal and live to ninety-nine", which is actually very undesirable.

Because if physical exercise is carried out immediately after eating, it is easy to cause indigestion, abdominal pain, and bloating due to insufficient blood supply to the stomach and intestines.

Therefore, if you have a sports plan after eating, you may wish to wait for half an hour before carrying out sports activities, which can not only avoid causing gastrointestinal discomfort, but also can speed up blood circulation and promote food digestion.

Walking and exercising, pay attention to these 4 things, to avoid going wrong, but will damage the knee

The above are four key things to pay attention to during walking. For this kind of knowledge, walking enthusiasts must pay full attention to it, otherwise once they go wrong and cause physical health damage, it can be said that it is very much worth the loss.

In addition, we should also remind everyone to pay special attention to the fact that although the exercise intensity of walking exercise is low, it should be warmed up in time before carrying out a long walking exercise, and it is necessary to wear appropriate clothing and shoes.

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