
New taste of food: delicious and non-greasy homemade dried shrimp (anhydrous and oilless VS boiled)

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
New taste of food: delicious and non-greasy homemade dried shrimp (anhydrous and oilless VS boiled)

Recently, the shrimp is slightly low, our side is 20 / kg, bought 64 yuan of shrimp, made two contrasting dried shrimp

By so-and-so hltp


Fresh shrimp 3 kg

Ginger slices 3 pieces

Salt 4 tbsp

4 bowls of water

Cooking wine to taste

1 shallot knot

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

New taste of food: delicious and non-greasy homemade dried shrimp (anhydrous and oilless VS boiled)

1, fresh shrimp wash to remove shrimp line, remove shrimp whiskers.

New taste of food: delicious and non-greasy homemade dried shrimp (anhydrous and oilless VS boiled)

2, the first kind: the pot is dry, put in 1 kg of shrimp, fry it, etc. completely turn red, put a large spoonful of salt, continue to stir-fry

New taste of food: delicious and non-greasy homemade dried shrimp (anhydrous and oilless VS boiled)

3, stir-fry for about 5 minutes, almost dry, cover the pot, simmer for three or five minutes, make sure the shrimp is cooked. After that, it was dried

New taste of food: delicious and non-greasy homemade dried shrimp (anhydrous and oilless VS boiled)

4, take advantage of the sun, take out to dry for an hour, it is good, of course, the specific time still depends on the temperature.

New taste of food: delicious and non-greasy homemade dried shrimp (anhydrous and oilless VS boiled)

5, like this, the shrimp shell is white, the shell meat is separated, pinched up OK, separated part of the shrimp shell is crushed by a pinch, you can find a box to pack up, give it to dry for a while to dissipate heat can be covered and saved.

New taste of food: delicious and non-greasy homemade dried shrimp (anhydrous and oilless VS boiled)

6, the second kind: put 4 bowls of water in the pot (specifically depending on how many shrimp oh, can not pass the shrimp on the line), put 3 slices of ginger in the water, one green onion knot, two circles of cooking wine, boil the water, down into the remaining 2 pounds of shrimp, the water is boiled again into 3 tablespoons of salt, slide and mix well (at this time you can try the taste of the water is not salty enough) Continue to cook for about 8 minutes, turn off the heat to soak her for half an hour, let the salty taste enter the shrimp. After half an hour to dry, take it out and let it dry in the sun.

New taste of food: delicious and non-greasy homemade dried shrimp (anhydrous and oilless VS boiled)

7, flat, sun for about 3 hours, shrimp shell white, shrimp shell and meat separation, shrimp shell crushed as soon as it is pinched, shrimp body hard and the good.

New taste of food: delicious and non-greasy homemade dried shrimp (anhydrous and oilless VS boiled)

8, the two in fact, there is not much difference in taste, the left side of the picture is fried, the right side is boiled. The fried shrimp will be redder and the boiled shrimp will be whiter. However, I still think that the fried shrimp tastes a little more than water.


About the degree of dried shrimp: in fact, it still depends on personal preferences, eat while drying, and see their acceptance. I'm drying to the extent when snacking just right. A little more dry can be put in the soup when boiling noodle vermicelli, very fresh. About preservation: you can put it in a jar, when the snack is of course better to put it refrigerated, but just in case, I will freeze, eat it directly, or you can fry it in a pan. Of course, if it is cooking soup or something, it is even more OK to put it frozen, after all, it is still necessary to cook.

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