
Baby runny nose does not equal a cold, mother do not use medicine!

Autumn and winter are cold, the baby is easy to run a nose, many mothers will think that the baby has a cold. A cold can cause a runny nose, and the runny nose is not necessarily because of a cold, so you should not give your baby cold medicine. Baby runny nose is caused by a variety of reasons, and mothers must prescribe the right medicine to ensure the health of the baby.

How to tell if your baby's runny nose is caused by a cold? Moms and Dads can find out the cause of the baby's runny nose by looking at the baby's snot.

Causes of runny nose in babies


If your baby is allergic to inhaled dust, it will cause your baby to sneeze for a short period of time and clear his nose a lot. Mom and Dad need to find out the allergens and keep them out of reach.


Baby crying will lead to symptoms of runny nose in a short period of time, crying caused by baby runny nose, and numbness only need to wait for the baby's mood to stabilize, and the symptoms will be alleviated.

Cold air irritation

As the cold invades the lungs, the body develops self-defense. Coupled with the baby's short airway, it is easier to have a runny nose reaction. At this time, if the baby is just runny nose and has no other uncomfortable symptoms, parents do not have to worry.

allergic rhinitis

If the baby often runs a clear watery nose, and often sneezes, there is an itchy feeling in the nose, which is likely to be the baby with allergic rhinitis. Mom and Dad must observe carefully. In general, this kind of cold is mostly seasonal.


If the baby has a cold, and the course of the disease exceeds 10 days, it is still sticky and purulent nasal discharge, and the pus smells obviously, it is necessary to consider whether the baby has sinusitis. Parents are advised to take their babies to the hospital for examination in time.


Because the development of the baby's immune system is not yet sound, if it is a cold and caused by the nose, most of the initial water is like water, after 3-5 days gradually become pus, and then gradually heal, during which it will flow non-stop. As the cold heals, the purulent component of the sticky purulent snot will gradually decrease.

How do parents deal with runny nose babies?


With a damp and hot towel, apply a warm compress to your baby's nose. After the nasal mucosa contracts in heat, the nasal cavity will be more unobstructed, and the viscous nasal discharge will be easier to flow out.

Raise your head

Under the mattress on your baby's head, lay out an average of a few small pillows to make the mattress look like a smooth, 30-degree slide that facilitates the outflow of snot.

Nasal aspirator

When your baby has a lot of secretions in his nose and a heavy nasal sound, he can use a nasal suction device. When using, it should be noted that when inhaling one nostril, it is necessary to press the other nostril at the same time, the effect will be better.

If the baby has runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing and other symptoms repeatedly, it is necessary not to give the baby random medicine, it is recommended to go to a regular medical institution for treatment.

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