
South-South cooperation to address climate change is effective (the road is not alone)

Source: People's Daily

South-South cooperation to address climate change is effective (the road is not alone)

Ground Station, Entoto Space Observatory, Ethiopia.

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South-South cooperation to address climate change is effective (the road is not alone)

In September 2021, at the Cambodian Polytechnic University, Chinese personnel explained the basic structure and principle of the sampling part of the particulate matter analyzer to Cambodian technicians, and trained them in operation and daily maintenance.

South-South cooperation to address climate change is effective (the road is not alone)

In November 2019, at the Gwadar port in Pakistan, Chinese personnel demonstrated the installation of home solar energy equipment.

South-South cooperation to address climate change is effective (the road is not alone)

Vientiane Saiserta Comprehensive Development Zone, Laos.

Photographed by Sun Guangyong, a reporter of this newspaper

Through South-South cooperation in addressing climate change, China provides support and assistance within its capacity, and works with the vast number of developing countries to jointly enhance its capacity to cope with climate change. Since 2011, China has arranged a total of about 1.2 billion yuan in funds, signed 41 climate change cooperation documents with 36 developing countries, and adopted various cooperation methods, such as jointly building low-carbon demonstration zones, assisting meteorological satellites, photovoltaic power generation systems and lighting equipment, new energy vehicles, environmental monitoring equipment, clean stoves and other materials related to climate change, and carrying out capacity building training, etc., and achieving good cooperation results

Khalid Mansour, Special Assistant to the Prime Minister of Pakistan for the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (

"Bringing real well-being to the local population"

Reporter Cheng Shijie of this newspaper

In front of you is the blue Arabian Sea, behind the endless Gobi - the Gwadar port on the southern coast of Pakistan, due to the lack of water and electricity, the good location advantage has not been fully utilized for a long time, and the local people have been fishing for generations, trying to meet food and clothing.

In recent years, with the establishment of Gwadar Port as a key project of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, the construction of the port area, the Gwadar Free Zone and surrounding facilities has continued to make progress. On July 5, 2021, the groundbreaking ceremony was held for several projects in Gwadar Port. In addition to infrastructure and plant projects, China and Pakistan have signed two aid documents – a memorandum of understanding between the Chinese Ministry of Ecology and Environment on the donation of household solar energy equipment to Pakistan and an implementation agreement between the Chinese government to build a desalination plant at Gwadar Port. "Clear fresh water and clean electricity are both needed for people's livelihood, and China's assistance has brought real well-being to the local people." Khalid Mansour, special assistant to the Pakistani Prime Minister for the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, said.

It is worth mentioning that this is the second time that China has provided assistance to Pakistan for household solar energy equipment. Under the framework of South-South cooperation in addressing climate change, in November 2019, 4,000 sets of solar photovoltaic systems and LED lights aided by China arrived in Gwadar Port, effectively solving the electricity and lighting problems of many local households, which was highly recognized by the public. "Solar energy equipment brings electricity to villages that are not yet connected to Pakistan's national grid, and residents have lights at night and fans in summer, greatly improving the quality of life." Mansour said.

Mansour said that in recent years, China's achievements in the field of economic development and ecological environmental protection have been amazing, and while achieving comprehensive victories in poverty alleviation, the forest coverage rate has been continuously improved and the results of desert control have been remarkable. This not only makes China's mountains greener and greener, but also makes an important contribution to alleviating global climate change. "China's practice proves to the world that the development of the economy and people's livelihood and the protection of the ecological environment are not indispensable." Mansour said that by learning from China's development ideas, Pakistan and other developing countries have the opportunity to better cope with climate change while improving the quality of life of their people.

The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor has also built a bridge of exchange and mutual learning on green development concepts. According to Mansour, Pakistan has long faced serious soil erosion, and the monsoon climate has led to frequent floods and droughts. In the construction of the new phase of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, the cascade development of river basins, the construction and utilization of agricultural facilities, and the popularization of clean energy equipment will not only help Pakistan effectively alleviate flood and drought disasters, but also improve the efficiency of natural resource utilization and embark on the road of sustainable development.

At the construction site of the Karot Hydropower Station, aerial photos are full of greenery, the project construction follows the international leading ecological and environmental protection standards, and in the third section of the Karachi-Lahore Expressway, the greening projects on both sides of the road are pleasing to the eye... In the eyes of the locals, Chinese engineers have not only created more jobs, built new schools and medical aid centers, but also made their homes more "green". "Chinese companies have brought high standards and new ideas to promote sustainable development, setting a benchmark for all kinds of infrastructure construction in Pakistan." Mansour said.

Mansour believes that with the high-quality joint construction of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor between the two sides, the concept of sustainable development will become more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and Pakistan will contribute to the active response to global climate change, "our efforts are not only for ourselves, but also for the better future of all mankind."

Joe Parris, Director General Of Environmental Knowledge and Information, Ministry of the Environment of Cambodia -

"Green light illuminates Westport"

Reporter Zhao Yipu

One day in August last year, the quiet night in Cambodia's Sihanoukville (also known as "Westport") suddenly "lit up". In urban parks, schools, temples and surrounding rural streets, 200 sets of photovoltaic power generation systems and 2800 solar street lights will turn the energy accumulated during the day into warm lights, providing convenience for people's travel and life at night.

These green light source devices are from China and are used to build a low-carbon demonstration zone project in Cambodia. In 2015, China announced the launch of 10 low-carbon demonstration zones, 100 climate change mitigation and adaptation projects, and 1,000 "10000" projects for training on climate change in developing countries. The Cambodia Low Carbon Demonstration Zone is the first low-carbon demonstration zone project to be implemented, with the goal of carrying out low-carbon construction and transformation throughout the Westport.

Joe Parris, director of the General Department of Environmental Knowledge and Information of the Ministry of environment of Cambodia, participated in the construction of the demonstration area as a representative of the Cambodian side. He praised the assistance provided by the Chinese side, "The green light source of Chinese aid illuminates the West Port and helps Cambodia take an important step in combating climate change." According to Paris, the first batch of materials for the construction of the demonstration area arrived in Cambodia in December 2020 and was fully put into use in August 2021, in addition to solar power generation equipment, there are 10 sets of environmental monitoring equipment and 200 electric motorcycles. According to the Memorandum of Understanding signed between China and Cambodia in November 2019, China has helped Cambodia improve its ability to cope with climate change by providing relevant equipment and materials to Cambodia, providing capacity building training, and jointly preparing a low-carbon demonstration zone construction plan with Cambodia.

After the aid arrived in Xigang, the local government quickly carried out customs clearance and unloading work, and before putting it into use, Chinese technical experts also provided training for the staff of the Cambodian Ministry of Environment on the installation, use and maintenance of equipment. "Now the night in Westport is almost full of lights, people are more convenient to go out, and the security in the urban area is better." Parris told reporters that Cambodia is still a country without electricity, and during the peak period of electricity consumption, the capital Phnom Penh also often has power outages. Many outdoor lighting systems in Westport now use green energy, not only stable power supply, but also low-carbon environmental protection, and the people of Westport really feel the benefits of low-carbon demonstration area construction.

"With China's help, Cambodia has improved its ability to cope with climate change." Parris said that Cambodia will take the construction of a low-carbon demonstration zone as an opportunity to seek greater breakthroughs in developing a green economy and responding to climate change. "Through the joint construction of low-carbon demonstration zones, Xigang and even Cambodia will accumulate experience in green development." Whether based on cambodia-China friendship traditions or under the framework of South-South cooperation, Cambodia-China cooperation on climate change will continue to deepen in the future. ”

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen recently said that Cambodia is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by more than 64 million tons by 2030. Parris said that the adoption of green energy is an effective means to reduce carbon emissions, and the construction of low-carbon demonstration zones in Cambodia requires more green energy systems. "We hope to continue to cooperate with China in the fields of green energy development, solid waste management, and sewage treatment, and build a more complete and sustainable low-carbon demonstration zone." Parris believes that Chinese cities pay attention to ecological environmental protection and actively respond to climate change, and the "green experience" explored is worth learning from Cambodia.

Parris said that China has provided support for other developing countries to improve their capacity to cope with climate change through the implementation of a series of South-South cooperation projects to deal with climate change. "The construction of the Cambodian low-carbon demonstration zone not only opens a new chapter in cooperation between Cambodia and China in the field of climate change, but also provides a positive demonstration and sets a good example for countries and regions along the 'Belt and Road' to explore low-carbon development paths."

Sunad Sugaren, Deputy Director-General, Department of Planning and Finance, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Laos

"A beautiful landscape in the cooperation between the two countries"

Reporter Sun Guangyong

During the 26th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change held in November 2021, the Chinese and Lao delegations signed a certificate of acceptance, marking the successful delivery of the first batch of materials donated by China to the Sessar Tower Low Carbon Demonstration Zone in Vientiane, Laos. The shipment from Yangzhou to Vientiane included five sets of environmental monitoring equipment and 2,000 sets of solar LED street lights. In July 2020, China and Laos signed a cooperation document on cooperation in the construction of the Vientiane Saiser Tower Low-Carbon Demonstration Zone, determining that China will provide assistance to Laos with relevant low-carbon energy-saving materials and jointly preparing a low-carbon demonstration area planning plan.

Sunaul Sugaren, Deputy Director of the Department of Planning and Finance of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Laos, has been involved in the project since the beginning of the project. He said that the cooperation between Laos and China in building the Vientiane Saiseta Low-Carbon Demonstration Zone is an important measure to implement the Action Plan of the Communist Party of China and the Lao People's Revolutionary Party on Building a Community of Common Destiny between China and Laos. The construction work is guided by low-carbon development planning, with low-carbon transportation to promote the transformation of low-carbon lifestyle, with low-carbon lighting to enhance the level of green infrastructure construction, with technical exchanges and publicity activities to enhance Laos's ability to cope with climate change and low-carbon development awareness, from both software and hardware to promote green sustainable development, "thanks to China for its efforts and contributions to combat climate change."

The Vientiane Saiserta Low-Carbon Demonstration Zone is built on the Saiseta Comprehensive Development Zone and is one of the low-carbon demonstration zone cooperation projects carried out by China in developing countries. Covering an area of 11.5 square kilometers, the Sessar Tower Comprehensive Development Zone is a key cooperation project between the governments of China and Laos, and is also a national-level special economic zone in Laos, which carries the functions of an industrial park and Vientiane New City, and attracts enterprises from different countries to settle in. At present, the development zone is comprehensively promoting the construction of the second and third phases of the project and the vientiane new city, accelerating the promotion of landscape, garden, greening, lake and other projects, and making every effort to build a "green, ecological, quiet and modern" vientiane new city.

Not long ago, the second batch of assistance provided by The Chinese side for the demonstration zone was transported from Changsha to Laos, including 28 BYD new energy vehicles. Among them, 12 pure electric buses and 8 pure electric trucks have become the first batch of pure electric commercial vehicles in the local area, and 8 pure electric passenger cars will also bring ultra-low energy consumption experience. "The launch of this batch of vehicles will help the demonstration area achieve low-carbon transportation, and it is expected to help reduce carbon emissions by 1,243 tons per year after operation, which is equivalent to planting more than 100,000 trees." Sukareng pointed out that "solar energy development, new energy vehicles, air pollution control, etc. are all new technologies and new equipment for Laos, which can benefit the Lao people through 'introduction' and will provide strong support for Laos to cope with climate change." ”

The reporter saw that the development zone is lined with endless rice fields, which complement the modern factories and facilities in the area. Workers and nearby villagers in the development zone told reporters that the low-carbon demonstration zone is a new concept in Laos, and the factories in the development zone attach importance to environmental protection, do not have any negative impact on nearby farmland and livestock, and bring more income to the local area, and everyone is very supportive. "I have visited China many times and seen with my own eyes that the income and welfare level of Chinese people has increased significantly. I hope that we can learn from China's experience, combine local realities, and promote the development of Laos with new development concepts. Sugaren said.

2021 marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Laos, and the governments and non-governmental organizations of the two countries have carried out all-round cooperation. Sugaren believes that the Vientiane Seserta Low Carbon Demonstration Zone project reflects the long-term mutual support between Laos and China, and the two sides will further strengthen cooperation to achieve sustainable development. "The Sai Se Pagoda Low Carbon Demonstration Zone will become a beautiful landscape in the cooperation between the two countries, and with the Construction of the China-Laos Economic Corridor with the China-Laos Railway as the backbone, the Vientiane Sai Se Pagoda Comprehensive Development Zone and the Mohan-Moding Economic Cooperation Zone as the two wings continue to advance, the cooperation between the two countries in the field of climate change will usher in a broader prospect."

Irkar Chani, head of the satellite project at the Ethiopian Institute of Space Science and Technology —

"China has helped us realize our space dream"

Reporter Zou Song

On the Abyssinian Plateau in East Africa, about 20 kilometers north of Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia, sits the gray-and-white Ground Station of the Ntotto Space Observatory. The tall satellite receiving antenna stands in the sky, the data analysis and processing room is located next to it, and uniformed technicians record the information sent back by Ethiopia's first artificial satellite ETRSS-1 in real time in the monitoring room.

As head of the satellite program at the Ethiopian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Ilkar Chani now no longer has to go to the ground station every day, and his team has independently undertaken satellite monitoring tasks under the training of Chinese aerospace engineers. "A few years ago, it was just an Ethiopian dream. The Ministry of Ecology and Environment of China, together with the National Space Agency and other agencies, has helped Ethiopia launch two artificial satellites, build ground stations, and systematically train technical personnel through the "Ten Hundred Thousand" project of South-South cooperation to deal with climate change. China has helped us realize the space dream. Charney said.

Today's Mount Ntotto, because of its mysterious and exciting satellite ground station, has become a popular punch card for Ethiopians, and the local government has actively popularized the function of this "heavenly eye" to the public. Charney introduced that the remote sensing satellite aided by China plays an important role in the observation of the ecological environment of the entire East African region, allowing Ethiopians to see the urban layout of Addis Ababa for the first time through their satellite pictures, the vegetation around the dormant volcano of Zukra, and the water body changes in the Kuka Lake area... More importantly, Ethiopia is a traditional agricultural country, and satellites can capture changes in the ground environment in time, such as the distribution of fire points and fires in the Nile River Basin, the changes in ground humidity in the dry and rainy seasons of farms and pastures, etc. Monitoring data is of great significance to guiding agricultural activities after processing.

Recalling the scene when the first satellite went to the sky and the ground station was first built, Charney was still excited. "All of our technicians present cheered and shouted: 'This is our ground station, this is our baby!' Everyone huddled together and took a group photo with the antenna, and two sheep were slaughtered to thank the Chinese personnel during the celebration. ”

Scatty is a data transmission engineer at a satellite ground station, where he receives, demodulates, and records the data transmitted back from the satellite on a daily basis. "We received half a month of training in China at that time, and after returning to the ground station, the Chinese engineers taught us hand in hand, but there were still many questions to be consulted when we really operated independently." Scatti said that his work is an important part of the entire ground receiving system, which is directly related to the analysis and application of satellite data in the later stage, and must learn the real skills.

What makes Charney even more excited is that China's space cooperation with Ethiopia is still steadily advancing. "At present, the resolution of ETRSS-1 satellite is 13.7 meters, which is more used for large-scale ecological environment monitoring. With the launch of our second satellite and the establishment of a larger receiving antenna, Ethiopia will gradually achieve high-precision satellite data processing with a resolution of up to 1 meter. In an interview with local media, Charney said that ethiopian and Chinese space cooperation is all-round, with the help of the Chinese side, Ethiopia not only has two remote sensing satellites, but also has a group of relevant technical personnel, and Ethiopia has planned to produce satellites independently and realize the commercialization of satellite applications, covering the entire East African region.

Ethiopia's ambassador to China, Tessom Toga, said that through the satellite project, Ethiopia has obtained a large number of reliable analytical evidence for responding to climate change. "A large number of young people in Ethiopia have begun to understand, pay attention to and learn space technology, and with the help of the Chinese side, they have obtained the opportunity to come to China and train at the station, and have now become the backbone of satellite operation control and climate change analysis." This is a further interpretation and development of the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between the two countries, and the cooperation between the two sides will continue to deepen. ”

Typography: Cai Huawei

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