
The field grows "grilled sausages", once farmers saw it and cut it, now 30 yuan a pound into the rare wild vegetable cattails of the history and culture of the food culture of the catfish The edible value of the cattails

author:Cooking little chef lady y
The field grows "grilled sausages", once farmers saw it and cut it, now 30 yuan a pound into the rare wild vegetable cattails of the history and culture of the food culture of the catfish The edible value of the cattails

Nature has many "strange-looking" plants, including monkey-faced dragon orchids with monkey faces; ice castle shou that is as delicate as ice jade; an angulan that looks like a baby in swaddling; and lip flowers that look indistinguishable from the fiery red lips...

But today, I want to introduce to you that it is not those strange people who look like "ghostly craftsmanship".

Nowadays, a snack called grilled sausage is very popular on the market, and the small brown strips are sprinkled with chili noodles, which makes people look full of appetite.

The field grows "grilled sausages", once farmers saw it and cut it, now 30 yuan a pound into the rare wild vegetable cattails of the history and culture of the food culture of the catfish The edible value of the cattails

When people walk in the fields of the countryside or at the water's edge, they will also see some "grilled sausages" on the side from time to time, as if they are strung in the field by those long "bamboo sticks", until they walk in, they do not realize that the surface of the "grilled sausages" is hairy and cannot be eaten at all.

In the folk, many people call this plant sausage grass. Once upon a time, farmers who saw this "sausage grass" would immediately cut it down to prevent it from affecting the growth and harvest of crops in the field.

Moreover, the chopped sausage grass, after being dried and ignited, also has the effect of repelling mosquitoes.

The field grows "grilled sausages", once farmers saw it and cut it, now 30 yuan a pound into the rare wild vegetable cattails of the history and culture of the food culture of the catfish The edible value of the cattails

But now, with the many values of sausage grass being popularized, it has long ceased to be visible and penniless, and now it has become a rare wild vegetable of 30 yuan a pound, and most of the time, even if someone is willing to bid, it is impossible to buy it.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="01" data-track="12" > the history and culture of cattails</h1>

The sausage herb is called cattail, and some people call it kamoset, puddle, puddle, water candle and so on.

It is still difficult for people to obtain a sense of familiarity from this introduction alone, in fact, many people know the name of the cattail and have seen the shape of the cattail, but it is difficult to link the two together.

The field grows "grilled sausages", once farmers saw it and cut it, now 30 yuan a pound into the rare wild vegetable cattails of the history and culture of the food culture of the catfish The edible value of the cattails

To say that the most famous poems related to the cattail are "Peacock Southeast Flying", after all, it is a work that has been filmed and television several times, even if you have not read the original text, you can always understand one or two through the lines in the film and television drama.

And those who have read the original text will presumably treat the "king as a rock, and a concubine as a reed." The reed is as tough as silk, and the rock has no transfer. "I was deeply impressed, after all, this sentence is also a test point that middle school students must memorize."

In this sentence, the reed in it refers to the cattail.

The field grows "grilled sausages", once farmers saw it and cut it, now 30 yuan a pound into the rare wild vegetable cattails of the history and culture of the food culture of the catfish The edible value of the cattails

In fact, in "Peacock Flying Southeast", Xiangpu has appeared as a symbol of love in the "Book of Poetry , Zepi": "The Pi ze pi, there are pu and lotus." There is a beautiful person, and the wound is as good as it is. ”

Cattails often cause people to mourn and feel sad, and it is also for this reason that on the occasion of the Dragon Boat Festival, there is often the custom of picking pudding grass to express nostalgia.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="02" data-track="71" > the food culture of cattails</h1>

The field grows "grilled sausages", once farmers saw it and cut it, now 30 yuan a pound into the rare wild vegetable cattails of the history and culture of the food culture of the catfish The edible value of the cattails

The earliest dietary record of cattails can be traced back to the "Daya Han Yi" in the Book of Poetry, which reads: "Its dishes Wei He, the turtle fresh fish." Its Wei He, Wei Bamboo and Pu. ”

The above two sentences describe the scene when King Xuan of Zhou was reigning, and set up a banquet to entertain Han Hou's entry into the dynasty.

At the banquet, vanilla as the main dish is particularly respected by everyone.

The field grows "grilled sausages", once farmers saw it and cut it, now 30 yuan a pound into the rare wild vegetable cattails of the history and culture of the food culture of the catfish The edible value of the cattails

After this, the Han Dynasty's Cifu Jia And Su Song of the Song Dynasty also highly praised PuSun.

Emperor Wu of Han even threw in his favor and summoned a piece to the dynasty with the "Anche Pulun". Only because In the famous "Seven Hairs", he praised "the belly of the cattle, and the vegetables with bamboo shoots" is actually "the most beautiful in the world".

"Cattails, pu huang miao, are everywhere, and Taizhou is good." Young leaves grow in early spring, red and white when not out of the water, and are lush. Take its center into the ground white, as big as the dagger handle, raw, crisp. And soaked in vinegar, such as a food raft, great beauty."

The field grows "grilled sausages", once farmers saw it and cut it, now 30 yuan a pound into the rare wild vegetable cattails of the history and culture of the food culture of the catfish The edible value of the cattails

To this day, many famous dishes related to pu shoots, such as "milk soup pu cai", "pu cai plaque food", "pot collapse pu cai", "kai yang pu cai" and other historical famous dishes, still have not broken the inheritance, but are timeless, the longer fragrant.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="03" data-track="73" > the value of cattails</h1>

In the eyes of modern people, the cattail is less emotional, and everyone usually looks at the value of a plant based on practical and economic interests.

The field grows "grilled sausages", once farmers saw it and cut it, now 30 yuan a pound into the rare wild vegetable cattails of the history and culture of the food culture of the catfish The edible value of the cattails

In terms of medicinal uses, the pollen of cattail is named puhuang in traditional Chinese medicine, and the medicinal means related to puhuang have been recorded in the Shennong Materia Medica and have been inherited until now.

In addition to the literature in the classics, after the current scientific research, people have also found puhuang such as anti-microbial, anti-low pressure and low oxygen, lower blood lipids, anti-inflammatory, enhance immunity and other clinical uses.

The field grows "grilled sausages", once farmers saw it and cut it, now 30 yuan a pound into the rare wild vegetable cattails of the history and culture of the food culture of the catfish The edible value of the cattails

In addition to medicinal uses, cattail also has the artistic value of landscape greening and processing into handicrafts, it is usually used to decorate garden pools, lakesides, build flower landscapes, water backgrounds, etc., and its leaves made of woven artworks are often used to export overseas, bringing good economic benefits.

If the technology is in place, the cattails can also be woven into a boat for people to use as a means of transportation.

The field grows "grilled sausages", once farmers saw it and cut it, now 30 yuan a pound into the rare wild vegetable cattails of the history and culture of the food culture of the catfish The edible value of the cattails

At the same time, cattails also have many functions in terms of economic value, such as cattail whole grass is an excellent papermaking raw material with a fiber volume of up to 35%-60%, its leaves and leaf sheaths are also low-cost raw materials for processing into artificial cotton, pu sticks can be used as lighting fuel, and puflav is an excellent material for making pillows.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="04" data-track="74" > the edible value of cattails</h1>

Cattails are used for consumption with its young shoots and rhizomes.

As early as the Zhou Dynasty, people developed methods for picking puddles. Because it usually grows at the water's edge, there are many traditional delicacies related to it in the water towns of various places.

The field grows "grilled sausages", once farmers saw it and cut it, now 30 yuan a pound into the rare wild vegetable cattails of the history and culture of the food culture of the catfish The edible value of the cattails

Not to mention those ancient and long traditional cuisines, in the Honghe Prefecture area of Yunnan, today's various types of rice noodles and steam pot chicken, if the existence of "grass buds", it can be called "no soul".

However, if I want to say that my favorite is still the puk vegetables as a bun filling and dumpling filling, accompanied by pork, the taste is not to mention how delicious.

It is a pity that because it grows in water, it is not only complicated to pick, but also very limited by the season.

The field grows "grilled sausages", once farmers saw it and cut it, now 30 yuan a pound into the rare wild vegetable cattails of the history and culture of the food culture of the catfish The edible value of the cattails

In daily life, it is not very easy to eat a bite of puddle, so even if it has doubled in value to 30 yuan a catty, it is still regarded as a "rare wild vegetable" that can be encountered and cannot be sought.

Since there is a cattail, is there a stinky cattail?

Don't say, there really is.

The field grows "grilled sausages", once farmers saw it and cut it, now 30 yuan a pound into the rare wild vegetable cattails of the history and culture of the food culture of the catfish The edible value of the cattails

This plant, which is also aquatic, is called calamus, and when it is not flowering, it confuses people's eyes and confuses the two.

Especially in ancient times, information was not developed enough, and people often confused the two.

The field grows "grilled sausages", once farmers saw it and cut it, now 30 yuan a pound into the rare wild vegetable cattails of the history and culture of the food culture of the catfish The edible value of the cattails

Finally, the author would like to remind you here, although the stick is very fun, but it "fried hair", those fluttering up the "fluttering" is a "bad temper", a little inattentive, dye it on the body, want to get rid of it is not so easy.

When tossing the stick, it is best to choose an environment without wind, otherwise it will be full of "furry".

The field grows "grilled sausages", once farmers saw it and cut it, now 30 yuan a pound into the rare wild vegetable cattails of the history and culture of the food culture of the catfish The edible value of the cattails