
The little girl asked Zhukov, who was eating on the side of the road: General, can I pick up the bread crumbs you dropped with my hand and eat it?

What is history: it is the echo of the past to the future, the reflection of the future on the past. - Hugo

Zhukov was a well-known soviet military scientist with outstanding military talents, and in the Second World War, he made a great contribution to the victory of the war, when he was known as one of the best generals in the Second World War, and he himself was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union four times, with great reputation. In Zhukov's glorious combat career, there was one thing that impressed him.

The little girl asked Zhukov, who was eating on the side of the road: General, can I pick up the bread crumbs you dropped with my hand and eat it?

In the Soviet-German battlefield, Germany adopted a strategy of quick battle and quick decision, transferring a large number of troops to the Soviet border, because it was impossible to attack repeatedly, so Hitler decided to adopt the strategy of siege to besiege Leningrad, Moscow and other important cities to besiege the city. At that time, Leningrad was besieged by the German army, the people inside could not go out, the grain and grass outside could not come in, and as the time of the siege became more and more the food in the Great Wall became less and less, many people were starved to death, and corpses were everywhere in the city.

The little girl asked Zhukov, who was eating on the side of the road: General, can I pick up the bread crumbs you dropped with my hand and eat it?

At that time, Zhukov led his soldiers in the city to leningrad. Once, while Zhukov was having lunch on the side, two girls of about ten years old came, and the two were sisters. Zhukov saw them and chatted with them, in which he learned that the girls' mother had died in the war and that his father had gone to the front. During the chat, a girl said to Zhukov, "General, can I catch your bread crumbs with my hands?" ”

The little girl asked Zhukov, who was eating on the side of the road: General, can I pick up the bread crumbs you dropped with my hand and eat it?

Hearing this, Zhukov's heart was very shaken, and tears almost flowed out, which showed the cruelty of the war. The war has turned the country into what it is today, with children running out of food and losing their families. Looking into the eyes of the two little girls, he immediately gave the bread in his hand to the girls. He also got up and told his soldiers that they must defeat the German army and win victory, so that they can hope to live a full meal and do not have to fight. With the German offensive, Zhukov and numerous Soviet Reds held Leningrad to their deaths. After more than 900 days of war, the Soviet Union finally won the battle for the defense of Leningrad and successfully repelled the enemy.

The little girl asked Zhukov, who was eating on the side of the road: General, can I pick up the bread crumbs you dropped with my hand and eat it?

In the Battle of Leningrad, we can see the strong determination of the Red Army and the Soviet people to defend their homeland, even if they want to use their bodies to face the enemy's artillery and weapons, they will do everything to maintain their national security.

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