
My son went to kindergarten and there was no secret at home, and my father was embarrassed to pick up the child: the teacher advised me not to divorce

On the Internet, a father's spit makes people laugh and stomachache.

The father's family has a son who has just started kindergarten, and since his son went to kindergarten, there are no secrets in the family.

He said: "I grew a bag on my body last month, and then I went to pick up the child in two days, and I was still limping when I walked, and the teacher saw me and asked: Are you okay?" ”

My son went to kindergarten and there was no secret at home, and my father was embarrassed to pick up the child: the teacher advised me not to divorce

Dad's face was red at the time, and he felt too embarrassed.

Another time, the husband and wife were talking, and the wife lost her temper and said, "If you can get over, you can pass, and if you can't get over, you can leave." ”

As a result, the next day, he went to pick up the child, and the teacher reminded him in a serious voice: "Be cautious for the sake of the child." ”

My son went to kindergarten and there was no secret at home, and my father was embarrassed to pick up the child: the teacher advised me not to divorce

The father was very helpless, and when he came back, he reminded his son: "Don't tell the teacher everything in the family in the future." ”

The son looked innocent and asked, "Dad, what does it mean to tell the teacher everything?" ”

The man did not have any way, asked for help netizens: "Is your family also like this, after the son goes to kindergarten, there is no secret at home, what should I do?" I really don't. ”

Dad's spit made netizens also sigh, the same world, the same doll.

Netizen @ "listen to the rain" said: "Don't mention, I am pregnant with the second child for only a few days, told the child's father that there may be, her father said to go to the hospital to check, the result of the grandmother to pick up the child, the teacher directly congratulated her on being a grandmother again, the grandmother came home with a confused face." ”

My son went to kindergarten and there was no secret at home, and my father was embarrassed to pick up the child: the teacher advised me not to divorce

Netizen @ "hahaha" said: "The same, my son went to kindergarten, when his father traveled, when to come back, the teachers are clear, the key is more than one teacher, many teachers in the kindergarten know." ”

My son went to kindergarten and there was no secret at home, and my father was embarrassed to pick up the child: the teacher advised me not to divorce

Netizen @ "small sample" said: "The same kind of baby, the family bought a house loan, after the child went to kindergarten, the teachers knew, took the elevator, the neighbors also knew, even the supermarket salesman knew, so helpless." ”

My son went to kindergarten and there was no secret at home, and my father was embarrassed to pick up the child: the teacher advised me not to divorce

Netizen @ "white clothes fluttering" said: "The world is real! I quarreled with her father, even how to argue, the child went to the kindergarten to tell the teacher clearly, and did not know how she learned, we quarreled, anyway, the teachers saw me and laughed, I was so embarrassed. ”

My son went to kindergarten and there was no secret at home, and my father was embarrassed to pick up the child: the teacher advised me not to divorce

Netizen @ "Pepper" said: "My family's lock is really afraid to tell the child the password, only let her enter the fingerprint, otherwise the cleaning aunt will know, usually we say where to travel, she also sees who says, lest others do not know when there is no one in my home." ”

My son went to kindergarten and there was no secret at home, and my father was embarrassed to pick up the child: the teacher advised me not to divorce

There is a kindergarten baby at home, which makes Mom and Dad nervous.

Sometimes when you see a child playing on the side, you think that the child is small and does not understand, he does not understand what you say, in fact, the child is smart, he will take your words to heart, and then tell his trusted teacher.

As a kindergarten teacher, a netizen said that everyone's complaints are real, and the children really have no secrets in their mouths, and they will suddenly run to the teacher's side: "Teacher, I tell you a secret..."

Before you could stop him, he hissed and finished talking.

The teacher remembers that once she was watching the children play during recess, and a child ran up to her and said loudly, "Teacher, I tell you, my dad has a pimple on his ass." ”

My son went to kindergarten and there was no secret at home, and my father was embarrassed to pick up the child: the teacher advised me not to divorce

A few teachers next to her were crazy, and she quickly covered the child's mouth: "This secret, I don't want to know." ”

In fact, the child's mind is very simple, they can not identify what is privacy, just out of the sharing psychology, tell the secret to the people they trust.

In the child's heart, if you want to have a good relationship with one person, you can't have secrets, so that two people are really good friends.

For example, you will see that the child sometimes comes home crying: "Whoever doesn't get along with me, she goes to play with someone else." ”

They attach great importance to friendship, and the teacher, as an idol in the child's heart, will naturally be willing to take the initiative to share the secret, and you can't stop the child's enthusiasm.

My son went to kindergarten and there was no secret at home, and my father was embarrassed to pick up the child: the teacher advised me not to divorce

From another point of view, this is also the innocence of the child.

He has no secrets in his heart, he says things when he encounters them, and never hides his sadness in his heart.

So we love to play with children, and they always bring us some joy.

And when the children grow up, they have a sense of discernment, know how to write a diary will lock, let you enter the room to knock on the door, you will feel that the child is far away from you, that is because the child has an independent mind.

When you see the child's rebellion, your heart will miss the child's childhood, in contrast, the child of childhood is convinced of the words of his parents and will show you adoring eyes.

An educator said, "Good habits are cultivated in childhood." ”

Childhood children are very innocent, like soft water, what container you put the water into, the water will form what shape.

After the child develops good habits, even if it reaches the rebellious period of adolescence, parents do not need to worry too much.

My son went to kindergarten and there was no secret at home, and my father was embarrassed to pick up the child: the teacher advised me not to divorce

When you meet a child who loves to tell the secrets of the family, what should parents do?

First of all, learn to respect your children at home.

Parents should pay attention to the occasion when speaking and doing things, do not think that the child does not understand anything, and consciously communicate with the child in a civilized manner, so that the child can develop a good habit of communication in the middle of hearing and seeing.

Second, use storytelling to guide.

Children love to listen to stories, and if they find out, they will tell others the password for the door of the house.

Husbands and wives can chat at will when they are eating, and then Dad inadvertently mentioned that a good friend's child, because he told others the password of the door, ended up losing the most beloved doll, because the password was heard by a stranger, and the stranger did something bad.

The child will definitely be nervous, because he has told others, and you will comfort him: "It is okay, you are telling acquaintances, but if you are accidentally heard by strangers, it will be miserable." ”

You did not criticize the child, but let the child have a sense of discernment in his heart, the password of the door of the home can not be casually told to others, as for other things, it is better to give an example.

My son went to kindergarten and there was no secret at home, and my father was embarrassed to pick up the child: the teacher advised me not to divorce

In addition, take more children to expand your horizons.

Many children in life, every day is two points and one line, the social surface is also very narrow, and there are not many people who can speak from the heart.

You can take your child to the science and technology museum and other places to turn around, let the child expand his horizons, he has more insight, more things in his heart, and the trivial things at home are not in his heart.

As a person who has come over, looking at the stubborn baby of adolescence, I really want to tell you, cherish the time of your child's childhood, how much happiness your child brings you, how much you play with your child, he will give you more unexpected surprises.

When your child goes to elementary school, the secret will be in the composition, and maybe it will write you more vividly, which is the wealth that you think of laughing.

Give the cute kids a thumbs up! Will your child tell the teacher the secrets of the family?

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