
Beimu and Kejie are 1 paragraph apart, and the two of them rush to the country at the same time in the S26 season, but after opening the record page, Beimu panicked

There are many changes in the Glory of Kings S26 season, such as the rhythm of the wild, because of the re-setting of the Shadow Lord, which can summon dragons, which has accelerated the mid-term neutral resource competition, and many new equipment have been added. But at the same time, the addition of the new hero Hui makes the anchor Ke Jie and Bei Mu also care very much, because at present, the first Ke Jie 123 section and the second Bei Mu 122 section are currently divided.

Beimu and Kejie are 1 paragraph apart, and the two of them rush to the country at the same time in the S26 season, but after opening the record page, Beimu panicked

The arrival of The Coming of The Mirror and Lan is the same, all in order to improve the player's operability, make up for the current vacancy of the operation hero, and at the same time exercise the skills of many players. As a representative of the operation-type wild anchor, Ke Jie and Bei Mu did not let go of opening the impact of the national one and increasing their own wild segments, but the effect was completely different, the peak game was 1300 points, and the effect of Bei Mu was not good.

Beimu and Kejie are 1 paragraph apart, and the two of them rush to the country at the same time in the S26 season, but after opening the record page, Beimu panicked

Ke Jie and Bei Mu actually practiced this hero at the beginning of the new version, and the effect was OK. But into the peak game to see the luck, the beginning of the season of the peak game is actually not so easy to play, although everyone is on the same starting line, but there are many top players, the unique brother will often take advantage, Beimu, Kejie are just playing this hero, not to mention the unique brother some losses.

Beimu and Kejie are 1 paragraph apart, and the two of them rush to the country at the same time in the S26 season, but after opening the record page, Beimu panicked

However, Beimu's performance in the peak match of 1300 points, let netizens somewhat unbelievable, as the top playing wild anchor, although the peak game is a bit difficult to play, but also not in the 1300 points of continuous taste of defeat, Beimu and Kejie have changed the title of the live broadcast room to the first stage of the National Service, then the current peak status of Beimu, and the combat strength of the sun is not optimistic.

Beimu and Kejie are 1 paragraph apart, and the two of them rush to the country at the same time in the S26 season, but after opening the record page, Beimu panicked

And Ke Jie's recent games are to win the game, and said that the new version of this version of the priority is too high, basically can be mirrored, Lan then out of the intensity of sitting on an equal footing, this hero can see that it is also very suitable for Ke Jie's gameplay, after all, Ke Jie's operation type of wild play are very good, but Jie himself also showed that he likes this hero too much, and it is currently a peak game to lose, it seems to be to compete with Beimu for the first place in the national service.

Beimu and Kejie are 1 paragraph apart, and the two of them rush to the country at the same time in the S26 season, but after opening the record page, Beimu panicked

Moreover, from the gameplay of These Rounds of Ke Jie, it can be seen that this hero is too restrained for the crisp skin without displacement, and the displacement amplitude is high, and it can also pass through the wall, integrating high explosion, large displacement, and operation type, so this is why Beimu and Ke Jie love the new hero so much, which is too suitable for the rhythm and operation of the peak game.

Beimu and Kejie are 1 paragraph apart, and the two of them rush to the country at the same time in the S26 season, but after opening the record page, Beimu panicked

Personal opinion: The new hero Is still very suitable for the operation of the wild anchor, and the Qi that Beimu recently used did lose to the north in the 1300-point peak match, and the proficiency still had to be strengthened. In addition, Ke Jie's peak race is currently not lost, as far as the current state of the points is concerned, both of them have the opportunity to serve the country, but Guoyi still has to see the follow-up understanding of the hero.

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