
King: Another T0 shooter appears, not afraid of Han Xin, ignores Marco Polo, and learns to be the king casually

King Canyon has ushered in a new S26 season, although Tianmei is still interested in strengthening the field, but the shooter has always been the core output of the team, a good shooter player can not only play online, and in the middle of the game has the ability to take over the game, and even has the ability to lead teammates to the final victory, the new version of another T0 shooter appears, not afraid of Han Xin, ignore Marco Polo, learn the king casually.

King: Another T0 shooter appears, not afraid of Han Xin, ignores Marco Polo, and learns to be the king casually

Han Xin

This hero is the belief of many players, as an assassin type of wild, it can be said to ignore any version, Han Xin has high mobility, and itself is not lacking in damage, and can play a control and hegemonic effect, whether it is a single soldier with a line deep or a team battle to fight and harvest, can play a brilliant record, but the hero operation is very difficult, after all, the two skills need to reverse operation, not only eat hand speed, and the eye power requirements are also very high, because they can play three displacements, the ability to cut C position is particularly strong, Full-level Han Xin can be harmless and crispy, which is a nightmare for many shooters, but it needs to be deliberately practiced.

King: Another T0 shooter appears, not afraid of Han Xin, ignores Marco Polo, and learns to be the king casually

Marco polo

This shooter has a high appearance rate on the development road, liked by many players, Marco Polo can play real damage, and comes with two displacement skills, mobility is OK, big moves can also play AOE damage, because they do not lack damage, so they can be half-flesh, the requirements for assistance are not very high, Marco Polo in the god costume can use big moves to play a harvesting effect in team battles, and the hero kite ability is very strong, many assassins have no way to take him, As long as Marco Polo has a good space for development in the early stages, the hero can hit tons of damage in the later stages.

King: Another T0 shooter appears, not afraid of Han Xin, ignores Marco Polo, and learns to be the king casually

Another T0 shooter appeared

After entering the S26 New Year season, another T0 shooter appeared on the development road, she is Yu Ji, the hero general attack can play a deceleration effect, the ability to retain people is very strong, and the attack distance of one skill is relatively long, can cause high physical damage to enemies on the path, two skills can be immune to physical damage for 2 seconds, and increase the movement speed, big moves can cause control effects on a single target, while immunity control skills during the jump, although many shooters are afraid of Han Xin, but Yu Ji can completely ignore Han Xin, Because of the immunity attribute of 2 seconds, Yu Ji could easily kill Han Xin, and Han Xin had no way to take Yu Ji.

King: Another T0 shooter appears, not afraid of Han Xin, ignores Marco Polo, and learns to be the king casually

Before many players said that Yu Ji was afraid of Marco Polo, because the end of the world can provide Magic Ball damage for Marco Polo, but since the end of the world effect weakened Marco, Yu Ji directly ignored Marco Polo, and even the fourth level has the ability to kill Marco alone, although Marco Polo's big move damage is high, but Yu Ji can use the big move to interrupt Marco's big move, and he can also control it with his backhand, and turn on the immune effect, Marco has no chance to fight back, so in the current version, Yu Ji playing Marco Polo is very easy.

King: Another T0 shooter appears, not afraid of Han Xin, ignores Marco Polo, and learns to be the king casually

Yu Ji operation difficulty is not high, after the fourth level began to usher in their own strong period, the team battle only needs to be in the rear of the general attack output on the line, in order to ensure their own safety, you can release two skills to chase, the rational use of two skills can play a role in saving life, while increasing the speed of attack, full level of Yu Ji big move plus pu attack can easily play the damage of the second person, the new season has just begun, Yu Ji strongly settled in the development road T0 list, indicating that her strength in the new version is still recognized by players.

That's all there is to it, what are your thoughts on that? Welcome to leave a message below, let your comments be seen by more friends, we discuss together, remember to pay attention to Oh!

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