
Why is Zhang Wailong extremely popular? He was answering the reporter's choked up idifles that would say it all!

Among the several foreign coaches in the Chinese Super League, there are several Korean coaches, such as Choi Kang-hee who left from Shanghai Shenhua, Kim Jong-fu of Hebei team, Zhang Wailong of Chongqing Liangjiang Athletics, Xu Zhengyuan of Chengdu Rongcheng, the above are all Korean coaches, they are all liked by everyone in their respective teams, especially Zhang Wailong, he did not leave at the most difficult time of the team, on the contrary, he advanced and retreated together, his words touched everyone, what did he say?

Why is Zhang Wailong extremely popular? He was answering the reporter's choked up idifles that would say it all!

This year, many Chinese Super League teams have a hard time, I believe everyone knows, like the former giants Guangzhou team and Hebei team are shouting can not live, not to mention small and medium-sized clubs, Chongqing Liangjiang Athletic has not been a giant, just a small business, but the foreign aid they bought is extremely cost-effective, the price is not high, but very practical, such as the size of the motorcycle is a typical example, the small motorcycle Fernando has been naturalized successfully, can play for the national football team, the big motorcycle has become the absolute team soul of the team, Kaldek left to become the absolute main force of the Shenzhen team, Nowadays, Chongqing Liangjiang Competition is extremely difficult, why do you say so?

Why is Zhang Wailong extremely popular? He was answering the reporter's choked up idifles that would say it all!

First of all, they experienced stock reform, but not successful, resulting in their crisis has not been lifted, unpaid wages have been accompanying them, you have to ask who has a bad day in this year, may still be the head coach Zhang Wailong, the first two years under his leadership, achieved the best results of the Chongqing team, became the biggest dark horse in the Chinese Super League, but this year by the impact of the club's finances, has gone several good foreign aid, many times only one foreign aid support, but they did not give up, on the contrary, the more they played, the braver they were.

The club is so difficult, the head coach Zhang Wailong can completely pat his ass and leave, but he did not do this, he wanted to advance and retreat with the team, although the club owed him a long salary, but he did not complain at all, on the contrary, he constantly encouraged the players to persevere, in a reporter dialogue, his words touched everyone, he said: "Everyone Happy New Year...", then he blushed, choked up, almost cried out!

Why is Zhang Wailong extremely popular? He was answering the reporter's choked up idifles that would say it all!
Why is Zhang Wailong extremely popular? He was answering the reporter's choked up idifles that would say it all!

Huang Qiang said that there are many foreign teachers in China, especially european big-name coaches, they are still worse than South Korean coaches, not that their level is worse, on the contrary, it is much higher than the level of Korean coaches, but they face difficulties in the team at the same time, the way to deal with it is different, European coaches will choose to pat their butts and leave, and will also sue their old owners to FIFA, on the contrary, Korean coaches are more pragmatic, they will choose to advance and retreat with the team, such as Hebei's Kim Jong-fu, Zhang Wailong of Chongqing Liangjiang Athletic, in the face of reporters choked up and unable to speak, he has a lot of grievances in his heart, this time can only be expressed with tears, saying that his professionalism is very strong, can such a coach have no popularity? What do you think?

This article is the author Huang Qiang's original article on sports, refuse to reprint, violators will be investigated! The image material comes from the network, if there is any inappropriate, please contact the author to delete!

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