
Is the aura of a large and attractive compact car so domineering? Take a look at Arrizo 5

Is the aura of a large and attractive compact car so domineering? Take a look at Arrizo 5

Is the aura of a large and attractive compact car so domineering? Take a look at Arrizo 5

Hi, I'm finally looking forward to you. I don't know if the respected little brothers are thinking of themselves? The author jun has been waiting for your excellency's big ride for a long time. First of all, sincerely thank you for the visit of the column, and wish Jiangdong father a spirited, bright future, gossip is not much, I talk about these things today: dear old car owners know: fuel saving is one of the biggest advantages of compact cars, and its displacement is generally within 1:6-2.0 liters, not only has the outstanding advantages of small engine burden, low daily maintenance costs, and their power is also very reliable, so it is favored by many young ladies. This time, the little sister and brother, who are mainly based on very objective vision, share the shortcomings of several novel and safe and affordable Internet celebrity models, which are all summaries of my friend's various experiences in driving process. I hope to provide some pertinent references for the younger sisters.

Is the aura of a large and attractive compact car so domineering? Take a look at Arrizo 5

Model 1: Arrizo 5 (starting at 4.99w)

Is the aura of a large and attractive compact car so domineering? Take a look at Arrizo 5

Sales analysis: As a member of Chery Automobile, Arrizo 5, its market influence is still top-notch, in addition, the arrizo 5 landing price is very attractive, and at the same time has been a batch of little brothers and sisters trust and praise. You must know: Arrizo 5's monthly sales performance has gone up another level. Once again, 0.14 million units were sold, and he stepped on the throne of 47th place, which can be said to be one of the unparalleled and dazzling stars in the domestic market, which is more than the sales of many competitive models in the market. In fact, There are still some things to be improved in Arrizo 5, but Xiaobian still firmly believes that the core influence of Arrizo 5 is always extraordinary. The main reason for this is that the strong popularity of the Arrizo 5 is something that everyone can see. And regardless of its performance or configuration, it is absolutely easy to beat many mainstream compact cars in the same level of the market. Some owners believe that the charm of the Arrizo 5 is undoubtedly unquestionable, and it is expected that it will soon beat all opponents in the loud car market.

Is the aura of a large and attractive compact car so domineering? Take a look at Arrizo 5

The front face shape of the Arrizo 5 is particularly eye-catching, the paint is quite thin, and the domineering lines are dotted in it, which belongs to the very calm category. In addition, the styling of the front Peugeot is very visual, and the entire line is also "thief" to impress people's hearts, and the curved double waist line extends from the B-pillar position to the C-pillar area of the vehicle, like an embroidery needle, making the impact of the Arrizo 5 more obvious, very sharp and explosive, and complemented by the split led flashing headlights, not as ugly as the previous old model.

Is the aura of a large and attractive compact car so domineering? Take a look at Arrizo 5

Space analysis: There is no doubt that the space of the Arrizo 5 is excellent, which makes most car owners feel particularly satisfied, compared to the rest of the compact car models of the same price and level, and the storage space is also quite sufficient, pulling some daily luggage is enough. Its size is 4572mm, 1825mm and 1482mm, and I believe that the rear space is full of several small pets and can still be effortlessly cocked on Jiro's legs. Therefore, the practicality of Arrizo 5 can be said to be relatively strong. Even giving Alese 5.1 million likes is not too much. At the same time, the space in the trunk is very good, so you can also put a lot of luggage. The practicality is comparable to the bedroom, so xiaobian is very satisfied.

Is the aura of a large and attractive compact car so domineering? Take a look at Arrizo 5

Speaking of power performance, Arrizo 5 is definitely full of highlights, its power unit can burst out up to 90p of extraordinary support, matching the CVT stepless (analog 7 gear) gearbox, so the power output of Arrizo 5 is particularly stable. It's definitely a treat for CVT stepless (analog 7-gear) fans. And the Arrizo 5 is loaded with a cast iron engine block, so it can exert excellent compression characteristics. On the other hand, the displacement characteristics of the Arrizo 5 are undoubtedly very impressive, as we all know, the displacement version of the current Arrizo 5 has 1.5L and 1.6L.

Is the aura of a large and attractive compact car so domineering? Take a look at Arrizo 5

Voice of the Riders: As we know, the Arrizo 5, as a member of Chery Motors, should be targeted in the class of compact cars around 8W. First of all, the body design of the Arrizo 5 is very visually impactful, and it looks like a live cat. It was tasteful to look at. In addition, the leg stretch of the Arrizo 5 is also quite good, and it does not feel squeezed at all when wading in it, and it is also very good to open, which is worthy of the high-quality style carefully polished by Chery Automobile.

Is the aura of a large and attractive compact car so domineering? Take a look at Arrizo 5

Finally, Arrizo 5 has a good fuel consumption performance: mainly because the oil control technology of Arrizo 5 has been improved a lot of inevitable results, so it is more to meet the needs of more migrant workers. Put it this way, I run most of the urban and rural road conditions, sometimes will run the national highway and other road conditions, have to mention that this Arrizo 5 oil is relatively small, now 100 kilometers of fuel consumption can be controlled within 7.8 liters, overall, Arrizo 5 fuel economy is not very high, in the compact car may be able to be considered more economical. So I am very happy in the next. Friends around me can't help but praise the fuel consumption economy of The Arrizo 5 is indeed quite reliable, but it is estimated that if the air conditioner is turned on in the summer, I believe that the fuel consumption of the Arrizo 5 will be higher. The main unit will reimburse almost all the social expenses later, and the pressure on my economy will not be great. To be honest, the more fuel-efficient it is, the more willing it is to open. Even if the running-in time is not very long, it is always firmly believed that after the next deep combination, its fuel consumption of 100 kilometers will be lower.

Is the aura of a large and attractive compact car so domineering? Take a look at Arrizo 5

Industry comments: [not very satisfied with the place] Many friends feel that the suspension has a loss of hard, although it can make Arrizo 5 more confident in the process of rapid cornering, but when passing through the complex road section, then please be prepared in advance for the two waists to be shaken up, if it is the older friends sitting inside, feel that the two PP are a little uncomfortable. In addition, there is a little flaw that the engine of the Arrizo 5 can hear clear tire noise, especially in the case of uneven and steep road surfaces, in addition, the power is relatively small when changing gears, and some little brothers also reflect these disadvantages: 1. The smell situation is very prominent when it is just brought home. 2. Bluetooth headset will occasionally appear to be unconnected, 3. Fuel consumption is a little larger,

Is the aura of a large and attractive compact car so domineering? Take a look at Arrizo 5

Model 2 Xinrui

Is the aura of a large and attractive compact car so domineering? Take a look at Arrizo 5

Appearance Appreciation: It simply captured the love of young consumers, and I was honored to buy it. The front face is beautiful, very distinctive, the net is not big, it looks very large, and cleverly uses a lot of elements with distinctive characteristics of the SAIC Skoda family, the flowing water style turn signals and LED headlights are handsome, and the recognition at night is also very high, its side is quite good, the side of the flow line is more layered, running through the tail position of Xinrui, highlighting the personality of SAIC Skoda products. At the same time, the sides of Xinrui's body have been polished and polished, which is quite beautiful. It can be said that Xinrui is particularly brilliant wherever it goes. The rear part of the car adopts a unique exhaust style, and the design of the two taillight groups in the rear is particularly good, so many little brothers feel that xinrui's return rate on the road is still relatively high. My girlfriend originally bought this Xinrui mainly because of its beautiful appearance.

Is the aura of a large and attractive compact car so domineering? Take a look at Arrizo 5

Whenever the author's disposable pocket money is not abundant, I will go to the offline "4 sons" shop to test the addiction, at present I feel that the new Xinrui sound insulation effect is quite in place, driving quite quietly, although the quality of Xinrui is so heavy, still so long, but the control is still very good.

Is the aura of a large and attractive compact car so domineering? Take a look at Arrizo 5

The third model is 99,800 to 166,900

Is the aura of a large and attractive compact car so domineering? Take a look at Arrizo 5
Is the aura of a large and attractive compact car so domineering? Take a look at Arrizo 5

Appearance comments Personally feel that the appearance of the domain is still super fashionable, the front of the face of the middle net and the wheel hub below are blackened, while the overall visual sense has also been stretched a lot! The tuning of the chassis is very good, it looks very much like a sports car, the waist line and then have the flagship compact car's favorite blade design wheels to match, quite durable, the current enjoyment of the domain seems to be the main pragmatic and low-key style, its taillights have edges and angles, careful taste, sports introverted temperament is fascinating, the more you look at the more flavorful. In the next main admiration of the front design of the domain, because I feel more condensed, and especially have a young, athletic feeling.

Is the aura of a large and attractive compact car so domineering? Take a look at Arrizo 5

Interior advantages Many details of the domain can see the manufacturer's care. The interior materials are very sufficient, in addition, the luxurious steering wheel of the enjoyment area is quite smooth to the touch, the steering is sensitive, and it also makes the whole car safer and more convenient. It is worth noting that the style of the rear seat of the enjoyment domain and the related interior collocation are very in place, the fit is also very good, and the soft material is used for wrapping, and it can even be said that there is no flaw, and the enjoyment domain has not found a little odor problem so far. At the same time, the noise in the car is basically imperceptible. Therefore, the overall driving experience of the domain is still relatively comfortable.

Is the aura of a large and attractive compact car so domineering? Take a look at Arrizo 5

Power situation The acceleration of the enjoyment domain does not drag at all, and the moment you step on the accelerator, you can immediately overtake. And its push back feeling is also very good, noise reduction performance is also very in place, usually do not deeply understand, feel very quiet, comfort is also particularly good. In addition, because the power of the enjoyment domain is already very abundant, there is no need to make too many changes to the power for the time being.

Is the aura of a large and attractive compact car so domineering? Take a look at Arrizo 5

Rider comments The author feels that the design of the appearance of the domain is simply just now. The total length of the enjoyment domain is close to five meters, the headlights look relatively large, and the night is very "cute". It is worth noting that the handles on both sides of the domain and the grid net have been blackened and upgraded, and the silver chrome trim strips have incomparably shining headlights on both sides, which look quite stylish and handsome, and the wheel hubs of the domain are closed, and the size is particularly coordinated, regardless of its size or the details of the production process. It's a lot sexier to look at. The sides look sporty, the bumper is safe, it's novel and rounded, revealing the nobility of pure elegance. In addition, I am more pleased that the high-quality low-noise function of the domain, in the next since the heavy money to buy the domain, the place of satisfaction is definitely more, first of all, its power performance in Hainan indoor opening is enough to meet various needs. Easy for families or pick-up and drop-off customer service. The exterior and interior are also relatively young, the spoon lamp plus M sports kit is very energetic, very suitable for our young people who pursue trend sports. The control is also stable and fierce, referring to where to fight, the accuracy is very high. And I especially like the carplay is really convenient, do not look at the phone directly to the screen projection directly to give full marks. There are also some functions that are also very good, such as 360-degree panoramic images, head-up display, keyless entry, seat massage heating, etc. In general, the cost performance of the enjoyment domain is very high after all, and the high-end version actually does not need 160,000 yuan to have a transaction, very praised There is no other dissatisfaction.


Is the aura of a large and attractive compact car so domineering? Take a look at Arrizo 5

The above introduced Arrizo 5, Xinrui and Xiangyu, the price is different, the manufacturer's lower guidance price of the compact car is Arrizo 5, followed by Xinrui, the highest is The Enjoyment Domain, usually speaking, the guidance price of the model and the actual naked car price are different, the data shows that the lowest domestic naked car price of Arrizo 5, Xinrui, and Xiangyu is as low as 49,900, 50,600 and 105,000, respectively. I don't know which of the above compact cars is particularly favorite? Here, I sincerely wish the old irons of good fortune and good luck in all things. If you like this article, don't forget to click three times.

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