
The courtiers were jealous, and the emperor told the story of the two men's past, and since then there has been a famous idiom story

The long river of history is running endlessly, there are calm waves, there are also waves, let Xiaobian take you into history and understand history.

Under the ancient dynastic system, the meritorious people saw danger, and the meritorious people were jealous, which became the biggest estrangement between the monarchs and subjects, so there were the sighs of Han Xinzhi, the Marquis of Huaiyin, the song Taizu cup of wine to release the military power, and the story of the Ming Taizu burning the Qinggong Building, so later people regretted the meritorious people at the same time, but also hated the emperor's brutality and ruthlessness. However, the world's affairs are always opposite, there are kings who slaughter heroes, and there will be kings who give preferential treatment to heroes...

The courtiers were jealous, and the emperor told the story of the two men's past, and since then there has been a famous idiom story

Liu Xiu, the founding emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty, guangwu Emperor, has to say that he is such an excellent and perfect emperor, in his body, we can hardly find any of his shortcomings, successful career, marrying Bai Fumei, children into instruments, talent and virtue, and sharing the world with heroes, such an emperor can be said to be unattainable, who meets whose blessings.

However, it was such a perfect and impeccable emperor who also encountered a hero's suspicion once, but the reason why Liu Xiu was perfect was that the way he handled this matter won him a good name, because this incident also gave birth to a particularly famous idiom story.

The courtiers were jealous, and the emperor told the story of the two men's past, and since then there has been a famous idiom story

Feng Yi's exploits

Feng Yi, a famous general and military figure of the Eastern Han Dynasty, later ranked seventh in the Twenty-Eight Generals of Yuntai, Liu Xiu claimed that the empress dowager was given the title of Grand General of Zhengxi and Marquis of Yang, and in 34 AD, he died of illness in the army, with the title of "Jiehou".

During the reign of Emperor Dezong of the Tang Dynasty, sixty-four generals were posthumously named, including Feng Yi; in the "Biography of the Seventeen Hundred Generals of the Seventeen Histories" written during the Northern Song Dynasty, Feng Yi was included; Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang took thirty-seven people from ancient and modern times to accompany the imperial temples of the past dynasties, and Feng Yi was still inside, and only Feng Yi and Deng Yu were listed during the entire Eastern Han Dynasty.

Feng Yi made outstanding contributions in his life, helping the Guangwu Emperor Liu Xiu to pacify Guanzhong and establish the Eastern Han Dynasty, and from then on he was enfeoffed as Marquis of Xiangyang and held the position of general of the Western Expedition. Because Feng Yizhen guarded Chang'an, it became a barrier for the Eastern Han Dynasty in the northwest, holding real power and loving the people like a son, and the people of Guanzhong called him "King of Xianyang".

The courtiers were jealous, and the emperor told the story of the two men's past, and since then there has been a famous idiom story

As the saying goes, there are not many people who are popular, and at this time, some people in the DPRK said to Liu Xiujin: "Feng Yi's prestige is too high, and he will have the heart of rebellion, and the imperial court must be more defensive."

Feng Yi became more and more anxious after hearing this, he did not know the taste of food, and he could not sleep, in order to eliminate the suspicion of the imperial court, Feng Yi could only write to defend himself: "In a difficult situation, I am still cautious and cautious, and now that Taiping is deeply favored by the emperor today, how dare I do great rebellion." ”

The king does not doubt the subjects, the subjects do not rebel against the king, and the kings and subjects pass on the beautiful talk with one heart

If most of the jealous kings were replaced, they would definitely recall Feng Yi to collect his military power, light or overhead, heavy or beheaded, but Feng Yi's luck was that he met Liu Xiu, and what awaited Feng Yi would not only not be the suspicion of the Lord of Gong Gao Zhen, but also make Feng Yi more honorable and favored.

The courtiers were jealous, and the emperor told the story of the two men's past, and since then there has been a famous idiom story

After seeing Feng Yi's letter, Liu Xiu replied with an edict: "The general is to the country, the righteousness is the monarch, and the father and son of Enyou", that is, the general is the precious wealth of my dynasty, and I Liu Xiu treat the general as a son respects his father, and the general does not have to be afraid because of the slander in the middle of the country.

This is the charisma of personality, I have to say that Liu Xiu can succeed in his own reasons, it is not without reason to become a perfect and unnamed emperor in Chinese history, And Feng Yi can meet Liu Xiu, and it is indeed his luck.

In 30 AD, Feng Yi came from Chang'an to Luoyang, Kyoto, to meet Liu Xiu, the Emperor of Han Guangwu, and Liu Xiu received Feng Yi very solemnly and said to Wenwu of the Manchu Dynasty: "He was the master bookkeeper when I started my army, and he split the thorns for me on the road of entrepreneurship, swept away many obstacles, and calmed down the land of Guanzhong for me. “

The courtiers were jealous, and the emperor told the story of the two men's past, and since then there has been a famous idiom story

Book of the Later Han Dynasty · Feng Yi Biography: The emperor said that the Gongqing said: "It was the master bookkeeper when I rose up, and I put thorns on thorns for me, and fixed the guanzhong." ’

Since then, there has been a famous idiom in Chinese history, "cut through thorns and thorns", and the love of Feng Yi and Liu Xiu's monarchy has also been passed down as a beautiful talk. People in later generations are mostly on the road of entrepreneurship, describing the difficulty of entrepreneurship with thorns and thorns.

After the dispersal of the dynasty, Liu Xiu rewarded Feng Yi with a large number of treasure costumes, and wrote an edict of gratitude: "When I was in Wupu Pavilion, I did not have food to eat, it was you who brought me a bowl of bean porridge; when I was hungry in the Tuotuo River, it was you who cooked me wheat rice, and you have not repaid my great kindness."

The courtiers were jealous, and the emperor told the story of the two men's past, and since then there has been a famous idiom story

If it is said that 'cutting through thorns and thorns' is Liu Xiu's political motive to establish the unity of kings and subjects for all the ministers, then in this edict, it is to completely unload the identity of the emperor and express personal gratitude to Feng Yi, and an emperor like Liu Xiu can only say that it is rare in eternity.

What Feng Yi did not expect was that because of the slander of others, it further promoted the feelings of the two Junchens; what neither Liu Xiu nor Feng Yi expected was that because of this incident, it invisibly added a well-known idiom to China's cultural circles, in 34 AD, that is, the fourth year after the worship of Luoyang, Feng Yi died of illness in the army, and Liu Xiu posthumously named him "Jie Hou", which means that he is the Marquis of Gao Feng Liang Festival.

Well, today's sharing ends here, and we'll see you next time

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