
This person is Zhang Xueliang's second wife, who was once abused by bandits for a month to protect students!

What is history: it is the echo of the past to the future, the reflection of the future on the past. - Hugo

Zhang Xueliang's first wife was personally screened for him by his father Zhang Zuolin, and he was notoriously a good daughter-in-law, Yu Fengzhi. In fact, when it comes to Zhang Xueliang's wife, many people only know Yu Fengzhi and Zhao Yidi, who accompanied Zhang Xueliang under house arrest for half a century, and many people know very little about his second wife, but she is a person with feelings and righteousness. Her name is Gu Ruiyu.

Gu Ruiyu was born in a large family in Yangliuqing near Tianjin. She was a mixed-race woman with a Russian father, a Chinese mother, and a younger sister. For many of her family backgrounds, it is now difficult to find other information. Gu Ruiyu has received a good education since childhood, so he is very knowledgeable and reasonable, and he has a good temperament. After graduating from high school, she came to Jiamusi to work as a teacher in a primary school, teaching and educating people with the knowledge she learned.

In 1920, a group of bandits came from Jiamusi, and the bandits invaded Jiamusi and robbed and plundered everywhere, and Gu Ruiyu, who was a great beauty, became a rare "treasure" in the eyes of bandits. At that time, many people in Jiamusi tried their best to escape, Gu Ruiyu was a primary school teacher at the time, and she was beautiful, many people advised her to leave quickly, but looking at a group of children who had lost their loved ones, she finally chose to stay and protect them.

This person is Zhang Xueliang's second wife, who was once abused by bandits for a month to protect students!

Gu Ruiyu was quickly arrested by the bandits, and the bandit leader looked at her puzzled and asked, "Everyone else has run away, why don't you leave?" Gu Ruiyu replied without any fear: "For the sake of the child." You cannot hurt them. "Look at the beauty who is less than 20 years old. The bandit leader used this to blackmail her into making her his "lady of the village" himself. Gu Ruiyu, who had originally fallen into darkness, did not expect that there would be a bright day, and after she was wasted by bandits for a month, Fengjun sent troops to surround and suppress the bandits. The leading officer was Zhang Xueliang.

After the bandits were eliminated, Zhang Xueliang and Gu Ruiyu met. Zhang Xueliang was greatly shocked when he learned of Gu Ruiyu's encounter, so he decided to take her away. Gu Ruiyu has been living in Tianjin since marrying Zhang Xueliang, and with Zhang's support, she has entered Nankai University for further study.

However, the two did not grow old in vain, and Gu Ruiyu was rightfully abandoned after Miss Zhao Si appeared. Since then, Gu Ruiyu has lived in Tianjin and has not married for life until his death in 1983 at the age of 83!

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