
Who captured Chiang Kai-shek? Is the report untrue? The parties are in a hurry! It took more than 40 years for the truth to come out

The party who led the team to capture Chiang Kai-shek alive mentioned above, that is, the person who wrote a letter to Ye Jianying, he is Wang Yuzhen, so what did he go through?

Wang Yuzhan was born after the Battle of Jiawu, living in an ordinary family, his parents worked hard to educate him, and at the age of eighteen, he resolutely joined the army from Rong and engaged in a clerical position, and after graduating from the Wutang, he followed Zhang Xueliang's side in prison to plot.

Who captured Chiang Kai-shek? Is the report untrue? The parties are in a hurry! It took more than 40 years for the truth to come out

Wang Yuzhen in his youth

In the mid-to-late 1930s, Song Zheyuan's troops gradually exaggerated, and after their wings hardened a little, they thought of annexing the entire North China army in one fell swoop, and finally put down a Hongmen banquet to entertain several officers of the Northeast Army, Wang Yuzhan was one of them, under the situation of the destruction of the country and the death of the family, the Northeast Army was annexing itself, and Wang Yuzhan was very angry.

After that, Wang Yuzhan took measures before dawn, leading his troops to Xi'an to join Zhang Xueliang, and was highly used by Zhang Xueliang. Under the fiasco of each battle, coupled with the reactionary actions of our party's underground workers, Zhang Xueliang's position began to change, and Wang Yuzhen even listened to Zhang Xueliang's actions.

In the demonstration of the majority of students against the civil war, Lao Jiang ordered Zhang Xueliang to shoot to solve the problem, Wang Yuzhen quickly informed the school leaders, the students retreated under Zhang Xueliang's advice, and then the well-known military advice plan began to be implemented, wang Yuzhan first led the escort to help Zhang Xueliang.

Who captured Chiang Kai-shek? Is the report untrue? The parties are in a hurry! It took more than 40 years for the truth to come out

Sun Mingjiu

In the later operation, in order to ensure that the information was not leaked, Zhang Xueliang ordered Wang Yuzhan and Sun Mingjiu to cooperate with each other, Wang Yuzhuan knew the intention, after receiving the task, he stayed in the office all night without falling asleep, and began to deploy in the middle of the night, when he reached the second gate where Chiang Kai-shek was guarding, Wang Yuzhan found a sentry and fired, which started the Xi'an Incident.

Immediately entered a melee, when others were fighting, Wang Yuzhan and others quickly rushed into the room, but found that there was no one, Wang Yuzhan immediately ordered a search of the mountain, Wang Yuzhuan led by the left side to carry out arrest, Sun Mingjiu led by the right side to carry out arrest, just in the process of everyone looking, the platoon leader of Wang Yuzhuan's camp found Lao Jiang, and shouted, just when Wang Yuzhuan was looking for a voice, but Sun Mingjiu took a step ahead.

Wang Yuzhuan thought that it would be up to Sun to say it, and then the two battalions of fighters together detained and took away lao Jiang, And Zhang Xueliang naturally rewarded and promoted Wang Yuzhan, but during the interview with the American reporter Snow, Sun Mingjiu, who was interviewed, did not mention anyone else, and Sun Mingjiu became a great hero who captured old Jiang alive.

Who captured Chiang Kai-shek? Is the report untrue? The parties are in a hurry! It took more than 40 years for the truth to come out

Sun Mingjiu was interviewed

In the late 1930s, Wang Yuzhan was afraid that the veteran would be liquidated to his head, so he chose to resign and live in seclusion, and then became the director of the correctional institution, worked as an instructor, and led the uprising movement, but when he wanted to return to the northeast in his later years, where he was born, he was treated unfairly and was sent to the countryside for fifteen years.

At the end of the 1970s, Wang Yuzhan saw Sun Mingjiu's elaboration in the newspaper, and it had been more than forty years since Jiang was captured at that time, so why was only Sun Mingjiu involved? Wang Yuzhan began to write letters to his superiors to explain the truth, and it was not until Ye Jianying saw the letter and conducted a thorough investigation that he uncovered the lies of history.

It was Wang Yuzhan's guards who fired the first shot of the Xi'an Incident, it was Wang Yuzhan who entered Lao Jiang's room first, it was also the mountain that Wang Yuzhan ordered to search, and it was also Wang Yuzhan's subordinates who discovered Lao Jiang first, while Sun Mingjiu only made a quick start in the merit book, and the ending was really very happy.

After the truth came out, Wang Yuzhen was reused again and died at the age of eighty-eight, but this great hero is always worthy of our remembrance!

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