
Why do some parents like to create pressure on their children? These are just a few reasons

The text Xiao Yi picture comes from the network

Some parents are very selfish, but most parents are so that their children can live a good life. However, some parents have low emotional intelligence and IQ, will not educate and guide their children, they are meant to be good for themselves and their children, but what they do is to give themselves pressure, make children inferior, and destroy children' things!

Why do some parents like to create pressure on their children? These are just a few reasons

Some parents are too eager to make quick profits, and they have destroyed the children who are still in their childhood into children with psychological problems, so that the children are more and more stressed, and they are more and more afraid of the future, resulting in children becoming more and more inferior!

A childhood child, it is the time to be happy, if you do not get enough care and love from your parents, but put pressure on them to create anxiety, then the child will slowly feel afraid of their future, the psychology will be unhealthy, and when they grow up, they will either be depressed or live very tired and tired!

Why do some parents always like to create unnecessary pressure on their children? These are just a few of the main reasons

01 Parents themselves are not capable, and want their children to fight for their own face

Parents who have no ability generally like to create pressure and anxiety for their children, because they desperately need face, and they want to compare their children with others and rely on their own children to turn over.

But most of these parents are not how to properly educate and guide their children, they do not know how to reflect on themselves, let alone understand their children, because they do not understand their children they do not know what advantages their children have, or know the advantages of children are also regarded as shortcomings.

Because they are eager to make quick gains, they want to see their children's achievements quickly, so that they can have face in front of everyone, so they always like to exert invisible pressure and anxiety on their children, always compare children with other people's children, or say some words that are too radical and humiliating to children, such as you are like this, you will become a beggar in the future!

Such parents often exert invisible pressure and anxiety on their children, in fact, this is not only for the sake of their children, but also for their own faces.

02 Anxious about the future, want to control their children to let their children obey their own arrangements

Some parents have a bad mentality, so they are very anxious about the future, their future selves become undesirable selves, and they are afraid that their children will become dissatisfied with them, so they ideally control their children and let their children completely obey their arrangements.

But parents with a bad mentality and often anxious are not mentally, they will not give their children a good arrangement, and if they can give their children a good arrangement, they themselves will not have a bad mentality and anxiety.

But they just like to control their children to make children obey themselves, and then pass on their anxiety to children, so that children are also anxious.

Such parents, although they are for their children but also for themselves, they are anxious about the future, and they want their children to follow their own arrangements to create a good future. However, I have no feasible arrangements, I do not understand the advantages of the child, and even directly deny the advantages of the child, which is equivalent to forcing the child into a dead end, and the pressure on the child will become greater and greater, and even collapse!

03 Poor heart, children want to do what they want to do are hit and counted

It doesn't matter if some parents are poor, but the most fatal is poverty, they are meant to be good for their children, but they do indeed ruinous things, children dare not express their views and ideas in front of them from an early age, because they are afraid of their blows and numbers!

Such parents are too poor, what children think about and do is first of all a blow and a number of blows to the child, so that the child loses the confidence and courage to do it, and even dare not think!

Children from a young age seem to be unaccustomed to the same, parents poor will not encourage and support their children, children do wrong to be hit, children do right is also hit, so that children slowly psychological pressure is very large, there are nothing dare to say to parents, afraid to say it will be hit and counted!

Why do some parents like to create pressure on their children? These are just a few reasons

04 Conclusion

Parents are basically good for their children, but can not think of the child in the name of good to hurt the child, parents also want to learn, parents of their children's education to keep pace with the times, do not learn how to keep pace with the times? Relying on one's own stubbornness and self-opinion to educate (combat) children will only ruin children's mental health! If parents want to educate a child well, they must first learn on their own.

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