
The feast is a plate of four dishes, and the meat and vegetables are always suitable

During the meal, a plate of four kinds of cold dishes, two meats and two vegetarian dishes, spicy and fragrant, five spices and dry crisp, four tastes, is not only a good appetizer, but also a very suitable side dish.

The feast is a plate of four dishes, and the meat and vegetables are always suitable

Cold mixed marinated beef, spicy flavor, marinade, oil spicy seeds, white sesame seeds and other flavors of the fusion, set brine, spicy, crisp in one, very layered.

The feast is a plate of four dishes, and the meat and vegetables are always suitable

Brine duck tongue, the brine taste is rich and strong, the heat is also good, both chewy and toothless, in fact, it will be more delicious to grab it directly with your hands, but it is still not good to look at the wine table.

The feast is a plate of four dishes, and the meat and vegetables are always suitable

Cold dried tofu, thick dried tofu cut into small strips, with shallots and fresh red peppers, refreshing and delicate, salty and moderate, slightly spicy, rich taste.

The feast is a plate of four dishes, and the meat and vegetables are always suitable

Cashew nuts, the taste is very good, the taste is quite dry and crisp, when snacks are good, you can also drink wine. Such four dishes, the taste is a little lighter, there is a spicy heavy bite, the taste is always appropriate.

The feast is a plate of four dishes, and the meat and vegetables are always suitable