
A few home-cooked vegetarian dishes are delicious and delicious, no wonder the family likes it, and every time they complain about doing less

author:Huan Jie Food House
A few home-cooked vegetarian dishes are delicious and delicious, no wonder the family likes it, and every time they complain about doing less

Spicy and sour potato chips

Ingredients: New potatoes, green and red peppers, dried red peppers, garlic, salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate, soy sauce, vinegar


1: Peel and wash the potatoes and cut into slices. Wash and cut the green and red peppers into small cubes;

2、 Cut the dried red pepper into small pieces, remove the seeds and slice the garlic;

3: Pour oil in a hot pan, simmer and sauté dried red peppers and garlic slices, add potato chips and green and red pepper pieces after flavor;

4. After stir-frying a little, season with an appropriate amount of salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate and soy sauce, and stir-fry evenly;

5: Drizzle a little vinegar before cooking, stir-fry evenly, and you can do it.

A few home-cooked vegetarian dishes are delicious and delicious, no wonder the family likes it, and every time they complain about doing less

Small stir-fried pigeons

Ingredients: 1 pigeon, 1 handful of fresh vine peppercorns (if not, replace them with dried peppercorns), 100 grams of white celery, 4 pickled peppers, 1 piece of ginger, 1 garlic of monocaps, 3 shallots, 30 grams of cooking oil, 50 grams of white wine, 1 gram of salt, 15 grams of light soy sauce, 5 grams of sugar, 10 grams of oyster sauce


1, the pigeon is chopped into 3 cm square pieces, the pigeon miscellaneous knife is changed to a suitable size, add cooking wine and marinate for 10 minutes in advance;

2: Cut the parsley and shallots into sections, slice the ginger and garlic separately;

3, chop the pepper with scissors to cut into diagonal segments, do not put on the cutting board to cut, so that you can retain most of the foot soaking juice;

4: Heat the oil in the pot, add the pigeon meat and stir-fry;

5: After the oil temperature comes up, pour white wine along the edge of the pot, quickly cover the pot after ignition, and simmer for 3 minutes;

6. Open the lid and add the side dishes;

7, soy sauce and salt, sugar, oyster sauce into a sauce, pour in;

8: Stir-fry evenly, slightly collect the juice and stir-fry.

A few home-cooked vegetarian dishes are delicious and delicious, no wonder the family likes it, and every time they complain about doing less

Braised pork ribs

Ingredients: 500 g of ribs

Accessories: 1 white green onion, 2 fragrant leaves, a small piece of ginger, 4 cloves of garlic, 1 piece of cinnamon, 1 piece of large ingredients, 1 small spoon of salt, a suitable amount of rock sugar, 1 spoonful of soy sauce, 1 spoonful of cooking oil, an appropriate amount of cold water, an appropriate amount of boiling water.

1. Pork ribs are cooled in an underwater pot, without a lid on the pot and boiled. Use cold water to boil the blood in the ribs as much as possible, and do not cover the pot lid to allow the odor to be fully volatilized;

2. After opening the pot, the blood foam will be slowly boiled, and after the blood foam is skimmed as much as possible, the ribs will be fished out and set aside. Rock sugar crushing;

3. Put a little oil in the pot, put in the rock sugar, sauté the sugar color with a low heat, the heat must be small. Simmer slowly until the caramelized aroma of sugar is emitted, and the color also turns light brown;

4. Blanch the ribs in water and stir-fry with sugar. Pour in a little soy sauce to color. Add the large ingredients, fragrant leaves, cinnamon, sliced ginger, green onion, and garlic;

5, pour boiling water over the ribs, cover the pot and turn the heat to low and simmer for 40 minutes, when the soup is still one-third of the time, add salt, collect the juice over medium heat, and put it out of the pot.

A few home-cooked vegetarian dishes are delicious and delicious, no wonder the family likes it, and every time they complain about doing less

Stir-fried garlic sprouts with apricot abalone mushrooms

1, first of all, we prepare the ingredients: two apricot abalone mushrooms, clean, cut the apricot abalone mushrooms into two pieces, cut into thick slices and then cut into strips, and a small handful of garlic seedlings are cut diagonally into segments;

2, two garlic, cut into thin slices, a small piece of ginger, also cut into thin slices, grab a small handful of dried chili, add a spoonful of watercress sauce and put it together;

3, all the ingredients are ready, we proceed to the next step: burn the oil in the pot, burn the oil to 50% heat, pour in the apricot abalone mushrooms, quickly fry it, the process keeps the medium heat, and the oil can be poured out for 30 seconds;

4, leave the bottom oil in the pot, pour in the small ingredients such as onion and ginger just prepared, stir-fry the red oil of the bean paste, pour in the fried apricot abalone mushrooms, quickly turn a few times, and then add a spoonful of soy sauce, turn the soy sauce evenly;

5, below, start seasoning: add 2 grams of chicken powder, 1 gram of pepper, 2 grams of salt, quickly turn the seasoning evenly, pour in the red pepper shreds and garlic seedlings, garlic seedlings do not have to fry for too long, casually turn a few times, 3 layers of cooked can be out of the pot and plate.

A few home-cooked vegetarian dishes are delicious and delicious, no wonder the family likes it, and every time they complain about doing less

Sweet and sour pork ribs

Ingredients: pork ribs, salt, sugar, aged vinegar, soy sauce, soy sauce, cooking wine, peppercorns, fragrant leaves, large ingredients

1. After cleaning the ribs, add the appropriate amount of water, cooking wine, peppercorns and large ingredients, put the ribs on high heat and cook for half an hour;

2: Remove the ribs and put them in the basin with 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, 1/2 tablespoon of dark soy sauce, 2 tablespoons of cooking wine, and salt for 20 minutes;

3: Heat the stir-frying pan with vegetable oil, fry the ribs in the oil until golden brown;

4: Leave a little oil in the pot, add 3 tablespoons of sugar, a small amount of broth, a little salt (salt has been added when marinating, do not add more) Add ribs to medium heat and cook for 5 minutes;

5: Add 3 tablespoons of aged vinegar at this time and collect the juice on high heat.

A few home-cooked vegetarian dishes are delicious and delicious, no wonder the family likes it, and every time they complain about doing less

Boiling fillets

Ingredients: Fish, dried chili peppers, peppercorns, ginger, garlic, green onions, oil, salt, monosodium glutamate, dry starch, cooking wine, watercress (or minced pepper), raw egg white, pepper.

1, kill the fish and wash well, chop off the head and tail, slice into fillets, and chop the remaining fish steaks into several pieces. Grasp the fillets with a pinch of salt, cooking wine, corn starch and a protein and marinate for 15 minutes;

2, boil a small pot of water, wash the bean sprouts, put into boiling water to blanch, fish into a large basin, according to personal taste sprinkled with a little salt, set aside;

3: Add three times the usual oil to the usual stir-frying pan, after the oil is hot, add 3 tbsp of watercress and sauté until fragrant, add ginger, garlic, green onion, peppercorns, paprika and dried red peppers and sauté over low heat. Add the head and tail and fish chops after the flavor, turn the heat high, turn well, add cooking wine and soy sauce, pepper and sugar to an appropriate amount, continue to stir-fry for a while, add some hot water, and add salt and MSG to taste. When the water boils, keep the heat on high, put the fish fillets in one by one, spread them with chopsticks, and turn off the heat in 3 to 5 minutes. Pour the cooked fish and all the soup into the large basin containing the bean sprouts;

4, take another clean pot, pour in half a kilogram of oil (the specific amount of oil depends on the size of the container prepared, to pour into a large basin, the fish and bean sprouts are all submerged, you can visually measure). When the oil is hot, turn off the heat and let it dry. Then add many peppercorns and dried peppers, and slowly sauté the peppercorns and peppers over low heat to create the aroma of the peppercorns and peppers;

5: When the color of the peppers is about to change, immediately turn off the heat, pour the oil and peppercorns in the pot into the large basin containing fish.