
Eating well can also be "anti-virus", experts prescribed 7 "Chinese medicine soup recipes" 1, ginseng gin mushroom chicken soup 2, kudzu yam pigeon soup 3, ginseng nan apricot olive lung soup 4, ginseng double bamboo mushroom duck soup 5, watercress blackfish soup 6, burdock raw ground pork bone soup 7, mountain lotus real rib soup

author:Life Times
Eating well can also be "anti-virus", experts prescribed 7 "Chinese medicine soup recipes" 1, ginseng gin mushroom chicken soup 2, kudzu yam pigeon soup 3, ginseng nan apricot olive lung soup 4, ginseng double bamboo mushroom duck soup 5, watercress blackfish soup 6, burdock raw ground pork bone soup 7, mountain lotus real rib soup

In the days when trapped at home by the new coronavirus, in addition to washing hands frequently, ventilating more, and disinfecting frequently, it is also necessary to exercise appropriately and work and rest regularly. In terms of diet, we should also pay attention to strengthening the spleen and lungs, removing humidification and phlegm, and conditioning the body in order to enhance the ability to resist diseases.

Eating well can also be "anti-virus", experts prescribed 7 "Chinese medicine soup recipes" 1, ginseng gin mushroom chicken soup 2, kudzu yam pigeon soup 3, ginseng nan apricot olive lung soup 4, ginseng double bamboo mushroom duck soup 5, watercress blackfish soup 6, burdock raw ground pork bone soup 7, mountain lotus real rib soup

In China's therapeutic culture, the status of soup is very important. Drinking soup not only replenishes water, but also helps to replenish a variety of nutrients. Life Times interviews TCM experts to recommend several soup recipes for moisturizing your lungs.

Experts interviewed

Lan Senlin, Professor of Internal Medicine, The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine

This article was edited by 丨 Zhao Kejia Yang Meng

<h1>1. Ginseng mushroom chicken soup</h1>

15 grams of ginseng, 30 grams of astragalus, 30 grams of Huai yam, 50 grams of white fungus, 6 shiitake mushrooms, 6 red dates, 3 slices of ginger, and 1 turkey (about 1250 grams).

Wash the chicken, cut into large pieces, put it in boiling water and blanch it slightly, remove the blood foam, soak the white fungus and shiitake mushrooms in warm water, remove the hard stems, wash and cut open; the red dates are split and pitted; the ginger is washed and peeled, and cut into thick slices.

Wash the ginseng, astragalus and Huai yam together in a casserole dish, add 3 liters of water, a little white wine, boil over high heat and then use low heat to simmer for 2 hours, fine salt to taste.

This soup can strengthen the spleen and lungs, nourish the blood, rationalize the phlegm, help improve the body's disease resistance, and is suitable for the general population.

<h1>2. Kudzu yam pigeon soup</h1>

500 grams of kudzu root, 250 grams of yam, 1 carrot (about 150 grams), 1 corn (about 150 grams), 10 horseshoes, 200 grams of bamboo cane (a type of sugarcane), and 1 pigeon (about 750 grams).

The pigeons are washed, cut into large pieces, blanched in boiling water, rinsed out and rinsed with blood foam; kudzu root washed (without peeling), cut into thick slices; yam and carrots peeled, washed, hob cut thick pieces; corn removed coating and whiskers, washed, horizontally cut into 6 segments; water chestnut peeled, sugar cane washed, cut into small strips.

Place all the prepared ingredients in a casserole dish, add 3 liters of water, a little white wine, boil over high heat, and then simmer over low heat for 1.5 hours, seasoning with salt.

This side of the spleen and lungs, appetizing digestion, raw and thirsty, phlegm and cough, suitable for the general population to take, especially the diet is more greasy, lung and stomach heat accumulation of people.

<h1>3. Ginseng nanxinglan lung soup</h1>

30 grams of ginseng and lilies, 15 grams of southern almonds, 6 figs, 12 green olives, 3 red dates, 3 slices of ginger, and 1 pig lung.

First wash the pig lungs, cut into pieces, stir-fry, sprinkle some white wine to remove the fishy taste when frying; wash the green olives and cut them in half; split the red dates to remove the core; wash and slice the ginger.

Wash the ginseng, lilies, almonds and figs together in a casserole dish, add 3 liters of water, a little white wine, boil over high heat and then simmer over low heat for 2 hours, season with salt.

This side is suitable for the general population to take and eat, and can also be used for the adjuvant treatment of diseases caused by insufficient spleen and lung qi and yin, or dry heat consumption.

<h1>4. Ginseng double bamboo mushroom duck soup</h1>

30 grams of northern sand ginseng, 50 grams of five-fingered peach, 30 grams of jade bamboo, 8 bamboo thorns, 6 shiitake mushrooms, 15 grams of broad tangerine peel, and 1 duck (about 1250 grams).

The duck is washed, cut into large pieces, put in boiling water with tangerine peel (or citrus, orange, or grapefruit leaves) and blanched slightly, fished out and rinsed off the blood foam; the bamboo shoot is soaked in light salt water, the umbrella part of the head cover is removed, cleaned and cut into sections; the mushrooms are soaked in water, remove the hard stems, wash, and cut in half.

Wash the other ingredients, put them together in a casserole dish, add 3 liters of water, a little white wine, boil over high heat and simmer for 2 hours, season with salt.

This formula can strengthen the spleen and supplement the lungs, benefit the stomach and vitality, moisten the lungs and dissolve phlegm, nourish the yin and dryness, suitable for the general population to take food, and can also be used for the auxiliary treatment of diseases caused by insufficient spleen and lung qi and yin.

<h1>5. Watercress blackfish soup</h1>

Watercress (also known as watercress) 750 g, blackfish (raw fish, snakehead) (about 500 g), 2 duck gizzards, 250 g lean pork, 6 figs, 3 red dates, 3 slices of ginger.

Blackfish are slaughtered, washed and drained, a little oil is placed in an iron pot, and slowly fried over low heat until semi-cooked; the lean pork is washed and cut into cubes; the duck gizzard is washed and cut into thick slices; the red dates are split and pitted; and the watercress is selected and washed.

Blackfish, pork, duck gizzards, red dates together with figs, ginger together in a casserole, add 3 liters of water, a little white wine, first boil over high heat, then put the watercress into the pot, and change to a low heat for 1.5 hours, fine salt seasoning can be.

This side is healthy and healthy, clears the heat and moisturizes the lungs, nourishes the yin and vitality, and is suitable for the general population to eat. It can also be used for adjuvant treatment of spleen and lung deficiency, shortness of breath and lack of food, dry lungs and dry cough, thirst from jin wounds, internal heat and thirst, constipation, menorrhagia, dysmenorrhea and other symptoms.

It should be noted that watercress has a certain effect on egg implantation and pregnancy, so pregnant women cannot take it, but it can be used for menstruation, abortion and contraception.

<h1>6. Pork bone broth with burdock raw ground</h1>

1 burdock (about 250 grams of fresh food, 60 grams of dried products), 30 grams of raw land, 120 grams of soybeans, 500 grams of pork backbone, 6 chicken feet.

Wash the pork backbone, cut into large pieces, blanch in boiling water, fish out the washed blood water; burdock root peel, wash and cut into thick pieces. Together with the washed raw land, soybeans and chicken feet, put them in a casserole dish, add 3 liters of water, a little white wine, boil over high heat and reduce heat to low heat for 2 hours, and season with salt.

This side is healthy spleen and qi, kidney and yin, water dampness, cool blood detoxification, suitable for the general population to take. It can also be used for adjuvant treatment of various diseases caused by spleen and kidney deficiency, yin and blood deficiency, etc.

<h1>7. Pork rib soup with mountain root lotus</h1>

Huai yam, lotus seeds, mustard fruit, sautéed barley, sautéed lentils 30 grams each, astragalus 15 grams, tangerine peel 10 grams, pork ribs 500 grams.

Wash the pork ribs, cut into small pieces, put in boiling water for a while, fish out the washed blood foam; together with other washed ingredients, put them in a casserole dish, add 3 liters of water, a little white wine, boil over high heat and then boil over low heat for 1.5 hours, season with salt.

This soup can strengthen the spleen and lungs, dispel dampness and phlegm, especially suitable for people with spleen and lung deficiency, phlegm dampness and heavy weight, and lack of energy. ▲