
The beauty of the museum is suffocating "small fresh" cultural relics, netizens: the aesthetics of the ancients kill modern people

When it comes to cultural relics in the museum, Chinese people will naturally think of treasures full of history such as the Shaanxi Terracotta Warriors and Horses and Sichuan Sanxingdui. It is true that these cultural relics do represent the exquisite craftsmanship level and history of the ancients in our country. But because they are too atmospheric and less grounded, they seem to be quite alienated from modern civilization, which is why young people do not like to visit these museums.

The beauty of the museum is suffocating "small fresh" cultural relics, netizens: the aesthetics of the ancients kill modern people

In fact, with thousands of years of glorious history in our country, the ancients not only left us magnificent and atmospheric cultural relics, but also many exquisite cultural relics that are generally "small and fresh" and have a very skillful craftsmanship. Nowadays, it seems that these cultural relics are really beautiful and suffocating, have a good attraction for young people, and even make people sigh: the aesthetics of the ancients are seconds to modern people. What kind of cultural relics can be so moving, and listen to the author slowly.

The first is called a pastel lotus suction cup, which is collected in the Hubei Provincial Museum, which is a treasure from the Guangxu period of the Qing Dynasty, and from a distance, it looks like a lotus flower that has just been plucked from a pond and the water droplets are still clean, which is quite delicate. The most ingenious thing is that the lotus stem of the lotus flower is not an ordinary ceramic design, but hollow. It resembled the structure of today's straws, so the treasure was also called a "suction cup" by historians.

The beauty of the museum is suffocating "small fresh" cultural relics, netizens: the aesthetics of the ancients kill modern people

On the back of the flower stem of the pastel lotus flower suction cup, there are the big characters "Autumn Exercise Memorial near Taihu Lake in the Thirty-fourth Year of the Great Qing Dynasty". It is not difficult to infer that this cup was made by the Qing court to commemorate the soldiers' training activities near Taihu Lake, and it is not known who the owner is.

The second treasure is called the Hibiscus Stone Cockroach Ear Cover Furnace, which is hidden in the Nanjing Museum. This is a cultural relic during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, the Qianlong Emperor's aesthetic in history is well known, and few emperors in the Qing Dynasty can stand out from the others. The style that Qianlong prefers is the girlish style that modern girls are fascinated by, with complex patterns and gorgeous colors. Obviously, this hibiscus stone cockroach ear cover furnace is properly in the style of the Qianlong period.

The beauty of the museum is suffocating "small fresh" cultural relics, netizens: the aesthetics of the ancients kill modern people

Looking at this hibiscus stone cockroach ear cover furnace, the whole body is powdery and transparent, and it is carved out of a whole piece of hibiscus stone. The hibiscus stone was also called "love stone" in ancient China, and the output was extremely rare. Such a rare cultural relic is naturally a treasure that Qianlong loves to let go.

The beauty of the museum is suffocating "small fresh" cultural relics, netizens: the aesthetics of the ancients kill modern people

The third piece is called a jade comb with a tangled peony pattern, which is also in the Collection of the Nanjing Museum. This is a cultural relics from the Southern Song Dynasty, excavated in 2004 in Jiangning Town, Jiangning District, Nanjing, jade products are not uncommon in ancient China, since ancient times there have been legends of Heshi Bi. However, the jade comb has only unearthed this one in China at present. Its embellished black and jade white form a cloud-ink interlaced texture, making the overall look beautiful.

And this tangled peony pattern jade comb, is made of the best Hetian jade in ancient times, 13.7cm long, 5.1cm wide, the back of the comb using a hollow design, the peony and flower buds carved above are very moving, this comb is afraid that no one is willing to comb their hair, just for treasure.

The beauty of the museum is suffocating "small fresh" cultural relics, netizens: the aesthetics of the ancients kill modern people

The last piece is called a peach tourmaline melon-style pendant, which is in the collection of the Palace Museum. The hue of this treasure is very similar to the previous hibiscus stone cockroach ear lid furnace, which is a clear and crystal pink color throughout. It is a jade pendant in the shape of a melon vine plant, symbolizing having many children and many grandchildren. It can be seen that this is the dowry of a large family in ancient times, and it gives the meaning of having many children and many blessings. In modern times, its beauty is not at all inferior to the jade pendants made by today's people.

The beauty of the museum is suffocating "small fresh" cultural relics, netizens: the aesthetics of the ancients kill modern people

From these treasures, it is not difficult to see that in addition to the magnificent atmosphere and thickness of China's cultural relics, there are also such exquisite cultural relics full of girlish hearts. It is precisely because of these anti-traditional cultural relics that more and more young people have entered the museum. At the same time, it also shows a truth, beauty, can always cross time and space.

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