
Founding Female University Colonel Lin Yueqin: Her ex-husband is a founding lieutenant general, who remarried Luo Ronghuan at the age of 23, and her son is a lieutenant general

Among the wives of the founding generals,

Luo Ronghuan

Marshal's wife

Lin Yueqin

It can be said that it is a more prominent one,

She joined the revolution at the age of 17, walked through the Long March, went to the anti-Japanese front, ran a school for her children, and became the only female colonel in the army when she was awarded the title in 1955.

Lin Yueqin was born in 1914 to a small merchant family in Jinzhai County, Anhui Province, where her mother died very early and her father

Lin Weiyi

Opened a grocery store on Nanxi Street and barely made ends meet.

In the winter of 1924, the Communist Party organization was established in the Nanxi area, and Lin Weiyi's grocery store became a secret contact point for the party and a printing point for revolutionary propaganda materials, and he himself was influenced by the party's progressive ideas, joining the Chinese Communist Party in 1927 and doing the party's secret traffic work as a businessman.

Founding Female University Colonel Lin Yueqin: Her ex-husband is a founding lieutenant general, who remarried Luo Ronghuan at the age of 23, and her son is a lieutenant general

Young Lin Yueqin

Influenced by the party and her father from an early age, Lin Yueqin's thinking was very progressive, and at the age of 15, she cut off her long braids, cut her hair into a new style, and participated in local women's movement workshops.

The leader of the workshop was Chen Juemin, and her eldest brother was the famous Wang Ming, who preached the emancipation of women and equality between men and women, and called on female students to join the Red Army and contribute to the revolution. Under her influence,

Lin Yueqin joined the Communist Youth League and joined the Red Army in the winter of 1931.

However, in 1932, Lin Yueqin's father, Lin Weiyi, died unjustly in the "purge" in the Soviet District, and Lin Yueqin was also dismissed from his post and sent to the labor reform team for reform, in 1932, the fourth anti-"encirclement and suppression" of the Red Fourth Front Army failed, and had to move to the Border of Sichuan and Shaanxi, the labor reform team was disbanded, and the superior ordered Lin Yueqin to go home and find another way out.

But Lin Yueqin's revolutionary belief was very firm, she believed that only by following the Red Army could there be a way out, so she always followed behind the team, refusing to leave no matter who rushed, and also took the initiative to help carry water, collect firewood, burn fires, cook, or help care for the wounded and do some needlework. After more than three months of persistence, the leaders of the unit were finally touched by her and agreed to let her return to the team.

After the Red Fourth Front entered Sichuan, it developed rapidly, Lin Yueqin was first transferred to the women's factory of the Ministry of Supply, responsible for the production of quilts, and then transferred to the battalion commander of the women's red army battalion, the main task of the engineer battalion was to sew military uniforms, make military hats, weave leggings, play straw shoes, and undertake logistical transportation tasks, etc. Except for one platoon leader who was male, the other four or five hundred people were women.

Lin Yueqin then led her troops to participate in the Long March, and during the Long March, she and her superior, the director of the General Station of the Red Fourth Front

Wu Xian'en

In love and married, the two are like-minded and quite affectionate.

Founding Female University Colonel Lin Yueqin: Her ex-husband is a founding lieutenant general, who remarried Luo Ronghuan at the age of 23, and her son is a lieutenant general

After the Red Army arrived in northern Shaanxi, Lin Yueqin joined the Communist Party of China in 1936. In November of that year, Wu Xian'en was appointed as the director of the Supply Department of the Red 9th Army, and accompanied the Western Route Army on a westward expedition, while Lin Yueqin entered the Yan'an Central Party School to study.

However, after more than 4 months of arduous struggle, the Western Route Army finally failed, and almost the entire army was destroyed. Lin Yueqin, who was far away in Yan'an, received the news that her husband had died, and she couldn't help but be devastated.

The comrades around her introduced her to her in order to get out of her grief as soon as possible

After the two met, they both had a good feeling for each other, and with the approval of the Party Central Committee, they married on May 16.

Founding Female University Colonel Lin Yueqin: Her ex-husband is a founding lieutenant general, who remarried Luo Ronghuan at the age of 23, and her son is a lieutenant general

Lin Yueqin and Luo Ronghuan

But Wu Xian'en did not die, after the team was scattered, he went to Yan'an alone while begging, after thousands of hardships, walked for 108 days, and finally returned to Yan'an!

Not only Wu Xian'en, Lin Yueqin and Luo Ronghuan knew that after they knew, the taste in their hearts was not good, and they didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

After Mao Zedong learned about the matter, he was also very shocked, ordinary people may just be marital emotional disputes, but they are not the same, which is related to politics. Luo Ronghuan used to belong to the Red Front, and Wu Xian'en used to belong to the Red Fourth Front, but if this matter was not properly handled, the relations within the unit would definitely be affected, and there would be no contradictions within the Party or an impact on the overall situation of the War of Resistance.

So Mao Zedong approached Lin Yueqin, asked her to make her own choices, and said that his opinion was the opinion of the Party Central Committee.

Lin Yueqin is also very entangled and painful, this matter can not be blamed by anyone, to blame can only blame the front of the misinformation of the news, to blame is to blame this era! After spending time with Luo Ronghuan, she knew that she could not leave him, so she found Wu Xian'en and told herself that she had decided to be with Luo Ronghuan.

Wu Xian'en also understood things, he decided to let go, and wished Lin Yueqin and Luo Ronghuan happiness. After Mao Zedong knew, he praised Wu Xian'en for being able to afford it and put it down, and Luo Ronghuan was also very moved, and personally went to Wu Xian'en to apologize, and the two became very good friends.

Founding Female University Colonel Lin Yueqin: Her ex-husband is a founding lieutenant general, who remarried Luo Ronghuan at the age of 23, and her son is a lieutenant general

Of course, Wu Xian'en later found his revolutionary partner and was awarded the rank of founding lieutenant general in 1955.

From May 1938, Lin Yueqin successively served as the secretary of the Confidential Department of the Eighth Route Army Office in Xi'an, the officer and deputy chief of the Cadre Section of the Organization Department of the Political Department of the 115th Division, and the political coordinator of the Confidential Section of the Headquarters of the Shandong Military Region

。 No matter where she was, she tried her best to work, and Luo Ronghuan's health has always been bad, and she has also taken on the heavy responsibility of taking care of Luo Ronghuan's life to ensure that he can bear the heavy leadership work.

Lin Yueqin and Luo Ronghuan's husband and wife relationship has always been very good, but they have also blushed once because of work.

In 1943, Luo Ronghuan led the Shandong Eighth Route Army to launch a counter-offensive against the enemy-occupied areas. On August 20, most of the county seats east of Jinpu Road in Shandong were recaptured by the Eighth Route Army, but They could not capture Linyi, and the casualties were very large, and Luo Ronghuan was very anxious and wanted to ride to the front line to personally command.

At this time, Luo Ronghuan suffered from a serious kidney disease, and it was difficult to even walk, so how could he ride a horse to the front line? But Lin Yueqin knew her husband's temper and knew that she could not stop it, so she quietly asked the groom to take the horse away.

Luo Ronghuan found that the horse was missing, and he was anxious and angry, and Lin Yueqin knew that he could not hide it, so he had to say: "I asked the groom to take the horse away!"

Luo Ronghuan sternly rebuked Lin Yueqin:

"What are you doing here?"

Lin Yueqin said:

"The doctor said that you are very ill and should rest in bed, and you must not ride a horse!"

Luo Ronghuan said:

"The war ahead is tight, how do you let me rest?"

Lin Yueqin toped a sentence:

"Your illness is so serious, you don't want to die?"

Luo Ronghuan was on fire:

"Are you a member of the Communist Party?" Just let me go to the front! ”

Lin Yueqin had never seen her husband make such a big fire, and she felt very aggrieved, so she found the deputy political commissar Li Yu, and under his persuasion, Luo Ronghuan dispelled the idea of riding a horse.

Founding Female University Colonel Lin Yueqin: Her ex-husband is a founding lieutenant general, who remarried Luo Ronghuan at the age of 23, and her son is a lieutenant general

Lin Yueqin, Luo Ronghuan and the children

In May 1947, Luo Ronghuan's health was getting better and better, Lin Yueqin's task of taking care of him was light, so he wanted to work again, and the organization planned to arrange for her to serve as the deputy director of the Organization Department of the Political Department of Shino, but Luo Ronghuan told her:

"Now that there are many children in the military organs who have no place to go to school, you can go to run a school for children, which can not only solve their worries, but also relate to the cultivation of revolutionary descendants, which is a very important thing." If you want to be a "long", you should be the principal of a school for children! ”

Lin Yueqin readily agreed.

Lin Yueqin soon founded the Nangang Cadres' School of the Northeast Democratic Coalition Army in Harbin and served as the first principal. At the beginning of the school, the conditions were simple, she personally selected teachers, collected teaching aids, and had no classrooms, so she held classes in Luo Ronghuan's office. Thanks to her efforts, the size of the student expanded rapidly, reaching more than 80 in 1948.

Lin Yueqin's outstanding work was unanimously praised by the conductor and his family, and she was the secretary of the Central Women's Committee and the secretary of the Women's Committee of the Northeast Bureau

Cai Chang

He also praised her and called on everyone to learn from her.

The school later moved south with the troops, relocated 9 times, changed its name 12 times, and finally settled in Guangzhou, which is now

Guangzhou Bayi Experimental School

It is a famous school in Guangzhou.

Founding Female University Colonel Lin Yueqin: Her ex-husband is a founding lieutenant general, who remarried Luo Ronghuan at the age of 23, and her son is a lieutenant general

After the founding of New China, the education of the children of the troops was still a big problem, and Lin Yueqin, based on her previous experience in running schools, made suggestions to the General Cadre Department of the Central Military Commission:

Create a boarding school for the children of cadres to solve the worries of soldiers.

This proposal was quickly approved by the State Council and the Central Military Commission, and the task of running the school was again entrusted to her.

In May 1951, the 37-year-old Lin Yueqin became the principal of the school, and she personally went to Beijing to investigate the city, and finally chose to build a school in the western suburbs of Beijing. She also invited the master builder

Liang Sicheng

Under the guidance of the design, at her suggestion, the school's classrooms, library, canteen, and dormitories were connected by a spacious and bright promenade, and students could travel between the teaching and living areas rain or shine. Under her leadership, the school was built in just over a year, and officially opened on September 20, 1952, and the school was named "New Beijing Eleventh Primary School" by Nie Rongzhen, acting chief of the General Staff.

In order to build a strong school's teaching staff, Lin Yueqin went everywhere to recruit talents. At that time, many intellectuals were reluctant to work in schools, thinking that it was too much to do, but Lin Yueqin would always do their work patiently and meticulously. There was a young outstanding female soldier, working in the Navy Magazine, when she was having the opportunity to study journalism at Chinese University, Lin Yueqin felt that she was very suitable to come to the school as a teacher, so she repeatedly persuaded and invited her to come, she was reluctant at first, but finally was touched by Lin Yueqin's perseverance and love for students, and accepted the invitation. In this way, Lin Yueqin only took one year to mobilize a team of 300 teachers.

Founding Female University Colonel Lin Yueqin: Her ex-husband is a founding lieutenant general, who remarried Luo Ronghuan at the age of 23, and her son is a lieutenant general

Lin Yueqin (right) and teachers and students

Lin Yueqin is very concerned about the lives of teachers and students, she often uses bamboo baskets used in her hometown in Anhui Province, bringing her own buns, steamed buns, pastries and other hometown snacks and fruits, sometimes teachers and children are sick or have not caught up with dinner, she will send these foods to them. Her heart-warming gesture was well received by the teachers and students of the school, and the children affectionately called her

"Mama Lin"

In 1955, in order to take care of Luo Ronghuan, who insisted on heavy work with illness, Lin Yueqin was transferred back to the General Political Department of the People's Liberation Army

。 Among the titles awarded that year, Luo Ronghuan was awarded the rank of marshal, and she was also awarded the rank of colonel, the only female colonel in the People's Liberation Army at that time.

On September 28, 1963, Luo Ronghuan's condition worsened and he had to be admitted to Beijing Hospital, this time not only had unstable blood pressure and bad heart, but also began to fail kidney function. On the occasion of his death, he took Lin Yueqin's hand and instructed:

"After I die, don't live in the house assigned to me anymore, move to a general house, and don't make a special one."

Founding Female University Colonel Lin Yueqin: Her ex-husband is a founding lieutenant general, who remarried Luo Ronghuan at the age of 23, and her son is a lieutenant general

On December 16, 1963, Luo Ronghuan died of illness at the age of 61. After 26 years of affectionate love, the two were separated forever

During the Cultural Revolution,

Lin Yueqin pair

Lin Biao

The anti-party clique carried out a resolute boycott and struggle, which was affected


The fight against persecution, but no matter how difficult the situation, she was always very strong and never wavered against the party and peace



In May 1978, Lin Yueqin made a comeback and served as an adviser to the Cadre Department of the General Political Department, where she conscientiously performed her duties to reflect the situation and forward letters to the victims of unjust, false and wrongly decided cases. Many of the old and difficult problems left over from history have been solved under her appeal. She paid great attention to the reform of the military cadre system and the building of the contingent of cadres, and actively put forward some useful opinions and suggestions.

Lin Yueqin and Luo Ronghuan gave birth to 2 boys and 4 girls, but due to the harsh environment of the war years, son Luo Beitun and daughter Luo Lin died at the age of one or two, and daughter Luo Nanxia also died of cancer when she was a teenager

Son Luo Dongjin, daughter Luo Beijie and Luo Ning

Growing up, under the cultivation of Lin Yueqin, they all grew into talents.

Luo Dongjin

He followed his father's footsteps to join the army, and was admitted to the Harbin Military Engineering College, engaged in research work in national defense science and technology after graduation, and then transferred to the Artillery Scientific Research Department of the Central Military Commission and the Second Artillery Science and Technology Department, and served as the deputy political commissar of the Second Artillery Corps of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, and was promoted to the rank of lieutenant general in 1999.

Founding Female University Colonel Lin Yueqin: Her ex-husband is a founding lieutenant general, who remarried Luo Ronghuan at the age of 23, and her son is a lieutenant general


Luo Beijie

After graduating from the First Military Medical University in Guangzhou, she was assigned to Beijing 304 Hospital, and later went to Canada for further study, and served as the director of the cardiology department of the hospital, under her leadership, the cardiology department became the most cohesive and attractive department of the hospital, and the medical level was also in a leading position in the military hospital system.

Little daughter


In the early years of training in the army, after entering Peking University to study, but also to study in the United States, under the tide of reform and opening up, she bravely "went to the sea", served as the chairman of Beijing Kaixing Industrial Co., Ltd., and was praised by peers as a "strong woman".

On November 22, 2003, Lin Yueqin died in Beijing at the age of 90.

In her eulogy, she was described as "an outstanding woman in the revolutionary army" and "a great mother."

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