
Post-70s workers: When you can't move, it will be difficult for you to go back to your hometown


In a small remote mountain village, there was a child who went to the market.

To walk from the village to the market, you have to go around several mountain beams and walk a long mountain road. However, the child did not feel how bitter it was.

The market is bustling with people, vendors selling, shops, and a few red brick houses with concrete on the outer walls. And, of course, a few dimes a toy and balloons.

In the eyes of children, everything is strange and desirable.

Mother said, what is the market? It's good to go to the city, where there are very tall buildings, and if you look up at the roof, people will be dizzy. There are also cars, and the horns are loud.

As a result, the "children" began to yearn for big cities. Study hard and fly out of the ravine to become a phoenix.

Unfortunately, the path of reading is not very suitable. Maybe it's because the family is poor and can't afford to pay the tuition, or maybe it's because they don't study hard enough, they are too tired to do farm work, and they pull their academic performance very low.

Fortunately, the child did not give up the "dream of the big city", finally got on the long-distance bus and began the long journey...

I think this is the growth experience that most post-70s children should have.

Post-70s workers: When you can't move, it will be difficult for you to go back to your hometown


Suddenly, people after the 70s are also people in their forties and fifties, and along the way, it is not simple and not easy.

In the impression, there is an old song called "Wandering Song".

"How many years have passed, the spring grass is sprouting, it is another spring and summer, the wandering people miss you outside, dear mother, the wandering footsteps have traveled all over the world, there is no home ..."

In 2000, I was in Dongguan and went to the night market with a few co-workers. Someone pulled a big speaker, placed on the side of the road, and there was a small display on the speaker. You can take the microphone and sing to the little video.

This song has been sung again and again, and I can't get tired of listening to it.

Out of the house, we are all homeless people. While trying to make money, while missing his hometown, he shed tears.

As the saying goes, "The soldier who fights iron in the camp is flowing water." ”

In the factory, people come and people leave every month.

Some of those who left went to another factory or another city; some went back to their hometowns and never came again.

At the beginning, the workers around me left, and there was always a lot of reluctance. Later I got used to it, or numbed it. People go to the high places, the water flows to the low places, who can be willing to stay at the bottom for a lifetime?

The day before his co-worker Lao Li left, he talked about his hometown, a silvery beach.

As the sun sets, the sea is burned red by the sunset, and there are many children on the beach picking up shells. There are also industrious fishermen, returning from the sky.

Old Li said that he finally plucked up the courage to leave Dongguan and return to his hometown to engage in aquaculture. Now there are cement roads in the village, and street lights are also erected. Aquatic products are also worth more than before. The main thing is that his mother in her sixties had suffered a stroke, which reassured him.

Now old Li must have made a lot of money. Most importantly, he was able to stay in his hometown and live a life of sunrise and daily progress, never to wander again.

In fact, many people, like Lao Li, always think of "returning to their hometown to start a business", and they are reluctant to live in their hometown. However, not all small villages have the conditions to start a business. Barren land, remote ravines, no way to make money... Force the wandering people to continue to wander.

The leaf fell back to the root, just a dream, haunting the dream, and far away.

Post-70s workers: When you can't move, it will be difficult for you to go back to your hometown


Only to find that when you are old and can't move, most of your hometown will not be able to go back.

"When I was young, I earned money to support my family, when I was old, I earned money to support myself, and when I couldn't move, I would go home and wait for death", when I heard this sentence, my heart was shocked, and the wandering workers really wanted to do this?

My childhood playmate, Lao Zhang, is fifty years old this year.

During the New Year, my mother and I went shopping in the county seat. I met Lao Zhang, a sanitation worker with a broom in his hand.

Lao Zhang said that a few years ago, he worked in Zhejiang, and the factory hated him for being older, so he found a reason and dismissed him. He wouldn't go back to his hometown and farm; there was no capital or technology to start a business. The house in my hometown also fell into disrepair and could not be lived on.

The point is that Lao Zhang only paid social security for seven years, and according to the existing policy, he must pay 15 years. Therefore, he took out most of his life savings, bought a second-hand house in the county town, and then applied for a sanitation worker position.

Although the monthly salary is only 1,670, the unit can pay social security. Lao Zhang was very satisfied.

"The young man left home and returned to the old man, and the rural voice did not change the sideburns", when he was a child, he learned this poem and felt that the poet was too pretentious. Isn't it just going back to your hometown? How so much emotion.

Now, after the 70s, I am not even as good as a poet - he can still return to his hometown, but I can only return to the county town at best, and I cannot return to the village where I was born and raised.

Returning to the hometown for the elderly is conditional. At the very least, there must be a house, convenient transportation, conditions for medical treatment and schooling, and most importantly, "money."

Post-70s workers: When you can't move, it will be difficult for you to go back to your hometown


The landscape of the hometown is still beautiful, and the winding mountain roads lead from the mouth of the village to the distant big city.

However, our life is incompatible with our hometown, accustomed to wandering, yearning for prosperity. These are things that the homeland cannot give.

When my parents are there, I can still meet with my brothers and sisters every New Year's Festival and get together in my hometown. Once the parents are gone, the idea of returning to their hometown to get together is gone.

The reader "Rainy Walk" said to me: "When my parents drove the crane to the west, their hometown became their hometown." Who's going back to see? The mountain village has changed, relatives have slowly become strangers, and familiar classmates have gradually drifted away. It seems that it is just to go to the grave of my parents and burn a few pieces of paper money. Remember your parents' voices and smiles, and then cut off the last streak of nostalgia for your hometown. ”

Goodbye, our youth, our campus, our old house, the night sky and the fireflies in the courtyard. Occasionally, I think of "a call from my parents standing in the doorway", and then don't look over my face, trying not to let the tears slip down.

Spirited Away says, "Don't lose yourself, don't look back, keep moving forward." ”

Time is ticking and people are getting older. We are no longer the dancing teenagers. The dream of "fighting the sword to go to the end of the world" has spent most of my life, gaining, losing, and feeling a thousand emotions.

Parents are there, hometown is there; parents go, hometown is a pot of old wine, drink a sip, there is the fragrance of earth in it.

Author: Cloth coarse food.

Follow my words and go into your heart

The source network is accompanied by the picture.

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