
The women's volleyball team should not have a new person emerging! Gong Xiangyu dominates, and Wang Yifan changes his position or chooses well

In this league, the main attack, free man, secondary attack and other positions have bright new stars appeared, so that fans can see the hope of the rise of the Chinese women's volleyball team. However, it is regrettable that there is no potential stock in the receiving position, and Gong Xiangyu of the Jiangsu women's volleyball team is the leader.

The women's volleyball team should not have a new person emerging! Gong Xiangyu dominates, and Wang Yifan changes his position or chooses well

When everyone is still discussing whether to use comprehensive or strong response, I can't help but ask, "Do we have good seedlings for comprehensive response?" Do we have good seedlings that are strongly engaged? "Throughout the league, the teams have a common problem, that is, the characteristics are not prominent.

The women's volleyball team should not have a new person emerging! Gong Xiangyu dominates, and Wang Yifan changes his position or chooses well

For example, Chen Peiyan, who is regarded as a strong recipient of good seedlings, is completely inferior in the confrontation with Gong Xiangyu. You know, if you want to not take a pass, then the offensive ability must be strong. Lang Ping once said, "As long as the offensive ability of the receiver reaches the level of Goncharova, she can not take a pass." "But it is regrettable that our strong receivers, not to mention the offensive strength of Goncharova, even Gong Xiangyu's level has not been able to reach."

The women's volleyball team should not have a new person emerging! Gong Xiangyu dominates, and Wang Yifan changes his position or chooses well

Gong Xiangyu's offensive firepower was still very fierce without a pass. No matter what method she uses to slam the ball, as long as she can score, it is a good way. In the game, we can often see Gong Xiangyu hanging the ball, tapping and playing the line. According to technical statistics, Gong Xiangyu's offensive score is 270 points, ranking fourth among all players. Since the attack of the strong response is not as good as Gong Xiangyu, then we should still go back to the path of comprehensive reception.

The women's volleyball team should not have a new person emerging! Gong Xiangyu dominates, and Wang Yifan changes his position or chooses well

However, there are very few domestic comprehensive receivers who can compare with Gong Xiangyu, and there are even fewer receivers who can pick up a pass and can also attack, most of them are a pass that flies randomly, the defense is rescued, or the nanny who directly has no offensive ability is picked up. I have to say that the most worrying position of the Chinese women's volleyball team in the new cycle is still to respond. In the current situation of short-term response, it may be a good choice to transform the main attack into a reception.

The women's volleyball team should not have a new person emerging! Gong Xiangyu dominates, and Wang Yifan changes his position or chooses well

Wang Yifan of the Guangdong women's volleyball team should be a good candidate to change the pick-up. At 187cm tall, she not only has the ability to pass in six rounds, but also has a variety of slam dunk techniques and a bad ball rate, which is a very good all-round attacker. In the main offensive position, we also have young players such as Wu Mengjie, Zhou Pagetong, Zhuang Yushan, and Zhonghui, and the receiving position cannot find a good seedling, so if Wang Yifan can change the response, then the problem of the women's volleyball team will probably be answered.

The women's volleyball team should not have a new person emerging! Gong Xiangyu dominates, and Wang Yifan changes his position or chooses well

However, Wang Yifan will face a problem in changing the pick-up, that is, the Guangdong women's volleyball team already has its own receiving seedlings, that is, Chen Peiyan. Chen Peiyan and Wang Yifan are completely different types of players, Chen Peiyan is also a very powerful new star in China, but the next three-way technology is relatively lacking. Therefore, it is difficult for the Guangdong women's volleyball team to change Wang Yifan to the receiving position, after all, this may hurt both sides.

The women's volleyball team should not have a new person emerging! Gong Xiangyu dominates, and Wang Yifan changes his position or chooses well

Perhaps, we can only expect the national team to train Wang Yifan's second position attack. From the perspective of the league, Wang Yifan still has a strong offensive ability in the second position, and his steps are more flexible, and he can also play some running tactical balls. Everyone thinks that transforming Wang Yifan into a receiver will not be more in line with the needs of the national team? I don't know, is Wang Yifan willing to become Gong Xiangyu's successor?

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