
Jiangsu primary school students "take bird eggs" after school, touch the baby that has been sleeping for a thousand years, expert: worth 2 billion

In the Suzhou Museum treasures a "unique treasure", named "Song Zhenzhu Relic Treasure Building", according to the "Suzhou Museum Exhibits Introduction": this treasure is a Buddhist artwork made in the sixth year of the Northern Song Dynasty, which has a history of nearly a thousand years, and is a container made of crystal, agate, amber, pearl, sandalwood, gold, silver and other "seven treasures" to hold the relics! The value is immense, according to the conservative estimates of experts, it is about 2 billion!

Such a valuable treasure naturally can not be "dignified" placed in the museum for people to visit, in fact, the Suzhou Museum exhibited the Song Zhenzhu relics treasure, is the experts according to the genuine product in accordance with the ratio of one to one imitation, the real product as early as 2003 was included in the third batch of prohibited cultural relics list, we naturally have no chance to see!

Jiangsu primary school students "take bird eggs" after school, touch the baby that has been sleeping for a thousand years, expert: worth 2 billion

So how were such precious artifacts discovered? There's also a little-known story!

"Take out the bird's egg" and pull out the world's treasure

The story takes place in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, at the end of the 1970s, when several primary school students from a local primary school meet to "dig bird eggs" after school, and the location is selected in Suzhou's "Ruiguang Pagoda"!

Since we talk about the "Ruiguang Pagoda", let's popularize the history of this pagoda, the existing Ruiguang Pagoda was rebuilt during the Song Dynasty, the tower is 7 stories high, with a total of 8 sides and a height of about 43 meters. According to the People's Daily, Ruiguang Pagoda was listed as a national key cultural relics protection unit in 1988.

According to the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", the predecessor of the Ruiguang Pagoda was a pagoda built by Sun Quan of Eastern Wu during the Three Kingdoms period to welcome the monks of the Western Kangju State, which was originally 13 stories high.

Without further ado, let's look at these little boys who picked up bird eggs, saying that these little boys ran to the Ruiguang Pagoda together after school, looking for bird eggs in the broken holes of the tower, but their luck was really a bit "back", digging through the holes on the first and second floors and not even finding a bird feather, let alone bird eggs, several people who were "not successful" climbed the third floor of the Ruiguang Tower, planning to go home and write homework without harvest.

Jiangsu primary school students "take bird eggs" after school, touch the baby that has been sleeping for a thousand years, expert: worth 2 billion

Several people in the process of digging bird eggs found that there is a moving green brick on the third floor, after pulling out the surrounding bricks can also be removed, a few "do not know the height of the sky" primary school students actually without thinking about all the green bricks demolished, revealing the back of the "dark cave", this "dark cave" is not simple, there is a "domineering" name - "Heavenly Palace"!

It was in this "Heavenly Palace" that several primary school students found a wooden letter containing a jeweled relic, and after these primary school students found the wooden letter, they told the teacher, and the teacher knew that this object was extraordinary when he saw it, and immediately reported it to the local cultural relics bureau.

The Cultural Relics Bureau sent staff to check it out, and found that this wooden letter had two floors, the outer floor was engraved with the words "The Treasure Building of the True Pearl Relic in the Third Tower of Ruiguang Temple", and the inner layer after opening it was engraved with "Diary of April 18, 18th of the Sixth Year of Da Zhongxiang", and the words "All The Ten Ladies of the Sun Clan of Fang Yunsheng's Wife".

Behind the wooden letter on the second floor is the precious pearl relic, which has been mentioned above as a container for the relic, so there are several monks' relics found together!

Once the treasure was found, it was protected by the Cultural Relics Bureau and subsequently collected in the Suzhou Museum.

Jiangsu primary school students "take bird eggs" after school, touch the baby that has been sleeping for a thousand years, expert: worth 2 billion

Other artifacts that were discovered along with them

It is worth mentioning that according to the "Suzhou Daily", the cultural relics found in the "Heavenly Palace" at that time were not only a piece of the pearl relic, but also two copper gilded pagodas, nine statues of Jizo, Guanyin, and Rulai Buddha, five generations of hand-copied scripture scrolls, the Northern Song Dynasty's woodcut "Miaofa Lotus Sutra" and the Inlaidian Tibetan Scripture Lacquer Box.

Among them, the most precious is the "Pearl Relic Treasure Building", which combines historical, artistic and scientific values, especially the jade carving, gold and silver craftsmanship, wood carving, gold painting, lacquer carving and other arts contained in it have great research value for modern art, which can be called a rare treasure and a national treasure among national treasures!

Unfortunately, the real thing has been treasured, and we have no chance to see the true face of this rare treasure.

brief summary:

A few primary school students "digging bird eggs" can actually pull out a treasure worth 2 billion, this kind of "bursting" luck is really rare in the world, no one dares to believe it, but also thanks to these naughty primary school students.

If it weren't for them, this precious "Pearl Relic Treasure Building" would not know what year and month it would be sealed, and it is uncertain what changes would occur during this period that would damage this treasure.

Jiangsu primary school students "take bird eggs" after school, touch the baby that has been sleeping for a thousand years, expert: worth 2 billion

After telling this story, I can't help but think of the allusion of "buying the pearl and returning the pearl", "buying the pearl and returning the pearl" is a classic of "Han Feizi Waichu said the upper left", which refers to the wooden box bought to contain the pearls and returns the pearls.

Even if this "pearl relic" is precious, in the final analysis, it is just a container for holding the relics of the monks, and this container is worth 2 billion yuan, so what is the value of the relics stored in it?

I'm afraid it should be a sky-high price! Can't believe it!

References: "Han Feizi Foreign Reserve Says Top Left", "People's Daily", "Romance of the Three Kingdoms"

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