
After Japan's defeat and surrender, another battle was fought between China and Japan, and our army annihilated 6,000 enemies, but little is known

In the early 1930s, Japan, which had long coveted China, launched a war of aggression against China. Because Japan's weapons and equipment were far more advanced than ours, and because Japan was fully prepared before it officially launched its aggression, it quickly occupied a large area of our country. Japan even threatened to take over all of China within three months. At a time of national survival, our people have stood up one after another to shoulder the responsibility of protecting the country. With the unity of the military and the people of the whole country, the Japanese invaders were finally driven out of China.

After Japan's defeat and surrender, another battle was fought between China and Japan, and our army annihilated 6,000 enemies, but little is known

On August 15, 1945, Japan publicly announced its surrender to the world, and the War of Resistance Against Japan finally came to an end. In fact, after Japan announced its surrender, China and Japan fought another battle, and our army annihilated more than 6,000 enemy troops, but this battle is little known.

After Japan's defeat and surrender, another battle was fought between China and Japan, and our army annihilated 6,000 enemies, but little is known

After Japan announced its surrender, most of the Japanese troops had withdrawn and returned to China, but the Japanese troops in Gaoyoucheng were very stubborn and refused to surrender. Gaoyou Ancient City is the gateway of the two Huai, and since ancient times, it has been a place where soldiers and families must fight, and its strategic location is quite important. In 1938, Gaoyou City was occupied by the Japanese army, and after that, the Japanese army began to construct a large number of fortifications here, so our army faced great difficulties in this battle. After the surrender of Japan, the Japanese puppet army in Gaoyoucheng added up to about 10,000 people.

After Japan's defeat and surrender, another battle was fought between China and Japan, and our army annihilated 6,000 enemies, but little is known

After being surrounded by the People's Liberation Army for three months, the Central China Military Region decided to launch an offensive against Gaoyoucheng, a group of Japanese puppet troops who refused to surrender. On the night of December 19, 1945, the New Fourth Army sent 15 regiments to attack Gaoyoucheng. After more than ten hours of fighting, the New Fourth Army successfully swept away the outer defensive positions outside the Pure Land Temple Pagoda, and completely cut off the retreat of the Japanese puppet army, and the entire Gaoyou City has been heavily surrounded by the New Fourth Army, it can be said that these Japanese puppet armies have become turtles in an urn, and there is no way to escape. On the evening of the 25th, the New Fourth Army launched a general attack on Gaoyoucheng and decided to annihilate these stubborn Japanese puppet armies in one fell swoop. Subsequently, the New Fourth Army attacked on three sides and launched a fierce attack on Gaoyou City, successively attacking the city. By the afternoon of the next day, most of the Japanese puppet army had been completely annihilated, and the top commander of the Japanese army stationed at Gaoyoucheng had to surrender to the New Fourth Army.

After Japan's defeat and surrender, another battle was fought between China and Japan, and our army annihilated 6,000 enemies, but little is known

The Battle of Gaoyou took place four months after Japan announced its surrender, and is also known as the last battle of the War of Resistance Against Japan, but few people know about it. In this battle, the New Fourth Army annihilated more than 6,000 Japanese puppet troops and captured a large number of guns and ammunition, which is of great significance.

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