
A generation of overlords were forced to kill themselves by the river, and he came from a humble origin and changed his life against the heavens to open the Han Dynasty

1. Wujiang killed itself and the Han Dynasty was built

In October of the second year of Qin II (208 BC), Xiang Yu was given the title of Marquis of Chang'an and the Duke of Lu, and Liu Bang was given the title of Marquis of Wu'an, serving as the governor of Yan Commandery and leading the soldiers of Yan County; later Liu Bang received Chen Sheng and Wu Guangshan's army as his subordinate. In the first year of the Han Dynasty, Liu Bang invaded Xianyang and abolished the laws of the Qin Dynasty; after the Battle of Xiangyu Julu broke the Qin army, led the army into the customs, and joined Liu Bang, and the two were as close as brothers. However, at that time, Liu Bang's talent and strength were not as good as Xiang Yu after the prince, in the beginning Xiang Yu has always been favored, the battle achievements are outstanding, and is respected as the "King of Western Chu", and Liu Bang was relatively lowly, but better than wit and bravery, diligent in struggle, secretly constantly improving his prestige, and gradually gained the love of the generals, and finally when the two competed for the world, Xiang Yu was forced to kill himself in Wujiang, leaving a historical allusion of "facelessly facing Jiangdong's father and elder, in order to apologize for his sins".

A generation of overlords were forced to kill themselves by the river, and he came from a humble origin and changed his life against the heavens to open the Han Dynasty

Second, come from a humble background, change your life against the sky

Liu Bang, Zi Ji, a native of Zhongyangli, Fengyi, Pei County. However, he was from a humble origin, belonging to the peasant class in the social hierarchy at that time, but he did not produce, and during the Qin Dynasty, he was appointed as the chief of Surabaya Pavilion in Pei County, so it can be seen that Liu Bang's initial ability, strength and family background were very different from Xiang Yu, who was born a prince and nobleman, and Liu Bang defeated Xiang Yu, who was superb in force and had a strong family lineage, and finally won the throne, so what did Liu Bang rely on? It is nothing more than their own continuous efforts, slowly accumulating their own strength and improving their military capabilities in the long years, coupled with extensive reading, summarizing the experience of the generals of the previous dynasty, drawing lessons, and constantly improving their own strength, so as to learn lessons during the period of rule, know people well, consult the sages, give full play to the talents of their subordinates, and finally defeat and win in one fell swoop. He became an outstanding politician, strategist and military commander in China's history, and then defeated Xiang Yu, and on February 28, 202 BC, unified the world, set the capital Chang'an, and founded the Great Han Dynasty, known as the Western Han Dynasty.

A generation of overlords were forced to kill themselves by the river, and he came from a humble origin and changed his life against the heavens to open the Han Dynasty
A generation of overlords were forced to kill themselves by the river, and he came from a humble origin and changed his life against the heavens to open the Han Dynasty

Third, he has been called an emperor for more than a hundred years and created a historical empire for the first time

The Western Han Dynasty began the establishment of the Han Dynasty ancestor Liu Bang, (206 AD - 8 AD), called the emperor Yu Luoyang, and built the capital, thus establishing the Han Dynasty. Later, the capital was moved to Chang'an (present-day Xi'an), and Liu Bang reigned for a total of twelve years, the final son of the Han Dynasty, and a total of twenty-nine emperors. The first unified and powerful empire in the history of our country was established. In the nearly four hundred years of the history of the Western Han Dynasty, through a series of political and economic reforms, the national strength was strong and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment, and for the first time in the history of our country, a scene of peace and prosperity was presented. During this period, China has always been ahead of the rest of the world and among the world's great powers.

A generation of overlords were forced to kill themselves by the river, and he came from a humble origin and changed his life against the heavens to open the Han Dynasty

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