
The division commander was arrested at the celebration banquet and sentenced to death, 60,000 people jointly pleaded, and after his release from prison, he was promoted to commander

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, many of our outstanding generals made great efforts for the country. The enemy they faced was extremely ferocious, and our weapons and equipment were far behind, but even in this case, they chose to fight to the end, showing the heroism of Chinese boys. In the Nationalist army, there was another general who defeated the rampant Japanese invaders with few victories and many victories, but was arrested and imprisoned by Chiang Kai-shek, which was also very strange.

The division commander was arrested at the celebration banquet and sentenced to death, 60,000 people jointly pleaded, and after his release from prison, he was promoted to commander

In 1943, the Japanese fought all the way to Hunan, a large part of China's land has been lost, many refugees have nowhere to go, they can only choose to flee to Hunan, Sichuan and other places. Of course, the Japanese were so greedy that they attacked all the way and plundered many of our strategic cities, many of which were already in jeopardy. At this time, the Japanese sent a force of 30,000 people to besiege Changde, which was guarded by the Nationalist 57th Division at that time. It must be understood that the 57th Division is not a unit of Chiang Kai-shek's lineage, with only about 8,000 troops, and its weapons and equipment are also very backward, most of them are old, weak and disabled soldiers. In the face of the enemy's fierce attack, division commander Yu Chengwan felt very troubled.

The division commander was arrested at the celebration banquet and sentenced to death, 60,000 people jointly pleaded, and after his release from prison, he was promoted to commander

At that time, Chiang Kai-shek ordered Yu Chengwan to hold out for a day and night, and then he could withdraw from the battle. Obviously, Chiang Kai-shek understood the strong combat effectiveness of the Japanese, and such a miscellaneous unit as the 57th Division could not resist the enemy's attack at all. Instead of losing troops in vain, it is better to retreat as soon as possible. Yu Chengwan held out for a day and night according to Chiang Kai-shek's request, but just as he was preparing to retreat, he found that there were 100,000 people and countless refugees in the city. He suddenly understood that as soon as he left, these ordinary people would become slaves to the Japanese.

Therefore, having withdrawn from the city, he immediately ordered the troops to return, they forced a hole, catching the enemy by surprise, and soon Yu Chengwan personally went to the front line, and he called on the soldiers to defend the city together. In the end, they defeated the Japanese army and blocked the enemy's attack. Yu Chengwan, with 8,000 old, weak and disabled soldiers, repelled 30,000 Japanese elites, which is a pioneering achievement worthy of praise. The people in the city also cheered and cheered, and they laid out a celebration feast for Yu Chengwan. However, at the banquet, Chiang Kai-shek sent someone to arrest Yu Chengwan. He also arrested Yu Chengwan for disobeying military orders. I heard that Yu Chengwan was arrested, and more than 60,000 people in the city jointly tried to protect him. In the end, Chiang Kai-shek was under pressure from public opinion, so he had to release Yu Chengwan and promote him to deputy commander of the 74th Army.

The division commander was arrested at the celebration banquet and sentenced to death, 60,000 people jointly pleaded, and after his release from prison, he was promoted to commander

Yu Chengwan had merit in killing the enemy, but he did not get Chiang Kai-shek's favor because he disobeyed the order. From this point of view, how corrupt Chiang Kai-shek's government is, and Chiang Kai-shek's employment only believes in his own concubines and cronies. You must know that for Yu Chengwan, he came from an ordinary background, and all he had was a miscellaneous unit, which was completely a non-staff member of the Kuomintang. This time, he was able to be protected by the people and was promoted to an official, which was a great fluke.

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