
Yo-Yo Technology released the UP Super Chassis and up SPACE Super Cabin

On January 11, Yo-Running Technology successfully held the first "UP DAY" Yo-Running Experience Day Online Conference. At the press conference, the company unveiled two conceptual products - the UP Super Chassis and the UP SPACE Super Cabin.

Specifically, the UP Super Chassis is based on the concept of "Skateboard Skateboard Chassis" and has four core technologies - full-line control chassis, pluggable ring network EEA, CTC battery system and highly integrated thermal management.

Yo-Yo Technology released the UP Super Chassis and up SPACE Super Cabin

Image source: Yo-Run Technology

According to the official introduction, as a platform-based software and hardware integration operating system, the UP super chassis provides the car builder with a smart electric vehicle "basic disk": more than 1000 kilometers of endurance, more than 1000 TOPS, to meet the future L4 and above automatic driving needs.

In terms of cabins, U-Run Technology has achieved the creation of five UP SPACE super cabins on the same standardized chassis, covering a variety of passenger car and commercial vehicle product forms, including cars, MPVs, SUVs, pickup trucks and vans. In other words, on the one hand, Yo-Tro technology will support car-builders to quickly launch a rich product matrix in a short period of time, on the other hand, this also verifies that the UP super chassis further reduces the threshold for car-making and brings more possibilities for new cars.

Yo-Yo Technology released the UP Super Chassis and up SPACE Super Cabin

According to public information, Youpao Technology was founded in Shanghai in April 2021, dedicated to building cars for the scene, which is characterized by upgrading the traditional "integrated development of the whole vehicle" to "upper and lower split development", redefining the logic, technical form and supply chain of automobile research and development. The "UP Super Chassis" developed by it has the ability of hardware standardization and software platform, which can improve the convenience of R&D and manufacturing to a certain extent, shorten the vehicle development cycle, and reduce manufacturing costs. It is estimated that the application of the "UP super chassis" can shorten the vehicle development cycle by 6 to 12 months, and the research and development cost can be reduced by up to 60%.

In October, Yo-Run Technology and Bosch China reached a strategic cooperation, and the two sides will carry out a series of technical cooperation in the field of integrated chassis to support the research and development of "UP Super Chassis". At the same time, Boyuan Capital, a subsidiary of Bosch, announced that it has completed the pre-A+ round of financing that led the investment in Yo-Run Technology. It is worth noting that this is the third financing obtained by Yo-Run Technology in more than five months since its establishment, and it is also the first investment landed after the establishment of Boyuan Capital.

Yo-Yo Technology released the UP Super Chassis and up SPACE Super Cabin

Admittedly, to some extent, the most competitive element of Yo-Run Technology is the skateboard chassis, which may be one of the important reasons why Bosch is optimistic about the company. Previously, at the smart chassis conference hosted by Gaz Auto, Chen Wenyue, senior director of the smart chassis of Yo-Pao Technology, revealed that it is expected that by 2024, some head players may include the skateboard chassis into the product line.

If one day standardized chassis, including skateboard chassis, does come, it will be positive for the entire automotive industry. On the one hand, companies that are deeply rooted in skateboard chassis can play Tier 0.5 to help car companies navigate important but not directly related areas of user experience. This means that the skateboard chassis can allow enterprises to liberate their hands and feet, do more industrial chain attempts, and create core competitiveness. On the other hand, today, when cross-border car manufacturing is no longer "news", the skateboard chassis can make new car manufacturers who originally have no car building foundation lightly loaded.

The concept is beautiful and worth trying and looking forward to.

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