
Novices do not know where to buy a car, what are the advantages of the auto trade car that is favored by car owners?

For novices, auto trade city is a very strange place, the sales staff here is no worse than the 4S store, here you can see a lot of used cars, even new cars can be seen, is not very magical. The most important thing is that the price of auto trade city is much lower than the price of 4S shops, so is the car of auto trade city reliable in the end?

Novices do not know where to buy a car, what are the advantages of the auto trade car that is favored by car owners?

According to many insiders, the cars in Auto Trade City are picked up from 4S stores, which means that in fact, the source channels of the two are similar. In order to solve the sales pressure, many 4S stores will distribute some cars to the auto trade city to sell, and let the auto trade city help sell. Sometimes 4S stores will cooperate with Auto Trade City to sell cars.

Novices do not know where to buy a car, what are the advantages of the auto trade car that is favored by car owners?

The car purchased in the 4s store is absolutely safe, with complete after-sales and formal process procedures, but although the procedures for buying a car in the auto trade city are complete, if there is a problem with the follow-up vehicle, the owner needs to repair it himself. The after-sales service of the 4S store is very complete, the vehicle enjoys a three-year warranty, and some car brands will also promise the owner a 10-year and 1 million kilometer warranty. Auto Trade City provides very little protection for car owners, as long as the car is sold, Auto Trade City will not undertake any after-sales service.

Novices do not know where to buy a car, what are the advantages of the auto trade car that is favored by car owners?

The price of cars in the auto trade city is very low, so there are many consumers who choose to go to the auto trade city to buy a car, if the car in the auto trade city is picked up from the 4S store, then if the price of the auto trade city is lower, they will definitely choose to buy it in the auto trade city, but the routine of the auto trade city is far more than imagined.

Many smart people will therefore choose to go to the auto trade city to buy a car, the biggest reason is that the auto trade city is cheap, because the auto trade city just mentioned is transferred from the 4S store, some 4s stores in order to complete some of the sales tasks at the end of the season, there will be some saved short time car is sent to the auto trade city, will be sold at a lower price, in this period to buy a car, maybe will buy a cheap quality and good car.

Novices do not know where to buy a car, what are the advantages of the auto trade car that is favored by car owners?

Because many auto trade cities are 4S stores used to rush sales, so the sales target is mainly aimed at the quantity, the location environment of the auto trade city rent is not high, and there is no requirement for the number of service personnel and service quality, so the price is generally much lower than the 4S store, the low standard of manpower and the environment has created a relatively low price, relying on the method of small profits and high sales to make money.

Auto trade city routine is very deep, although the car sold in the auto trade city is taken from the 4S shop, but the car's certificate of conformity and other procedures are still in the 4S shop, if the 4s shop does not give you the relevant certificate, you even if you drive the car away, you can't get on the road, because the certificate of conformity and other procedures are still in the hands of the 4S, you can't get on the card without these things.

Novices do not know where to buy a car, what are the advantages of the auto trade car that is favored by car owners?

At present, many young people tend to go to the auto trade city to buy a car, the price change of the car in the auto trade city is more flexible, and the car type of the auto trade city is many, and the brand is relatively complete. The general 4S store can only sell one brand of cars, while the brand sold by auto trade city is relatively free, and there is a lot of room to choose from. Buying a car in auto trade city is like entering a department store to pick out goods, and there are a wide range of goods.

Novices do not know where to buy a car, what are the advantages of the auto trade car that is favored by car owners?

And some auto trade cities also provide ordering services, auto trade cars also have the right to transport goods from other places, this ordering experience is also so that car owners experience full. Of course, the auto trade city is not completely without problems, when you go to the auto trade city to buy a vehicle, you must check the qualified qualifications of the vehicle, the procedures should be complete, and you must get the relevant certificate in time after paying the money, as long as it is not routine, the preferential price of the auto trade city is definitely the first choice for buying a car.

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