
In the second volume of the fourth grade, the author of "Qingping Le Village Residence", Xin Abandoned Disease, to what extent?

After the completion of the course in the first semester, I asked the students to preview the content of the next semester. Opening the second book of the fourth grade Chinese textbook, the first lesson that catches the eye is "Three Ancient Poems": the first two are Fan Chengda's "Four Hours of Pastoral Miscellaneous" and Yang Wanli's "Xugongdian in Suxin City", and the last poem is "Qingping Le Village Residence" written by the Southern Song Dynasty poet Xin Zhiyi.

How fierce is xin abandoning the disease, the author of "QingPing Le Village Residence"? Most of the students do not know very well, many teachers only know that he is a poet of the Extravagant School, his name is "Jiaxuan Resident", he once wrote the poem "Qingping Le Village Residence", and also wrote some sporadic poems, as for other aspects, there should not be many teachers who know the details of Xin Ren's disease.

In the second volume of the fourth grade, the author of "Qingping Le Village Residence", Xin Abandoned Disease, to what extent?

The word is su xin, which means that in the whole Song Dynasty, the strongest cattle man in writing words, in addition to Su Dongpo, belongs to the most cattle of Xin abandoning disease. However, the fullness of Xin's abandonment of the disease is little known, and Xin Abandoning Disease interprets the four words of "both culture and martial arts" to the extreme: Xin Abandoned Disease was in the Southern Song Dynasty, which was an era of long-term harassment by Jin soldiers, extremely corrupt imperial court, and extremely poor combat effectiveness of Southern Song Officials and Troops.

The anti-Jin leader of the Southern Song Dynasty was named Geng Jing, and after his subordinate Zhang Anguo defected and killed Geng Jing, he directly surrendered to the Jin soldiers. As the vanguard of the anti-Jin "wolf warriors", the 23-year-old Xin Abandoned Disease did a very crazy thing: he rushed into the Jin camp with tens of thousands of people with dozens of people, and without saying a word, he captured the traitor Zhang Anguo alive, and the Jin soldiers wanted to chase comrade Lao Xin, but they could not reach it, because Comrade Xin was too fast and his combat effectiveness was too fierce.

In the second volume of the fourth grade, the author of "Qingping Le Village Residence", Xin Abandoned Disease, to what extent?

In our mindset, the literati of the ancients are generally poor people without the strength of chickens, and their physical strength and combat effectiveness may not be comparable to the ancient women and the city managers of today. However, Xin Zhiyi, who was once known as the "First Ancient Puzzle Boy of the Great Song Dynasty", broke most people's mindset - it turned out that literati could also be fierce to the point of no friend in terms of force value. To this day, when I think back to the "golden sentences" written by Xin Zhiyi in those years, I can't help but be passionate and my blood is boiling!

In the second volume of the fourth grade, the author of "Qingping Le Village Residence", Xin Abandoned Disease, to what extent?

When we read "Drunkenly pick a lamp and look at the sword, dream back to blow the horn and camp", why did we ever think that the lyricist Xin Abandoned Disease turned out to be a super macho man who could easily take the first rank of general even in the midst of thousands of troops and horses?

In the second volume of the fourth grade, the author of "Qingping Le Village Residence", Xin Abandoned Disease, to what extent?

When we taste the warm pulse of "looking back, but the person is in the middle of the lights", we feel the legendary charm of Song Ci's peak work, but how did we ever think that Xin Zhiyi was a perfect man with the courage of Zhao Yun, the strategy of Kong Ming, and the talent of Li Bai?

When we relive the swinging intestines of "eight hundred miles under the command, fifty strings are plugged in", how can we ever think that Xin's words not only have the elegant style of "Qingping Le Village Residence", but also have the heroic spirit of iron bones?

In the second volume of the fourth grade, the author of "Qingping Le Village Residence", Xin Abandoned Disease, to what extent?

When we chanted, "The banner of the magnificent age embraces the ten thousand men, and the brocade suddenly rides across the river", who has ever thought that this is not a moan without illness, but the real feelings after Xin Zhuangshi and Jin Bing really touched each other?

I have heard the content of "group reading" in Chinese teaching, but the lessons that can really make people sound angry are almost extinct. Why not choose the poems of Xin Abandoned Disease to show students a three-dimensional sense of Xin Abandoned Disease? However, I personally believe that there should not be many teachers who can master this kind of lesson, teachers with profound cultural heritage, and teachers who can bring us an audiovisual feast.

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