
China's famous anti-Japanese general, the Japanese army frankly feared two people, one Song Yuanzhe and one Liang Huasheng

From 1931 to the surrender of the Japanese army in 1945, during the 14-year war of aggression against China, China paid a huge number of casualties, and countless patriotic heroes and many famous anti-Japanese generals emerged, among which Xue Yue, Zhang Zizhong, Zuo Quan and others were more famous.

China's famous anti-Japanese general, the Japanese army frankly feared two people, one Song Yuanzhe and one Liang Huasheng

In particular, General Xue Yue commanded three battles of Changsha and killed more than 100,000 Japanese troops, but the Japanese army was not afraid of Xue Yue, so among the many anti-Japanese generals, who was the Japanese army most afraid of? According to Tokyo Rose, an announcer at TV Tokyo at the time, the Japanese army feared two Chinese generals.

One is the famous Song Yuanzhe, the other is the little-known Liang Huasheng, mentioning general Song Yuanzhe Many people know that he is the commander of the 29th Army, and after "918", the 29th Army led by him was the vanguard of the anti-Japanese army, and his subordinates were shocked by the name of the big knife team.

The Japanese army feared Song Zheyuan because it was afraid of his big knife team, at that time, the Chinese soldiers had poor weapons and equipment, and each soldier carried less ammunition, so the soldiers carried a large knife, which was also called "big knife team", and its official name was "pistol team".

Each soldier carried a 4-pound knife and a 20-shot pistol hanging from his waist, which was a soldier's equipment, which was too simple compared to the Japanese army, but in actual combat, it was found that especially when fighting bayonets with the Japanese army, the large knife was much better than the bayonet.

In order to improve the fighting skills of the soldiers, Song Zheyuan specially invited martial arts masters to teach the soldiers the sword technique, the soldiers practiced hard for 2 years, and finally played a role in 1933, in the Xifengkou World War I knife team tried the bull knife, slashed and killed more than 3,000 Japanese troops, shaking the Japanese army.

China's famous anti-Japanese general, the Japanese army frankly feared two people, one Song Yuanzhe and one Liang Huasheng

The big knife team cut the Japanese army and frightened, which greatly boosted the morale of the anti-Japanese resistance, and also made the big knife team famous for a while, the Japanese army was deeply afraid of General Song Yuanzhe, as for the other general that the Japanese army feared, Liang Huasheng, this person seemed a little lonely compared with Song Zheyuan.

Liang Huasheng can be described as an "invisible rich man", he is a figure known as the "Tianzi protégé", a student of the first phase of Huangpu, and Du Yuming and Guan Linzheng are classmates and roommates, the relationship is very close, and more importantly, he is deeply trusted by Jiang.

Jiang Someone has always valued his fellow villagers in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, except for Liang Huasheng, who is a guangdong Mao celebrity, who joined the "Blue Clothing Society" after graduating from Huangpu and became the "Blue Clothed Taibao" of Jiang Someone, and later served as a staff officer of Jiang Someone's attendant, and was deeply trusted by Chiang Kai-shek.

After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, Liang Huasheng was sent to the 190th Division as a division commander, awarded the rank of lieutenant general, Liang Huasheng's position and rank are not dependent on patting horses, he is a person with real talent and practical learning, the 190th Division he led is called "Zhongyong" Division, and the soldiers wear the armband of the word "Zhongyong".

In 1938, in the Battle of Wanjialing, Liang Huasheng led his troops to hold on to the East Ridge and the West Ridge, and his subordinates each carried a large knife on their backs, and repeatedly engaged in white-knife battles with the Japanese army, killing the Japanese soldiers, and the Japanese army was killed beyond control, leaving the corpses of his companions and just fleeing.

China's famous anti-Japanese general, the Japanese army frankly feared two people, one Song Yuanzhe and one Liang Huasheng

The battle of The East Ridge and the Battle of the West Ridge made the surviving soldiers of the Japanese army unforgettable, so there was what the Tokyo announcer said was afraid of the two Chinese generals, but the name of General Liang Huasheng was little known and somewhat regrettable.

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