
Was Zhukov a "god of war" or a man who would only rely on "numbers" to win?

The Soviet General Mr. Zhukov was ordered to initially turn the tide of the war under extremely unfavorable circumstances, so that the Soviet Union could finally form a confrontation with the encircling and suppressing German army! Stalin also had the confidence of a military parade on Red Square. Next we will continue with Zhukov leading the Soviet counterattack.

Was Zhukov a "god of war" or a man who would only rely on "numbers" to win?

The gears of time came to November 1, and although the Soviets were supplied, the Western Front added less than 400 tanks, 100,000 troops, and more than 2,000 artillery pieces. Compared with Germany, it is still backward in terms of strength and weapons! But Zhukov was good at winning with weakness, with an emphasis on the dispatch of troops, and the German offensive could not make progress above the ground in the Soviet Union with complex terrain!

Gradually, the Germans began to have some anxiety! This section of tactic became the most fundamental way to stop Guderian's tanks from storming the streets of Soviet cities! Factors such as weather and logistics are far from decisive after tactics. With the gradual deepening of the Soviet-German war, at the end of November, in the middle of the night, with the reversal of the situation on the battlefield and the continuous arrival of reinforcements, Zhukov proposed a plan for a strategic counteroffensive!

Was Zhukov a "god of war" or a man who would only rely on "numbers" to win?

Stalin still expressed doubts about this, and sent a special telegram to Zhukov: "Do you dare to guarantee that the Germans are now at the end of the crossbow?" Aren't you worried that they will reinvest new reinforcements in the future? Zhukov nodded resolutely at this: "I have the most intuitive judgment of the situation on the front line!" The Germans are now exhausted in the Soviet Union, and we must cut through the mess while the iron is hot and avoid the situation from developing in the direction of uncertain complications! ”

In the end, we all know the result of this battle between the two powers of the Soviet Union and Germany: the Soviet army staged a Jedi counterattack, and the Germans were completely defeated and fled in a hurry. After 1942, many battles commanded by General Zhukov were indeed won by more victories than less, but this should also be analyzed in light of the objective conditions at that time.

Was Zhukov a "god of war" or a man who would only rely on "numbers" to win?

Although the Soviet Union's strength was restored to 5 million people at the beginning of 1942, due to the heavy casualties before, many of the 5 million people were newly added recruits, although the number was large, but they needed to be further honed in terms of combat experience, combat effectiveness and quality. For example, General Zhukov himself said: "I have to draw such a conclusion through countless observations and analyses of actual combat.

On the brutal battlefield, German soldiers were more familiar with their own business. They are strictly disciplined in combat, have strong professional qualities, are tenacious and very confident. Their aviation and tank units have a deep heritage. "In the early and middle period of World War II, we concluded through various data and actual combat that the overall quality of the Soviet and German armies was quite different (the German army's individual combat ability was relatively strong). That being the case, in the late 1942 period, the Soviet army, which could only rely on numerical superiority to make up for the difference in the quality of the troops on both sides, was understandable for relying on the tactics of the sea of men to win.

Was Zhukov a "god of war" or a man who would only rely on "numbers" to win?

At the end of the paragraph, the author wants to say: Concentrating their superior forces on the battlefield to attack the enemy is the most basic military common sense, and no one can be stupid enough to hit a stone with a pebble and fight the enemy's advantage with his own weakness. Judging from the results of the results of repeatedly catching the German army by surprise and fleeing the wilderness, it cannot be said that Zhukov's command attainments were not high, otherwise how could the German army be quickly defeated and surrounded by the Soviet army under his command on the battlefield?

Was Zhukov a "god of war" or a man who would only rely on "numbers" to win?

This Soviet general accepted orders from his superiors in the critical situation of the extremely unfavorable war situation in Moscow, Stalingrad, Leningrad and other places, and tried to turn the tide against the water and fire (itself had an unfavorable start, and if it was not good, it would eventually be carried!). Life and death are enough to prove his first-class on-the-spot command and ability to change the tide of battle. Readers, don't forget: the Germans were definitely not soft persimmons, they were not people made of dough.

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