
Rare old photos during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression: the devils are holding a little Chinese girl, and the eyes are painful

Japan has not been a peaceful country since ancient times, and has always planned to invade and occupy China, and since the late Sunny Period, China's comprehensive national strength has declined, which has allowed Japan to seize the opportunity and has been trying to attack China. In 1931, Japan launched the September 18 Incident and began a 14-year war of aggression against China, but in the end Japan ended in defeat, but after the war, it did not admit its crimes. Even if you don't admit it, it has left a lot of indestructible evidence, and we will look at the old photos of the War of Resistance.

Rare old photos during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression: the devils are holding a little Chinese girl, and the eyes are painful

The photo is of a Japanese ghost with a little Chinese girl in his arms, which looks normal, and when you see the look in the eyes of the little girl, it is instantly painful. The fear in the little girl's eyes could not deceive anyone, no one knew what she had experienced, and she could only be manipulated by Japanese devils. This photograph may be her last in the world, or it may be that after taking this photo, she was taken into the Japanese military camp by the Japanese army.

Rare old photos during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression: the devils are holding a little Chinese girl, and the eyes are painful

In order to publicize their "friendliness" to the common people, Japanese devils often take some pictures that are not bloody, but the ugly faces behind the photos are known to everyone. In this way, Japan wants to tell the world that Sino-Japanese relations are "friendly", but the truth is just the opposite, in the brutal massacres in China, countless ordinary people died at their hands. During World War II, Japanese devils treated Chinese like ants, and considered their brutality to be an honor.

Rare old photos during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression: the devils are holding a little Chinese girl, and the eyes are painful

Although decades have passed since the war, we must never forget the harm caused to us by the Japanese devils. Everything that China has experienced in recent history and Japan's shameless behavior towards us is indelible. Even if China and Japan have friendly relations now, we still cannot forget the shame brought to us by the Japanese devils, and only by constantly strengthening the motherland can we maintain peace.

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