
Bhumibol got out of the car on crutches, but was knocked off the door by the guards, and the monarch's reaction was too measured!

The reign of King Rama IX Bhumibol is an important chapter in the history of thailand's Chakri dynasty. When he succeeded to the throne, the Wealth of the Thai Royal Family was extremely limited and its power was constrained. Bhumibol demonstrated his superior ability to govern, not only eventually controlling the military, but also allowing the wealth of the Thai royal family to rapidly expand, becoming the richest royal family in the world. The Thai people are also very grateful to the king, who has defused many crises in the country and led to the development and construction of Thailand.

Bhumibol got out of the car on crutches, but was knocked off the door by the guards, and the monarch's reaction was too measured!

Thailand's monarchy differs from europe's, with a strict system of governance and many ceremonies. The old king Bhumibol enjoyed supreme treatment, and the guards needed to kneel down to greet him, without a little mistake. But there were always exceptions, and one of the guards, after getting out of the bus at Bhumibol, tried to close the door before the old king had left completely. At this time, the door of the car just happened to hit Bhumibol, which was a very serious work mistake, enough to make him lose his job and be severely punished.

Bhumibol got out of the car on crutches, but was knocked off the door by the guards, and the monarch's reaction was too measured!
Bhumibol got out of the car on crutches, but was knocked off the door by the guards, and the monarch's reaction was too measured!

At this time, King Bhumibol was unable to move, and he could only walk out of the car on crutches. The guards suddenly closed the door and bumped into him, causing the old king to stagger backwards and stop directly. King Bhumibol did not smile, and he turned his head to look at the guard, obviously very dissatisfied with his work. At this point, all it takes is a word from King Bhumibol and the staff member will be taken away immediately. In the end, the old king turned and left, his eyes were stern, but his heart was also very soft.

Bhumibol got out of the car on crutches, but was knocked off the door by the guards, and the monarch's reaction was too measured!

King Bhumibol has always been more introverted, he rarely smiles, so there is always a sense of alienation. This character of his had a lot to do with his life experience, as he witnessed the death of his elder brother Rama VIII in his youth, had to inherit the throne, and then lost an eye in a car accident in Switzerland. Although Bhumibol was eventually blessed by misfortune and gained the love of his life, Sirikit, his arrogant wife also brought him a lot of distress.

Bhumibol got out of the car on crutches, but was knocked off the door by the guards, and the monarch's reaction was too measured!

King Bhumibol dedicated his long-term affection to his first love, Sirikit, and threw in his favor, giving her the ancient treasures of the Thai royal family, and even spending sky-high funds to customize a lot of luxurious jewel crowns for his beloved wife, but it was difficult to fill, and the more Bhumibol paid, the greater Sirikit's ambitions. In the end, the pampered queen also cheated on a bodyguard and took a concubine under Bhumibol's eyes, challenging Rama IX's bottom line.

Bhumibol got out of the car on crutches, but was knocked off the door by the guards, and the monarch's reaction was too measured!

King Bhumibol was an affectionate and romantic man, and his heart was not as harsh as it seemed, but the affair between Sirikit and his bodyguards completely angered the rather cultured king. After 5 years of intermittent relationships between Sirikit and the bodyguard, Bhumibol finally couldn't bear it anymore and sent him to work in the United States. Soon, the news of the bodyguard's death was transmitted back to China, and Sirikit was completely dead.

Bhumibol got out of the car on crutches, but was knocked off the door by the guards, and the monarch's reaction was too measured!

There is no doubt that Bhumibol was an excellent monarch who took the Thai royal family to new heights and was loved by the Thai people. However, when dealing with family relations, he doted too much on his wife and too much on his son, which eventually led to problems within the family. Meritorious deeds can only be laid down by Bhumibol, I am afraid that it will be buried in the hands of his son Maha.

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