
Liu Junjie Xiangsheng Art Studio was established in Tianjin

author:Tianjin Calligraphy and Painting Art Network Wang Guilai

Liu Junjie Cross-talk Art Studio

Inauguration ceremony

Liu Junjie Xiangsheng Art Studio was established in Tianjin

On the morning of August 21, 2021, Liu Junjie Xiangsheng Art Studio, initiated by Mr. Liu Junjie, a famous cross-talk artist, was established in Hongqishun Hotel, a famous restaurant in Tianjin Food Street. The responsible leaders of Tianjin Qu Artists Association, Tianjin Qu Art Troupe and Tianjin Art Vocational College attended the scene to congratulate and send congratulatory letters, and qu art theorists Sun Fuhai and Li Zhibang, cross-talk performance artists Li Boxiang, Wei Wenliang, Chang Baofeng, Wang Peiyuan, cross-talk writer Zhao Yu, and famous TV director Song Dong witnessed the opening of the studio. The inauguration ceremony was presided over by Wei Yigang, an expert in opera and opera.

Liu Junjie Xiangsheng Art Studio was established in Tianjin

Liu Junjie

Liu Junjie Xiangsheng Art Studio was established in Tianjin

Wang Hong

Liu Junjie Xiangsheng Art Studio was established in Tianjin

Shi Qingyuan

Liu Junjie Xiangsheng Art Studio was established in Tianjin

Ann Bing

Liu Junjie Xiangsheng Art Studio was established in Tianjin

Sun Fuhai

Liu Junjie Xiangsheng Art Studio was established in Tianjin

Li Zhibang

Liu Junjie Xiangsheng Art Studio was established in Tianjin

Li Boxiang

Liu Junjie Xiangsheng Art Studio was established in Tianjin

Wei Wenliang

Liu Junjie Xiangsheng Art Studio was established in Tianjin

Chang Baofeng

Liu Junjie Xiangsheng Art Studio was established in Tianjin

Wang Peiyuan

Liu Junjie Xiangsheng Art Studio was established in Tianjin

Song Dong

Liu Junjie Xiangsheng Art Studio was established in Tianjin

Moderator Wei Yigang

Liu Junjie Xiangsheng Art Studio was established in Tianjin

Liu Jia

Liu Junjie Xiangsheng Art Studio was established in Tianjin


Mr. Liu Junjie, a cross-talk artist, has created and performed a large number of excellent cross-talk programs for decades, from "Love and Thief's Heart", "Talking about Tianjin Wei" to "Finding Faults" and "Tradition and Modernity", his programs have always insisted on starting from the details of life, interpreting social development from the perspective of the people, facing social problems, using humorous and intelligent language to transmit positive energy, carry forward the main theme, and be recognized and praised by the audience. Many of Mr. Liu Junjie's works have now become teaching programs in professional art colleges, with far-reaching influence. Entering the new era, Mr. Liu Junjie has been working tirelessly, always adhering to the front line of cross-talk creation, successively creating new cross-talk works such as "Proof of Proof", "Old Reason", "Can't Escape", etc., for many consecutive years on the stage of the Tianjin Spring Festival Gala, and on the eve of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, he held a special session and art seminar for his new works in Beijing, and the artistic value of his works and his own moral and artistic double xin have been highly recognized by experts and scholars and industry colleagues across the country.

As a professional teacher of Tianjin Vocational College of Arts, over the years, Mr. Liu Junjie has cultivated many outstanding cross-talk descendants and disciples, and now many of them have made great achievements in cross-talk creation, and the cross-talk programs created by Feng Yang, Zheng Kun, Wang Zhengxin and others have won many awards, which have well inherited the fine tradition of the teacher and made contributions to the development of cross-talk.

Liu Junjie Xiangsheng Art Studio was established in Tianjin

The establishment of "Liu Junjie Xiangsheng Art Studio" is a new journey started by Teacher Liu Junjie on the road of art, the purpose is to enhance the creative strength of crosstalk, cultivate more young crosstalk authors, and contribute to the cause of crosstalk. Adhering to the principle of inheriting excellent Chinese culture and carrying forward the positive energy of cross-talk, the studio has brought together a large number of outstanding young and middle-aged cross-talk authors, who will better carry out life experience and artistic creation under the guidance of Liu Junjie and other artists of the older generation, complete the choreography of new cross-talk with goals and themes, dedicate new works of cross-talk to the audience, open up a new situation for today's cross-talk stage, and lead the new fashion. "For the people to seek pleasure, with civilized, generous, regular crosstalk for the audience to send joy, let everyone know the original appearance of crosstalk is the purpose of our studio, I want everyone to really sink their hearts to ponder crosstalk, study crosstalk, go to life, go to the people, understand their real ideas, come back and then start writing, so that you can produce good works," said Teacher Liu Junjie.

Liu Junjie Xiangsheng Art Studio was established in Tianjin

Mr. Liu Junjie's good friend, Mr. Liu Bin, the general manager of Hongqishun Hotel, provided a venue for the studio free of charge, and he is a music lover himself, who has formed an indissoluble relationship with many famous music artists over the years. For more than ten years, like the Tianjin Qu Association, the Friends Xiangsheng Art Troupe, etc. often hold activities in Hongqishun, Mr. Liu Bin has seen the positive energy of the qu art world in many old artists, and also read from their conversations the intrinsic gene that the cross-talk art has been inherited for a hundred years and is still loved by everyone, that is, to transmit happiness and promote righteousness. This time, he joined hands with Mr. Liu Junjie, hoping to use his own little strength to escort the healthy and orderly development of cross-talk, and also hoped that more excellent music writers like Liu Junjie could join the team and create better cross-talk works dedicated to the audience who love cross-talk.

Liu Junjie Xiangsheng Art Studio was established in Tianjin

The famous calligrapher Mr. Hei Chengyi wrote an inscription for Liu Junjie's studio

Liu Junjie Xiangsheng Art Studio was established in Tianjin

Old Wei and the calligrapher Mr. Hei Chengyi (right)

At the inauguration ceremony, many music theorists and cross-talk seniors sent blessings for the establishment of the studio, and also appreciated that Mr. Liu Junjie could start again in the ancient and rare year, continue to struggle for the cause of cross-talk, and hope that the studio can produce more good works early, contribute to the inheritance and development of China's excellent traditional culture, and continue the blood of Chinese civilization.

Liu Junjie Xiangsheng Art Studio was established in Tianjin

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