
"Walking Fenjiu" 2019 Fenjiu Culture Tour Exhibition entered Beijing on November 10

author:Wine time

In the traditional Beijing flavor, there is a very "next rice" long-established brand, called "Liubiju", which specializes in a variety of pickles. You must not imagine that the birth of this brand is likely to be the foreshadowing laid by Zhao Min's brother Wang Baobao.

There is indeed a character of Wang Baobao in history, but it is very different from the stupid and lustful people in "The Book of the Dragon Slayer in the Heavens". In reality, Wang Baobao, quite talented and strategic, is a big warlord who is scrupulous by many parties. At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, he occupied the north, and was the strongest opponent of the "rebels" such as Zhu Yuanzhang and Chen Youyi, and also the last struggle on the road to the collapse of the Yuan Dynasty.

How did such a powerful character lay the groundwork for the old Beijing pickles?

Wang Baobao and his foreshadowing

The story begins with the class contradictions and human sufferings at the end of the Yuan Dynasty.

Due to the yuan government's national high-pressure policy and the cruel invasion of natural disasters, at the end of the Yuan dynasty, the people who could not survive jumped up and revolted, and wars broke out, and the people did not have a good life.

At that time, Shanxi was Wang Baobao's territory. Under his rule, Shanxi at that time was a different scene: the wind and rain were smooth, the harvest was harvested year after year, and compared with the neighboring provinces, it was more economically prosperous and prosperous.

As a result, a large number of refugees from other provinces also flowed into Shanxi, making Shanxi a densely populated area. The relatively stable and prosperous social landscape has spawned a more active business thinking and more exquisite craftsmanship of Shanxi people.

After the overthrow of the Yuan Dynasty, The Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang implemented the policy of "emigrating to tuntian and reclaiming wasteland", coupled with the "cutting of the domain" measure, the Yan king Zhu Di set off a war, which led to large-scale migration under the "big locust tree" in Shanxi. According to some sources, from the sixth year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty) to the fifteenth year of Yongle in the Ming Dynasty, more than ten large-scale migrations were carried out. A large part of them came to Beijing.

At that time, Beijing, due to the chaos of war and fire, was sparsely populated, and a large number of immigrants just filled this gap. Today, many of the villages on the outskirts of Beijing called "Camps" are related to former Shanxi immigrants. The Shanxi people who migrated to the outskirts of Beijing were mainly engaged in farming, and their hard work turned the former "Bitter Sea Youzhou" into a rich agricultural area.

Some scholars have roughly estimated that in the Ming and Qing dynasties and even the early Republic of China, one-fifth of the population composition of Beijing was Shanxi. In addition to farming, they set up shops and demonstrated excellent business ideas. In the "Hundred Words of the Old Capital", it is written: "The industrial and commercial circles of the old capital have been almost all the forces of Shandong and Shanxi people for hundreds of years. There are more laborers in Shandong, and more trade in Shanxi. ”

Many of the brands created by Shanxi people later became old brands, the most famous of which is the aforementioned Liubiju.

What is the relationship between Shanxi people and Beijing Wei'er?

From the prosperity of Shanxi under Wang Baobao's rule to the great migration of the Ming Dynasty, it seems that the foreshadowing laid by history has influenced many of the lifestyles of beijing in the future.

In the ninth year of Jiajing in the Ming Dynasty, that is, in 1530 AD, the Zhao family from Shanxi founded the Liubiju Sauce Garden. Today, it has become one of the oldest and most prestigious old brands in Beijing.

In addition to Liubiju pickles, old Beijing also has a unique flavor called autumn pear paste. The "big sister" tong sanyi of the autumn pear paste is also created by Shanxi people. According to folklore scholar Wang Yongbin, the owner of Tong Sanyi is a native of Taigu, Shanxi, surnamed Li. The seafood and dried fruits sold by Tong Sanyi are no different from the shops opened by ordinary Shanxi people, but the cough-curing autumn pear cream sold by his family is made of "palace secret recipe", which has a good curative effect and quality, and has been selling well in the market for more than a hundred years.

At the same time, Shanxi people are also in the subtleties, into the depths of old Beijing's life. For example, many old Beijingers like to "drink two sips" without anything. In the past, people wanted to drink, and they couldn't just go into a barbecue restaurant and re-enter the various bars in Sanlitun as they do now. At that time, people wanted to drink for recreation and "relied on" Shanxi people to provide drinking places.

During the Qing Dynasty, there was a very grounded drinking place in Beijing called "Big Wine Tank". It was a good place for the middle and lower levels of recreation, there was no table in it, the wine jar was buried in the ground, and the lid covered on the wine tank was used as a wine table, and everyone guarded the large wine tank and sat around and drank.

There is also a conventional habit of the big wine tank, every morning, the treasurer will punch out the wine from the wine tank, put it in the wine jar, take care of the master, play wine from the wine jar, absolutely can not take care of the master from the big wine tank to drink, because the wine tank is also called the wine sea, in front of the drinking master to open the wine sea, there will be a metaphor of jumping into the sea, making people feel unlucky.

Most of the people who open large wine tanks are Shanxi people. Among them, the more famous ones are Henghe Qinghe and Dong'anmen Yijucheng in the East Fourth Arch Building, such a "two meat shop", in addition to selling shochu and dishes, also mainly engaged in Shanxi knife-cut noodles.

The "old brand" of Shanxi people, in addition to operating food and clothing items, also dabbles in some daily necessities, such as "Wang Mazi knife scissor shop". Wang Mazi's knife and scissor shop opened in the eighth year of Qing Shunzhi (1651), and in the twenty-first year of Jiaqing (1816), it officially hung up the "Three Generations of Wang Mazi" signboard and used "Wang Mazi" as a commercial symbol.

It can be said that the migrating Shanxi people have shaped the appearance of Beijing in some fields. At the same time, Beijing's inclusiveness has also brought more taste and possibilities to this ancient city. To this day, between Beijing and Shanxi, lifestyles are still colliding and merging.

In the early winter of this year, Shanxi is going to Beijing to "visit relatives."

"Walking Fenjiu" 2019 Fenjiu Culture Tour Exhibition entered Beijing on November 10

On November 10th, the "Walking Fenjiu" 2019 Fenjiu Culture Tour Exhibition will enter Beijing. This surprise "Beijing Fensi Festival", full of fragrance, from experience to interaction, from temperament to connotation, from skill to culture, brings a different temperature to Beijing in early winter. At the scene, you can watch wonderful performances, experience the brewing process, taste the mellow original pulp wine, learn professional tasting methods, all kinds of wonderful far from words can be described, it is better to go to the CCTV Tower to find out!

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