
Before his death, Hu Xueyan warned his descendants not to approach the White Tiger, what does the so-called White Tiger mean?

Hu Xueyan was the richest man in the late Qing Dynasty, as a red-top businessman, his fortune was closely related to the imperial court, but the biggest patron in Hu Xueyan's life was Zuo Zongtang, because he had too close contacts with Zuo Zongtang, so he occupied the heavens and places and the favorable people, and eventually achieved a successful career and earned countless wealth, but he quickly had nothing after embarking on the peak of his life, ten thousand scenes were desolate, poor and sick, and finally died of depression, and the most important sentence he left for posterity was "Don't go near the white tiger"!

Before his death, Hu Xueyan warned his descendants not to approach the White Tiger, what does the so-called White Tiger mean?

Hu Xueyan started from scratch, although he was born low, but all the way to taste the cold and warm of the world, his father died when he was very young, so he had to enter the society to beg for a life when he was young, but Hu Xueyan was born smart, and his vision was very long-term, he was very timely about the opportunity to succeed, he understood very early that if he wanted to make a lot of money, he had to have a strong backer, so he went to great lengths to make friends with the powerful and broaden his contacts.

Before his death, Hu Xueyan warned his descendants not to approach the White Tiger, what does the so-called White Tiger mean?

Hu Xueyan in the growth of his own business at the same time, acquainted with the life's biggest patron Zuo Zongtang, because of the care of the imperial court, so Hu Xueyan was able to seize the opportunity to make a fortune in the country, and eventually became the richest man in the Qing Dynasty, but the flowers were not red, after Zuo Zongtang's death, Hu Xueyan's good days came to an end, and soon he was dismissed by Li Hongzhang and raided his home, and eventually had nothing, and Hu Xueyan in his later years was called poor and sick, miserable and miserable.

Before his death, Hu Xueyan warned his descendants not to approach the White Tiger, what does the so-called White Tiger mean?

After experiencing the ups and downs of life, Hu Xueyan regarded silver as a white tiger, which means that wealth is like a fierce tiger, very dangerous and uncontrollable, so you must not be greedy, otherwise it will be eaten back. Hu Xueyan's last will and testament to his children and grandchildren was not allowed to do business, so far none of his descendants have chosen to do business, and More than two hundred descendants of Hu Xueyan are spread across five continents around the world, engaged in various occupations but only those who do not do business, because they all remember the ancestral precepts.

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